Chapter 12

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I never realized how cold metal can get. These chains that are wrapped around my wrist, are colder than the air in this basement. The smell of sulfur and burning wood can suffocate you, if you breath in to much at a time.

Everything is silent, other than the rare sounds of the tiny creatures that I share this hell with. In about 5 minutes the furnace will go on, making it as hot as hell in here.

Alpha Rick. I haven't seen him, since the day he took me. I believe that would be a week ago. Spencer and his pack still haven't found me. I can't imagine that he ever will. This place is no where near America.

America. My home. Where my son and love is. I think about them, when I am conscious. It's the only thing that keeps me sane. I worry about Ty and Carmen. Carmen had a better chance of living than my brother did. A silver bullet to the abdomen? That's like shooting a human directly in the heart.

Alpha Rick's son has come in here quite a lot. For his father being evil, he is actually really nice. Alpha Rick only wants me fed once a day. But Damian manages to bring me all three, and they are not huge portions. But they aren't much either.

I fear that Damien is starting to take a liking for me. That scares me more than being captured. A guard comes in through the door and unhooks the chains from the wall. Freeing me to his control. Dragging me roughly by the chains he leads me into a dark room.

"What now." A hoarse deep voice calls from the darkness. A voice that I remember from long ago. A voice that I never thought I would hear again. A voice that sounds so empty. So lost.

"Daddy?" I whispered. I heard a grunt coming from him. The guard threw me to the floor and left. That's when the lights turned on and I saw him. Alpha Rick came in through the door that the guard had just excited from.

"Awe what a cute sight. A family reuninion. Andrew? Say hello to your daughter. Megan, say hello to your father."

This is the first time that he had really looked at me. His eyes were now very dull, he looked at me and I looked at him. Tears were forming in both of our eyes, I crawled over to him and put my hand on his cheek. He grabbed me and hugged me.

Alpha Rick walked out. At least he would give some peace to us, while we hugged.

Our only peace in this hell.


Spencer's P.O.V. (Day Megan is taken)

"Pack meeting now!" I screamed through the pack house. Tyson and Carmen had been moved to the infirmary. Carmen is going to be fine. But Tyson is a different story. He is in a coma, right now while his body heals, but it's still critical. I think the only thing keeping him alive is his Alpha Blood.

Everyone was gathered in the meeting room we have. I stood by the podium, and saw everyone black and blue, bloody, people with tears in their eyes.

"Megan has been taken. Carmen will be fine, but Tyson we don't know about it yet. Alpha Rick of the Dark-Moon is behind this as some may know. My son Blake needs his mother home. My pack needs their Luna. You all need your family member back. I need my love back. So lets rage hell on that son of a bitch who took her away from us! Kill anyone from that pack that tries to stop you! Lets get Megan back!" I scream into the room.

Cheers erupted from all of the people. We began to look around the house for clues, there was nothing.


It's been a month now since I was taken. I'm so thin now, I look like a plastic Barbie.

My father and I are now sharing a room. Alpha Rick almost killed him when I was six, yet in his sick mind torturing my father was better than killing him.

Damien stopped bringing me food as soon as I was moved with my father. I often tell him stories about my life and how everyone is. He nods occasionally, and gives me a weak smile. Or he lets me rest my head on his chest, wrapping an arm around me to sleep.

I see Ty in him, it's quite scary. I just wish I could see Ty again. I wish I could see anyone again.

Spencer's P.O.V.

Blake came running down the hall and into my arms. It's been a long hard month without Megan here. We still have no leads to where she is. I've looked everywhere.

We invaded the Dark-Moon pack house. Well where they use to live I guess. It was empty when we searched it. I looked for clues on where we would, but nothing.

"Daddy? Can't you talk to mommy through your head? Or is that fake?"
Blake asked while playing with my hair.



That's it!

I kissed his cheek before handing him over to Hallie. Running to my office I shut the door. Not wanting to be near someone if it doesn't work.

Baby? Megan if you can hear me, tell me where you are.

Nothing happened. So I tried again.

Mey, if you can hear me, please tell me where you are.

Again nothing. I sighed and began to open the door when her voice echoed through my mind.

Spencer? Is that you?

It's me sweetheart. It's me. Tell me where you are so I can come get you!

I'm in a abandon pack house on an Island past Australia. It's called Sorcery Hill.

I'm coming Mey! Just hold on! I love you.

I love you too Spence. Please hurry!

That son of a bitch won't know what hit him. When I find him, his ass better run.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now