Chapter 18

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I woke up and rolled over expecting Spencer to be there. I was hit by the cold sensation of the empty sheets. I dragged myself out of the bed and into the bathroom. My pure black hair was old and boring. I looked under the sink to find all of my hair dyes. I grabbed the dark chocolate hair color.

Dyeing your hair is a pain in the ass by yourself. I waited the 40 minutes before taking a shower. My hair was already back at its full length, so I grabbed my scissors and cut it to look like Christina Grimme's hair. I dried and straightened it and moved on to my makeup.

I put foundation, concealer, and powder on. Next I put a light cream color eye shadow with a black cat eye for liner. This brought out my bright blue eyes.

I applied bronzer and blush, swiping a coral color lips stick on with a nude lip gloss I headed towards my closet.

I took out a long wavy green shirt, with a low shoulder, that showed my tattoo pairing it with cream colored pants with black poke-a-dots on them. Laying them out on my bed, I got a brown rope belt out and put it with them. I grabbed my golden sandals, and put everything on. Placing my necklace around my neck and my engagement ring on I headed downstairs.

Spencer was in the kitchen making Blake some blueberry pancakes. I walked over to Blake and kissed his hair. His eyes went wide as he stared at me. "Mommy! You look pretty!" I smiled and thanked him.

Spencer's reaction was amazing. He had a pink floral apron on and a black spatula in his left hand, raised up like he was holding a purse in between the crook of his arm. His eyes were wide and his mouth open.

I gently shut his mouth and kissed him on the lips. "Damn my fiancé is hot." He said as he played with my hair. Jarod walked into the kitchen he looked me up and down before smiling. "Well shit. If Luna keeps getting hotter I may just leave you Felix." I heard a low growl come from both Felix and Spencer before I smelled smoke.

I turned around so quickly I gave myself whiplash and fell to the floor in pain holding my head. Spencer rushed to my side and gently rubbed my head, while Jarod took care of the burning pancakes.

"Ah hell, that hurts." I said as I sat up still holding my head.

"Like monkey testicles in a summers heat?" Spencer asked jokingly.

"Shut the hell up."

"Never. I shall continue talking until monkey testicles don't hurt."

"Your to damn weird from your own good, how are you an Alpha?"

"I'm just too good for my own good, not weird"

"Babe, no. Now is not the time to get cocky. Your already being a werewolf for tonight."

"I'm just embracing my kind."

"Yeah, cocky assholes."

"You offend me sometimes Mey."

"I love you?"

"Really? Your playing that card."

"I love you a lot? More than chocolate ice cream."

"You hate chocolate ice cream."

" I know." I said as I got up out of his lap and went to the T.V. room and started watching T.V. I didn't really pay attention all I knew is that in 9 hours I was going to turn green. Marcus, Ty and the girls are coming over later.

God knows I need Gwen's help to do my make up. Elliot and his family are coming as well. Amy told me that Kayleigh was going to be MJ from Spider-Man to match Blake. I thought it was adorable.

I went to go and find Blake, but he wasn't in his room. I looked in our bed room but he still wasn't there. I ran down the steps and looked outside and sure enough Jarod was climbing a tree with him.

Please don't let him get hurt. I thought to myself. I went and got Hallie, we decided to also have a Halloween party tonight so she got to working on the treats and I started working on the decorations. I rounded up a few of the guys to help me put decorations up outside.

By the time they were done, I had already made the champagne bottles look like candy corns, an put the in the middle of the dimming set. Along with some decorated pumpkins. I turned the fire place on and went to the closet and got some fake leaves to put on the mantle.

I took some cobwebs and wrapped it around the ceiling fan, also putting it on the treat table in the corner. I put a orange table cloth on the treat table with the punch bowl and ice bowl. I also put the little candy holders as well, but I wouldn't put anything in them until the party started.

I randomly placed little spiders everywhere around the cobwebs and downstairs. I went to the kitchen next and put up a few mason jar candles, that looked like potions. Also putting a few jack-o-lanterns as well. I put a pumpkin spice candle in the middle of the stove and lit it.

The last thing that I did was put a happy Halloween mat, by the front door. I backed up so I could see the whole house. I smiled, it looked like a shitty house with cobwebs. I love it. Spencer wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on top of my head.

I leaned into him and that's when I heard a click. I turn my head to the left and saw Hallie with her camera. I groaned and turned around putting my head in Spencer's neck.


It was five minutes until everyone got here so I turned on some music, that wasn't even Halloweeny. I went and put Blake in his costume and I got in mine. I painted myself green, I just need Gwen to to my make up. My hair didn't match but oh well, it still looks amazing.

I heard a knock on the door, Blake ran and opened it revealing Marcus who scooped him up and swinging him in the air. Everyone pooled in after, Gwen and Heather grabbed me and pulled me upstairs with Allie and Carmen following.

"Your not really going to go as a witch?" Asked Allie.

"That's what I was planning. She's not just a witch she's the best witch like ever." I defended.

"Go put this on." And take that makeup off. I came out with Rapunzel's dress and wig on. Gwen sat me down and started on my makeup while Heather fixed my hair. They made me put in green contacts that burn the shit out of my eyes. When they were finally done I looked almost exactly like her.

We went downstairs but they made me go last. Typical. When I got downstairs I was meet by my Prince Charming, no longer a werewolf but in fact Flynn Rider himself. Or Eugene, I prefer Eugene.

I smiled and looked down at the floor while walking over to him. He lifted my chin up and smiled. "Your so beautiful." He leaned his head down and I stood on my tippy toes to kiss him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We were stopped with Marcus made a gagging noise and pulled us apart. I glared at him but he just smirked.

"Now you guys are the best couple. Your dressed as the most amazing Disney couple there is, embrace it!" Gwen said as she took pictures. Blake ran over and I picked him up, only to have a lot more photos taken.

Kayleigh and Blake grabbed their pillow cases and we walked outside greeted by many kids and their parents.

We got back home around 8 from trick or treating the kids ate a lot of sugar on the way back. They were bouncing off the walls now. My mom and Dad came over and we all just hung out. I put the kids to bed around 9:30 and we all decided to get out of our costumes.

I came back down with my fuzzy blue pants and a gray top that hugged my body perfectly and some comfy slippers. I went and sat on the couch and snuggled next to Spencer who wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

My parents left around 11 with Elliot and Kayleigh asleep in his arms. Amy hugged me before walking out. Marcus and Ty left as well. Gwen and Heather along with Allie and Carmen left around 1. Me and Spencer headed up to bed around 2. After we finished the movie.

We laid in bed and let the soft sound of thunder take us to sleep.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now