Chapter 14

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I got off of Ty and walked over to my boys. Sitting on Blake's side of the bed, I gently shook him. He automatically woke up and hugged me, but fell asleep again in my arms. Ty just stood in the doorway smiling at me before leaving.

I took Spencer's face in my hands and gently kissed him. I felt a pull on me and this image began to fade into black.




The heart monitor that I was hooked up to sounded throughout the room. I felt a pressure on my hand and I turned my head and opened my eyes. Having to close them once the dizziness started.

"It's, okay. Take your time." His gently voice made my heart flutter. Everything hurt.

My eyes finally allowed me to open them, he was sitting next to me with dark purple bags under his eyes. Tears clouded his vision as he reached up and kissed me. This is not like any of the other kisses no. This was the kiss that shows our love for each other.

My lungs were screaming at me because try weren't getting enough oxygen. I pulled back but only to take a breath. Our eyes interlocked and he gently caressed my cheek. He went blank for a moment, he was mind-linking someone.

Blake ran into the room not five seconds later. His little legs carried him as fast as he could go. He jumped on my bed and laid his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around me. I laughed at his act.

"I missed you mommy." He whispered almost soundlessly. "I missed you too baby. I missed you to." I kissed his forehead.

The door opened and everyone walked in it. Mom and Ty, who yes is okay, came and hugged me. They all were standing around when Spencer stood up from my bed.

"I have an announcement to make. As you all know Megan was kidnapped by Alpha Rick. He still wants her, and will still fight for her. But we now have a new member, one who is willing to fight for her. To fight for his daughter." Everyone stared confused at this until my father walked in.

He's here, meaning the kidnapping and the rescuing was all real. But me waking up in Blake's room was just a dream.

My mom gasped and tears ran down her face. "Andrew?" She whispered quietly. He nodded and she ran to him, but what made us all freeze was Ty.

"Dad?" Ty said, his voice deeper than what anyone remembered, my hands flew to my mouth and my mother turned around. Silent tears rolled down his face. "Oh my god! Dad your here!" He said as he ran to my father, this time his sobs were loud.

Everyone was confused by the reunion. Someone who was pronounced dead 12 years ago is now back and hugging his family.

Ty and my mom stepped back and wiped their tears. My father and I explained to everyone what happened in that horrible month and 12 years. I leaned into Spencer while holding Blake the whole time.

My family was back, and we are stronger than ever.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now