Chapter 16

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Blake was playing in the lake, in the back of the house. Spencer was working on his car. 'Doing manly things' as he calls it. I'm sitting on a lawn chair a few meters away from Blake. One of Spencer's old friends from high school is coming over today, with his mate and kid.

I heard a car pull up in the drive way, so I called Blake over to me, and put a towel around him. I picked him up and walked where Spencer was doing a man hug to another dude.

"Babe this is my good friend Elliot, my best man at our wedding." Elliot had blonde hair and lots of freckles. His left hand had a black wedding band on it.

I shook his hand and smiled. "Hello, Megan I'm Elliot as Monkey Balls over here said. That's my wife Amy and my little girl Kayleigh. " A girl with long brown hair got out of the car with a little girl with blonde curls.

Kayleigh hid her face in her mothers neck. Amy shook my hand, and I reached and tickled Kayleigh. She giggled and her mother smiled.

She looked at me with her small face. Her bright green eyes were blinding. Blake squirmed in my arms. They were both staring at each other.

Amy and I looked at each other with knowing looks. I think we have future mates here. I put Blake down and Amy put Kayleigh down and they both looked at the ground. I gently pushed him to her and he stumbled but caught himself.

Kayleigh grabbed his hand and led him towards a tree with a tire swing.

Poor Blake looked like a lost puppy following her, tripping over each step. The boys had blankets and a picnic basket, so we headed over to the tree. I got my wedding planner book out and put it in the middle. It was now October 24th.

We decided November 18th we would have our wedding in the field where he proposed. Under the big willow tree. Amy was going to be the photographer, Blake is the ring bearer, Kayleigh is the flower girl, Elliot is the best man, Marcus, Ty, Jarod, and Chase are all groomsmen. While Heather is my maid of honor, and Ally Hallie, Gwen, Carmen, and my mom are my bridesmaids. My dad of course is going to give me away.

I picked up my turkey sub and took a bite. Leaning back I laid against Spencer. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead. Blake and Kayleigh played until the point where they both came and fell asleep in Amy and I's lap. I ran my fingers through Blake's brown hair. He looked so peaceful asleep, with everything that's happened.

Spencer got up and grabbed Blake. I stood up and brushed off my pants, taking Blake back. It was cold out so I grabbed one of the extra blankets we had and gently placed it over him.

His birthday was coming up. We were planning a party for him, we want it to be a surprise. Hopefully he doesn't find out before.

We began walking back, Spencer had his arm around me, and Elliot and Amy were behind us with little Kayleigh fast asleep in her daddy's arms, with the other blanket around her. She was 2 and Blake was about to turn 4.

Here we all are 19 and I 18 with kids. I never thought I would have a kid until I was thirty. Thank God that didn't happen.

Elliot and I both went upstairs and put Blake and Kayleigh in the bed with the blankets over them.

Their to young to know about that stuff, so they can sleep together in the same bed right.

Right? Oh well, that's what's gonna happen.

We both walked quietly out of the room, and gave each other a high-five.

Everyone was out doing their thing, so it was only us today. We put in a movie and I went to the kitchen and made popcorn, and put a few beers and cookies on a plate.

I passed out the beers to everyone and then handed a bowl of popcorn to Amy and placed the cookies on the coffee table.

I had no clue on what movie we were watching until the title came up.

The Exorcist

Freaking great. Just perfect.

I slapped Spencer and he laughed. "Don't worry I'll protect you." He wrapped his arms tightly around me and kissed my forehead. I pray to god the kids don't wake up and come down here.

When the movie was done, I automatically ran to the bathroom. Beers and a scary movie don't mix well.

I checked on the kids and they were still sleeping, only now Blake had his arm wrapped tightly around Kayleigh like a pillow, and Kayleigh had her legs mixed in with his.

Their 2-3 years old! Well, like I said future mates. I smiled and shut the door. Looks like their staying the night.

We decided at 6 we would go out to eat at Harry's diner. They had the best burgers I swear on my life.

I went and took a shower styling my hair into a curled ponytail, leaving my bangs to the side. I put on my favorite dark jeans, and a white shirt with a brown leather jacket, pairing it with my tall 3 inch brown boots.

I lightly brushed on a light cream eye shadow and applied some mascara, eyeliner and a coral color lipstick.

I put my engagement ring on. Putting on my diamond studded earrings and my necklace.

I sprayed on a bit of vanilla and cherry perfume and went downstairs.

Spencer was dressed in his favorite black jeans, with a gray button up dress shirt. Blake looked so handsome with his dark jeans and red polo shirt. I picked him up and swung him onto my hip and carried him out to the car.

Elliot and them were behind us, as we drove to the diner. After we ate, I decided I wanted to get my nose pierced and a tattoo.

We drove to a tattoo and piercing parlor. Elliot and Amy took the kids to the park, so they wouldn't be here while I got the tattoo.

The tattoo artist came and took me back to get my nose pierced. It stung like a bitch, but wasn't that bad. I now had a little diamond stud in my nose.

I went and looked at the tattoo options. Spencer was getting angels wings on his chest with our wedding date in the middle of it.

I decided to get a quote on my left shoulder blade.

Two hearts together are always stronger than the evil that tries to destroy them.

I'm getting leaves and stars mixed together on the beginning and end of the quote.

It was 11:30 when me and Spencer finally were finished, my shoulder is sore and is wrapped in plastic wrap. The guy told us all of the things we needed to do to help them heal.

Poor human didn't know we would be completely healed in about and hour or so. I'm going to get my cartilages pierced later, now I just want to go home and sleep.

That's exactly what I did when I got home. Amy and Elliot were still up, they had put the kids to bed and so we showed them the guest bedroom. I hopped into bed with everything on.

I'm going to look like absolute shit tomorrow when I get up. I felt Spencer get in next to me, so I cuddled into his warmth and fell asleep.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now