Chapter 5

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I walk slowly over to him. He was so pale with dark bags under his eyes. I grabbed his hand and it was as cold as ice. Not feeling like the soft warm hand that I've come to know and love. I climb onto the bed and lay my head on his chest. I hold him close to me, and take his limp arms and wrap them around my body. I close my eyes and see all of the images of us happy, running through my mind. I turn my head up so I can see his chin, and I kiss it. The stubble on his chin poked my face. I reached my hand up and moved his head down towards mine where I kissed his lips.

I could taste my tears, but I never broke the kiss. When I broke my kiss I pulled myself up enough so that I could rest my forehead on his. His arms were still wrapped around me. I put both of my hands on his cheeks and held him close to me.

I felt a hand start to move up and down on my back and his arms around my waist tighten. I pulled my head back to see the color come back to his face along and the bags under his eyes fade. The wounds completely healed, but left a horrible scar. His body temperature started to come back to normal and his lips were now pink again instead of dull. He was so full of life, yet his eyes were not open.

I laid my head back onto his chest. We stayed like that for a while enjoying the comfort of each other's presence. I felt him kiss the top of my head. I finally looked up after.

I saw him looking at me with worry and sadness. I let out a breath, not realizing I had been holding it the whole time. "Your really okay. Oh my God I was so worried." He nodded and smiled at me. I moved back. "Can you not talk?" He nodded. He couldn't speak, I couldn't talk to him until he marked me. "I'm sorry. I tried to save you." He nodded and wiped my tears away.

"Mark me. I want to hear your voice." He nodded and smiled. I brought my neck to him and his canines sunk into my neck. I gasped at the feeling. When he was done, I pulled back, he was smiling. I smiled at him to.

Your mine.

And your mine

I love you Megan.

I love you too Spencer.

We kissed again, the sparks were endless. I heard an 'Awe' Coming from the room. My mom had walked in. She smiled and raised her eyebrows at us, I blushed put my head in his chest.

"Spencer, you will be able to speak again, but it depends on when. Your vocals were damaged, but they will heal in time. Your scars on the other hand, will be permanent." His eyes widened in confusion.

Megan, what scars are she talking about?

I turn to my mother. "He doesn't know?" I turn back to him and smile sadly. Again turning back to my mother she got the mirror. I took it gently from her, and held it for him to see. His mouth opened and let out a soundless scream.

His hands traveled up his face touching his scares. I never seen an Alpha cry but then the tear start to run down his face. He looked away. Covering his face with a pillow.

Don't look at me Mey. I'm hideous. I'm a freak now. I can't speak and now my face.

"I don't care Spencer, your you and only you. I love you for who you are, not for what you look like." He just buried his head further into the pillow. My mom smiled sadly at me when she left. I grabbed the pillow from him and threw it across the room. He covered his face with his arms.

"Spencer look at me." He didn't.

"Spencer Ryans move your arms and look at me." I said sternly. But he did nothing.

"Dammit Spencer look at me." He didn't move. I gave up and laid down on him and didn't move.

Every once in a while I would kiss his chin. I wanted to make him see how much I love him and don't care about his face or neck. "Spencer, I have scars too." This made him move. I got up off of him. He stood up, because he was no longer hooked up, he was allowed to go back to his room, and pack today. I would be going with him.

I started to take my shirt off, and he just looked at me. When my shirt was fully off, he could see the scars. His eyes widened in shock. Then his face morphed into pure anger. I turned around so he could see my back to. When turned around he was standing still. His fist were clenched, and his face was red from anger. I put my shirt back on and went to him.

"You aren't a freak, I have scars just like you do, it's okay. You still love me even with my scars don't you?" He nodded. "I still love you even with your scars."

He kissed me and I kissed him. He looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't. "I love you Spencer Ryans."

I love you to Megan Hunters.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now