Chapter 6

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Spencer and I spent the next 2 nights still at my pack, but today was the day we decided to head to our pack. His voice had come back, but not fully. He's not supposed to talk unless it is really necessary.

He has finally accepted his scars. But is still a little anxious about going back. Especially to his aunt. When every bag had been placed into the trunk, I turn around to face my family. I end up hugging everyone in my pack, but giving longer hugs to the ones that I interacted with more.

"I'm gonna miss you Meg! Come back and visit." Allie said when the girls tackled me to the ground in a hug.

"Call me everyday." Heather said kissing my face. "Call and visit." Gwen was holding my legs. I laughed. "Of course I will." They got off of me when Marcus and the boys came and got them off of me. I hugged Marcus and then I went to my mom.

"I love you mom." I said as I pulled her into a bone crushing hug and kissed the top of her head.

She hugged me with as much force as I was. "You come visit with the girls okay." I said. She nodded into my neck.

I let go and turn towards Spencer. Scars and all, he was the man that I love. I got into the passenger side of his car, and looked back at my family. They all stood there, smiling with tears in their eyes. I waved and they all waved back.

My insides started to bubble. The butterflies were being released as we pulled into the driveway if his pack house.

I'm a Luna! My stomach churned at the thought. When we arrived, he got out of the car and gently shut the door. My nerves still haven't settled. When he opened the door I looked up and then down. My hands were shaking.

Spencer reached down and grabbed my hands in his. "You'll be okay. They'll love you. I promise."

"Your aunt hates me." I said. "She's a bitch." He replied.

"Chelsi? What is she gonna do when she realizes your not hers anymore?" I asked fearing the answer. "I don't know, and if she tries to pull anything, her sorry fake ass is gonna regret her father's sperm winning the race." He said and I laughed.

He helped me out of the car and wrapped his arm around my waist. I snuggled in, preparing myself for his pack.

Our pack.

He opened the door and let me in first. Closing the door behind him, he wrapped his arms around me placing them on my stomach. Resting his head gently on mine. I stared in awe. First walking in all you saw was a massive room split into two. The kitchen on the left with the living room on the right. It was beautiful. In between the two rooms was a staircase that put the Grand Staircase out of the rank.

"You like?" His hot breath cascaded down my neck. A shiver ran up my spin, that told him the effects he has on me. "Yes." I muttered still taking in the beauty. Releasing me and pushing me forward gently, he guided me to behind the staircase where there was a door. I heard voices outside. "There is a bonfire tonight. I called them to let them know we would be coming. Their celebrating that they now have a Luna.

I was was shocked so I only nodded. They were excited to see me? Wow.

"Do they know about your scars?" I asked as gently as I could. He shook his head, but smiled. "I am me, even with them." He replied holding his head up, before opening the door, which I now new as the back door. I saw about 20 people outside.

They all turned around to see us. The door creaked, when he opened it. I hear very faint audible gasps from everyone. They weren't looking at me, but at Spencer.

I felt his body tense, so I placed my hand on his chest, to comfort him. He calmed down and smiled, walking forward, to a little platform on the side of the yard. This raised us high enough, so I could see everyone. Even the person I didn't want to see. His aunt.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now