Chapter 7

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I woke up to someone laying next to me. The sheets were scattered around the room. I was snuggled into Spencers chest, with his chest rising and falling. His breaths ever so gently hitting the top of my head.

I unwrapped myself from him. He moved a little but not much, and he stayed asleep. I walked out of our bedroom and down the stair case. Some people were up. I saw a redheaded girl standing in the kitchen making pancakes. "You need help?" She jumped and turned to me. She smiled and I realized she looks a lot like Spencer. "No, but thank you Luna." She smiled shyly at me. "My name is Megan. You can call me Megan if you want." She smiled big. "Well good, I wasn't planning on doing it for so long. My name is Hallie. I'm Spencer's twin sister. " She holds her flour covered hand out to me. I grab it and shake her hand.

"Do you still want to help?" She asked. "Of course. But I can't cook unless I have music, so excuse me for a sec." I heard her giggle as I walked out to get my iPod. I grabbed it from my purse. Spencer was still asleep. I ran as quietly down the stair as I possibly could.

Hallie was still in the kitchen waiting for me. I turn on my iPod and the first song to come on was Everything I didn't say by 5 Seconds of Summer. I started singing along with it while I poured the batter onto the pan. I after putting the bowl down, I went to get a spatula. Dancing to and from the other side, I saw the audience we had.

I smiled and went to a random guy and pulled him to start dancing with me. Then I moved to the next guy, who put his hands up signalling he didn't want to. I just smiled and ruffled his hair. He smiled at me.

"Welcome to the pack Luna." He said while reaching his hand out to shake it. He kissed it before he shook it. I blushed but moved on. I saw a little boy running to me. He launched himself into my arms. "Mommy! Your here!" I stood there shocked. The guy I was just talking to gave me a small smile before taking the boy from me.

"Blake, she's not your mommy. Your mommy's gone." Blake started to cry and I asked the guy to hand him back to me. Blake came willingly into my arms. "Hi Blake." He looked up, and tears were still rolling down his face. "You sound like my mommy." I kissed his forehead. "I may not be your real mommy, but I promise to love you like yours does." He held me tighter. "Okay mommy." I looked up at the guy. "What is your name?" He looked away from Blake and to me. "I'm Jered. Spencer's Beta." I nodded and walked back to the kitchen.

The pancakes were done, so I left Hallie to eat. I walked back upstairs to where Spencer was. He was still asleep in the bed. I shook him with my right arm, because my left was still holding Blake. He woke up and looked at me. Confusion and then realization faded from his eyes.

He held out his hands. I handed Blake to him, and Blake curled up into his chest. "Hey buddy! How are you?"

"I found my new mommy." He said as he pointed to me. Spencer smiled. "I know, she's perfect you know. I think you already have her wrapped around your finger." Spencer laughed and Blake followed what he did. I grinned. My boys are amazing.

It feels so weird to say boys but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Blake ended up to be 3 years old. His mother was human and died in a car accident, leaving his father with him. His father was once a part of this pack, but when his mate died, he lost it. When there was a battle with the Rogues, he walked out and let them kill him.

Blake has no parents but everyone takes care of him. Until I made him my son. He calls Spencer Daddy and calls me Mommy. It's the best feeling in the world.

We sat on the bed, and listen to Blake tell us stories. He told us one tha Jarod had told him. Remind me to teach him how to tell a story. "Daddy?" Blake looked up at his father. "What buddy?" Blake looked at me while he asked his question. "Do you love Mommy?" I smiled at Spencer and then to Blake. "Yes buddy I do."

"Then why aren't you married?"

"Buddy, we haven't known each other long, but don't worry. It will be soon."

I froze when i heard this. Me as a wife. Ha! That's funny.

I grabbed his left hand and kissed his ring finger. "So this won't be naked for much longer?"

"It will only be clothed for you."

"OH MY GOD THAT IS TOO DAMN ADORABLE! MY OVARIES ARE GONNA BURST! Hallie said as she opened the door. She stood standing at the doorframe with her hands on her cheeks.

"What. The. Hell. Hallie. Have we not talked about your timing problems?" Spencer said with a fake anger on his face. I'm pretty sure my face was the shade of a tomato. Blake got off of Spencer's lap and ran past Hallie. I looked at Spencer and he shrugged and let his sitting body fall backwards onto the bed. Which with me being so light. Bounced me off. I hit my shoulder on the bedside dresser.

"Holy monkey testicles in the summer heat! That hurt like a damn bitch!" I mumbled to my self, and Spencer leaned over the edge. "Monkey Balls?" He said with a smirk. "Shut the hell up Ryans." He put his hand on his chest in mock outrage. "I thought you loved me! We were on first names basis! You don't love me you evil betch." He got up and stormed ou the door. His legs going up to his chest, sticking his chest out, his head back, swinging his arms like a drunk Mickey Mouse.

He hit his hand on the door framed but kept walking. "Goddamn monkey balls." He said shaking his hand back and forth.

I'm sorry this is so short. I've been busy all week, and the next time I would be able to update would be after the 12th..... So this is a short chapter, but the next one is going to be longer. I promise.

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