Chapter 3

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Waking up in my bed again early, for some reason I can't sleep in late anymore. I felt something around my waist and something hard against my back. "Stop freaking out, its just me." Spencer moaned into the pillow. I giggled and moved his arm. He moved it back to where it was before. "Spencer I have to pee, like really bad." I said moving his arm again. Once more he put his arm around my waist and then moved himself so he was on me.

"Spencer I have to pee, if you don't move in the next few seconds, I will not hesitate to pee on you." I said trying to push him off. "But I'm comfortable." He whines into my chest. He has he head laying over my heart and the rest of his chest on my stomach, but his waist down are facing side ways. "Spencer please move." He finally moves and I bolt to the bathroom. After finishing I find him once again asleep on my bed.

Walking down the stairs I see no one is up. Walking into the kitchen, I grab all the ingredients to make pancakes. Not pancakes where you buy the powder in the box, no completely homemade pancakes. These are the only thing I can cook.

I'm trying to be as quiet as possible since everyone was tired. Spencer and went to bed early last night. I wonder if Marcus will wake me up like usual, only to find Spencer there. Laughing quietly to myself, I poured the batter onto the pan, and waited until they were ready to flip. I heard people beginning to wake up. Ty was the first one down, with Carmen right behind him. Carmen I got off to a rough start, but in the end we are really good friends. She smiled and came to help me with the pancakes.

Ty just sat down, with his head in his arms. I looked at him then to Carmen.

He's just tired.


She just blushed.

Never mind sorry.

She laughed out loud, when I had finally realized it.

Sorry, I knew you would figure it out.

Yeah, I should've just left it at he was at he was tired.

Well you did sleep with Alpha Spencer last night.

Yeah we slept Carmen. Keep it PG.

She laughed as I flipped the pancakes. The other pack members began to come down. I heard Marcus knocking on my bedroom door. Carmen and I sneaked out of the kitchen while everyone was eating. We stood behind the bathroom door to watch what was about to happen.

"Megan come on get up sleepy head, there are pancakes. " He said still knocking the door. The door open revealing Spencer. I laughed at the sight of Marcus's face. "Thank you for letting me know Marcus." He saw me in the bathroom and smiled. I couldn't contain my laughter anymore because I saw Marcus's face better now. His jaw was wide open, and his eyes were the size of golf balls.

Carmen took her phone out and took a picture. Spencer came and kissed me on the lips. "I have to go back to my pack, meet me there in an hour? "

I nodded and he grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs. He stopped by the door and kissed me on the lips. I turn around to see Marcus looking at me blankly. Everyone was smiling but my mom. My mom had a few tears rolling down her face.

I ran to her. "Mom are you okay? What's wrong?" I whispered frightened. "I'm so happy for you." She said as she pulled me into a hug. I smiled when I hugged her back.

When we let go I turned around. Marcus has Allie sitting on his lap on the couch. She saw me and smiled nodding toward the water glass on the counter. I got it and handed it to her. She stuck her fingers in it and then flicked the water at him. He didn't move. She did it again and again until he finally looked up. She handed him the water and then got off his lap. He took a big drink out of it and then ran outside.

I ran after him, there were at least 10 rouges outside.

I ran back in and told all of the boys. They all ran out and all of the girls ran upstairs, so they wouldn't have a cow about us being downstairs. I watched out the window, they only had 2 left and then they would be back in. I heard the door open and I ran downstairs, telling everyone else to stay up here. I saw Marcus being carried in by Cole and Elijah. I immediately ran to get my mom, she was the pack doctor. She rushed down and into the infirmary with him.

"At least 6 of the rouges attacked him before we could even get outside. We tried getting them off of him but they latched on. We had to kill them while they were still attached. But having Alpha blood in him, I think he's going to be fine." Cole said. He was another pack member. Allie came down and ran to me, she was crying. I told her what Cole had just told me and she nodded. My mom came out and smiled. "He'll be find, just cuts and bruises." Allie hugged her and then went into the room.

"Spencer!" I thought to myself.

I ran upstairs and combed my hair and applied a little make up. I put on my dark jean short shorts and a purple tank top and headed out the door. Steven asked where I was going and I told him the Full Moon Pack. He nodded but told me to be careful. I nodded and smiled. I got into my car because I didn't want to have to shift back on his territory. I drove to his pack house, and knocked on the door. A women answered. She looked me up and down in disgust. Okay then.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Megan Hunters, Alpha Spencer's mate." Again she looked me up and down. "You are not his mate, Chelsi is. They have already mated fully. You need to get off of this land before I drag you off this property myself. Your just some gold digging whore that wants to get into my nephew's pants. Well guess what, your not, stay the hell away from him you bitch." After saying that she slammed the door on my face.

The pain in my chest began to build up until the point where I couldn't breathe. Tears were rolling down my face as I got into my car, my hands were shaking as I tried to put the car in drive. My door was opened and I was pulled into his arms. "Let go of me! You lied to me Spencer. Get off of me." He just held me tighter as I tried to get away from him. "I didn't lie, Megan, she did. She has always wanted me and Chelsi to be mates. I can't stand my aunt or Chelsi." I looked up at him, to see nothing but pure pain in his eyes.

"You promise." I looked up at him and asked.

He looked down and kissed me. A long and passionate kiss. I kissed him back, putting all of my heart into this kiss. When we pulled away for air we smiled at each other. He caressed my cheek and I put my hand on his neck and guided him down to me for another kiss.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now