Chapter 19

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It was currently 9pm, November 17th. Hallie was dragging me from Spencer's and mine room. A groom must never see the bride before the wedding. We're not doing the reveal until I walk down the isle. Tomorrow at 2 I will become Mrs. Ryans. Oh my God.

Hallie gets me settled into my room. This room is the same size as our room, yet it feels very empty. I climb into bed but not before putting on a movie. Leap Year starring Amy Adams was on and I snuggled into bed.

I grabbed my phone and sent Spencer a text. He replied almost instantly.

Miss me already eh?

You know I do.

Whatcha up to?

Watching Leap Year and talking to you. What about you?

Talking to you, laying in bed. You know manly things.

Uh huh. We need a dog. Like bad.

Why do we need a dog?

Cause I'm lonely.

You won't be lonely tomorrow though. You'll have me.

Yeah but what about when you leave? I'll be alone with Blake, and I won't be able to entertain him the whole time.

True. Fine, we'll get a dog the last day of our honeymoon.

By the way where are we going?

It's a surprise.

Damn you Romeo.

I love you Juliet

I love you too.

I put my phone down on the bedside table. Pulling the covers up I fell asleep.


"Megan! Wake up! It's your wedding day. Oh my god Gwen her hair! Megan what the hell? Oh well. Hallie! Get your ass up here. Gwen where's the bottle of water. OH MY GOD MY BEST FRIEND IS GETTING MARRIED. THEN THEIR GONNA HAVE BABIES AND OH MY GOD! MEGAN GET UP!

I groaned and put my head back into my pillow flipping her off. She dared to pour water on me, which cause me to fly out of bed to attack her. " I told you to get up and you thought I was kidding." She said.

I got off of her and went to the shower. I took a good 50 minute shower making sure I was as clean and good smelling as I could get.

It was about 12 went I got out. I immediately put my hair up in a towel and went to where the girls were. They were finishing up their makeup.

When Heather was finished with her make up she came and did mine. We opened a window and put fans on to make sure it didn't get hot in here.

Heather began to do her hair while Gwen began on mine. She straight ironed my bangs then curling my hair loosely. I left my lipstick off until we were about to walk out. I put my coral lipstick in before walking out to meet my dad.

He looked at me with such love, I felt the tears began to brim. "Hey. No crying. Baby, you are so beautiful. Are you ready?" He said wiping my eyes dry before the tears could spill over.

I nodded and we got in place. All of the bridesmaids and groomsmen went up. Then my Maid of Honor and Spencer's Best Man went. After everything was settled the pianist began to play the song, that I would walk to Spencer with. Two of our pack members opened the doors for my dad and I.

Spencer was standing under the willow tree in his black suit with a very dull gold tie. He smiled at me an took my hand when I reached him. He held my hand throughout the whole wedding.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now