Chapter 20

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The plane ride wasn't as bad as I thought. We walked out of the plane making sure to thank the attendant. Spencer grabbed my hand gently into his. Guiding me out of the airport. He had placed a blindfold cover my eyes. I was walking completely in the dark.

I listened to the sounds around me. I heard the sounds of the cars passing by. Feeling the warm sun and air, I let it pull me in. I held onto Spencer as he led me to what I suppose is the rental car or taxi. He laughed when I tripped over my feet.

"Clumsy butt." He said jokingly. "Shut up asshole." I snapped pulling away and feeling for the car. I jumped in hitting my head but I didn't make a sound. I was so irritable from not getting any sleep on the plane. Just him saying that made me mad.

He pulled me close to him, and rested his head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." He said into my hair while playing with my other ear. I patted his head and turned my own to kiss his. "I know. I am too." We were in a taxi because I heard a second voice. "So what brings you to Rio?"

I ripped the blindfold off and looked at Spencer. He was smirking at me then he kissed my forehead. "We're here for our honeymoon." He said proudly. Great. I have a cocky husband. Husband. That's really weird to even think about.

I started twirling my ring around my finger and starring out the window. Many people where just walking enjoying the lights. The music was amazing, I could here it through the doors. "Congratulations. Me and my husband got married when we were 20. "

I felt Spencer stiffen but then relaxed. "How long have you been married?"

"It will be a year in a month."


"Thank you. How old are you two? I'm Joel by the way."

"I'll be 19 in about a week. My wife Megan is 18. It's nice to meet you Joel, I'm Spencer."

"Well Spencer, you may want to get your wife out of her daze, because we're here."

I snapped out of my trance and looked at Spencer. He had a look of worry, but I reassured him I was fine.

We were at a boat dock. Oh my god. "Spencer?" He tipped Joel and then looked at me turning his head to the side like a dog wanting food would. " Are you doing a Twilight move?" He smirked at me an motion me into the boat.

I got in and he turned the boat on, wrapping his arm around me while he steered. I fell asleep once again.

I woke up in a big canopy bed made out of dark oak wood. The sheets were white with a beige comforter. Spencer was still asleep next to me, I scooted over and snuggled into his warmth. He wrapped his arms around me and fell back asleep.

I laid there for about 20 minutes before deciding to get ready. I tucked the covers around him and went to the bathroom. I got in the shower washing the make up from last night off. I got out and put my wet hair up into a towel and wiped my face down. I applied a champaign color eyeshadow. Eyeliner and mascara are a must for today. Along with some coral colored blush.

Pulling my hair out of the towel I brushed it and left it to air dry. I went silently to the closet and pulled out my dark jean short shorts, and a gray tank top and headed to the kitchen.

I put the coffee in the machine and opened the fridge. I pulled out the vanilla yogurt and berries. Then I opened the cabinet and pulled out the oatmeal, brown sugar, along with the peanut butter. (A/N this is how I eat my oatmeal, I'm on a serious oatmeal rampage lol)

I put water on the stove in a small pot to boil for the oatmeal. The coffee was almost finished so I grabbed two mugs. Heather gave us 2 coffee mugs, one said Mr. and the other said Mrs.

They were both black square mugs. Mine had Mrs with Minnie Mouse ears under it, and Spencer's had Mr with Mickey Mouse ears under it.

I poured coffee in both and put the peanut sugar oatmeal in the bowls, along with the the yogurt in smaller bowls with the berries.

I placed everything on the table, leaving it to go get him. He was putting on his tan shorts and a red v-neck before smiling and kissing me. I broke away when his stomach growled. I laughed and pulled him towards the food.

We ate and them decided to go outside and just lay on the beach. We laid close enough that the waves splashed over our feet but never came up any further.

We talked about what we wanted to do for the next 3 weeks that we are here. Tonight is a movie night. Popcorn, brownies, and beer. Perfect night, since last night we fell asleep from pure exhaustion.

We were on the beach for 2 hours. We went in around 6. I made the batter for the brownies before putting them in the oven. I got out chicken breasts and seasoned them before handing them off to Spencer to cook. Hopefully he knows how to cook.

I put on some rice and let that cook before grabbing the salad package out of the fridge. Spencer brought in perfectly cooked chicken breasts, so I diced them and put them in the rice. Adding salt and pepper.

We made our plates before sitting in front of the T.V. before switching back and forth between channels. Spider-Man 2 was on so we decided to watch it.

Not halfway through the movie the timer for the brownies went off. I took them out and quickly got them out of the pan before slicing them and putting them on a dish, grabbing 2 beers and a bag of chips. I didn't want to miss anymore of the movie so I didn't make the popcorn. I placed them on the coffee table before grabbing the fuzzy blanket and snuggling into Spencer.

*End of the movie*

"WHAT THE HECK!" I screamed jumping up. Peter was holding Gwen's body in his arms crying. "YOU FREAKING KILLED HER! WHAT IS THIS SHIT?! THEY JUST MADE UP ON THE BRIDGE. SON OF A BITCH!" I sat back down on the couch crossing my arms. I reached and grabbed my beer taking a drink. Spencer was staring at me with a smirk on his face. "You knew didn't you." He nodded. I flipped him off before starting to clean up. He laughed and joined in. I took the empty bag and the dirty plate to the kitchen.

After everything was cleaned we went up stairs and changed. I got in my blue fuzzy pants and a gray v-neck and went to wash my face off.

When I was finally done, I met Spencer in bed. He was laying in bed watching me. I climbed on top of him straddling him. I kissed his chin and then his lips. We kissed for what seemed like hours before he flipped us, so now I was under him.

His eyes were black and I was pretty sure mine were as well. He kissed me again before kissing my mark. I grasped and grabbed onto his back. He trailed kisses to my ear. "I want you so bad." He whispered.

He pulled back and I put my hands on his face. "I want you too." He growled before kissing me passionately.

Lets just say we didn't get hardy any sleep that night....

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now