Chapter 22

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*One Week Later*

I awoke to groaning coming from the kitchen. Slowly I pulled myself from the bed, only to fall on the floor from dizziness. "Ow." I pulled myself up and went to the door. I poked my head out to see Spencer holding his foot near his chest. I raised my eyebrows at him, while leaning against the door. He looked up and smiled at me. "Ready to see our little boy?" He asked.

In nodded and headed back to the room. I pulled on some dark skinny jeans and a size to big gray knitted sweatshirt. I pulled on my black boots, that had a little heal on them and went back to the kitchen. Spencer had cereal waiting for me. I sat down and started to eat. He finished before me and went back to pack. Just as I was finishing, he came back with both suitcases and my purse. I grabbed our carry on bag and began packing our toiletries and our mugs.

He grabbed my hand and we walked out the door, I turned around to say goodbye. We got in the boat and it only took about 10 minutes to reach Rio again. I spotted a taxi, parked by the dock. When we go off the boat, we automatically got our luggage and put it in the taxi.

When we finally reached the airport I jumped out and ran to the bathroom. Obviously breakfast wasn't agreeing with my stomach. I washed my face before joining Spencer. He was outside looking very uncomfortable, when 3 girls were surrounding him. I walked over and pushed them out of the way, and grabbed his hand. His scars on his face have been disappearing unlike what my mother had said about them being permanent.

We got on it plane and Spencer got window seat this time, I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. Suddenly feeling the need to empty my stomach. I hurriedly got up and went back to the bathroom. Maybe I got food poisoning from the restraint last night. Most likely I did.

I slowly walked back to our seat and sat back down next to him. He put his hand on y forehead, it was cold, but against my warm head it felt good. He kissed my forehead before pulling it to rest on his shoulder, in which I happily followed.

We got off of our plane, and walked to our bags, grabbing them off of the belt. We walked to and Spencer put in the luggage, I got in the front seat and called Heather. "Hello?" Her voice came from the other side. "Hey, we just got in the car we'll be home in at least 30 minutes." she squealed and told me to hold on. I heard some shuffling in through the phone and then a sweet little voice was on. "Mommy?" Blake asked unsure if I was really there.

"Hi, baby" I cooed, Spencer got into the car and I put Blake on speaker.

"Is daddy there?"

"I'm right here bud. We're coming home to see you." Spencer smiled.

"Baby, we gotta go, but we'll see you in a little while. I love you." I said. "I love you too bud." Spencer followed.

"Bye Mommy. Bye Daddy. I love you." I heard the phone click off. Spencer grabbed my hand and we drove home. It took about 45 minutes with traffic to get home, but when we pulled into the driveway the front door opened and Blake flew to the car. I opened my car door and he was automatically in my arms. I felt little tears on my neck. I squeezed him tighter when I got out and Spencer came around and wrapped his arms around the both of us. "I missed you." Blake whispered.

I just kissed his head and handed him off to Blake. I went to my parents and hugged them both. Then moving on to hug all the girls and then Marcus. Spencer and Blake were playing in the front yard. Life couldn't be better.

Then it all changed.


An hour later Blake wanted to go to the lake in the back. Me and Spencer didn't feel up to going so Heather and Hallie offered to take him. Blake ran out with Heather calling for him to slow down. Hallie not far behind. We all laughed. Spencer and I headed up to take a little nap. I was feeling better, I was only nauseous around food. I feel asleep to the sounds of Blake's distant laughter.

I woke up about 2 hours later to yelling. Spencer was still asleep and so I headed downstairs. Wyatt was yelling at Marcus. "I can't find Heather, Hallie, or Blake. I went to the lake to get them and they weren't there."

I stood at the bottom of the stairs, my heart picking up the pace. Not my little boy. I ran outside and down to the lake, everyone following me. We searched the woods and the lake finding nothing. "Guys! The cave?" I shouted, we all ran to the cave where we hid during some battles. I was there first.

My heart sunk. Heather and Hallie's bodies laid there bloodied and limp. I put my hand over my mouth and walked out of the cave. Everyone still far behind. "Wyatt!" I screamed. He shifted in midair and was there in a flash. He shifted back and we didn't even care he was naked. He picked up Heather's limp body and bowed his head crying for his lost mate. Marcus went to Hallie's body as well. He put his finger on her neck looking for a pulse. He jumped up with Hallie in his arms, running back to the house.

"Oh my God. Blake!" I ran to the back of the cave finding nothing. I started running back to the house, passing Marcus in the process. When I reached the house I saw Spencer crying over something.

No. Oh God no.

I went as fast as my legs could take me. There was a box on the porch off to the side of Spencer. But that's when I saw it. A Spiderman shirt.

Blake's Spiderman's shirt.

"NO!" I screamed and ran to the porch. Spencer was holding Blake in his arms. Blake's lips were blue, and his cloths wet. Finger print bruises were on the sides of his neck. Marcus came up behind the corner carrying Hallie. Spencer handed Blake to me and ran down to meet Marcus. Grabbing Hallie. Spencer ran past me his voice booming through the house. "Lynn! I need you!"

I brushed my hand over Blake's face, gently moving the hair out of his face. I pressed my lips to his forehead giving him one last kiss. My tears rolled down my face and onto his body.

Spencer came back out and held me as we cried. I turned my head to the side and saw a note in the box. Reaching over I grabbed it. I gasped as I read it.

No one is safe.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now