Chapter 23

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I ran as my legs cold take me through the cold damp forrest. Pushing my lungs and heart to the part of overdrive. I wanted to stop and go back. I wanted to go back and hold my little boy.

But my little boy is gone, and someone is going to pay.

Spencer had called after me when I shifted and ran. He may very well be behind me. I didn't care though. I didn't care if I died, Spencer didn't need me. He could move on and be much happier.

I stopped just short of the Dark Moon pack house. This house looked to be at least 100 years old, maybe more. I slowly creeped to the house, stopping when I heard footsteps behind me. I slowly turned my head only to be met with a tall black wolf. Luckily it wasn't an Alpha.

He flashed his white fangs at me warning me to go back. I stood my ground and growled lowly a him, preparing for the fight that was inevitably going to happen.

He bolted towards me knocking me to my feet sinking his teeth into my shoulder, I whined but managed to get him off and snap at his leg. He back off for a few seconds before tackling me to the ground once more. We rolled back and forth, both of us using defense positions blocking one another's attack. My heart sank when I heard other growls.

From then on everything was a blur.

"Megan." My wolf whispered to me.

"Naomi?" I asked unsure off why she was talking to me.

"Megan, your hurt, let me fight. We're in this together. Me and you."

"Naomi, you know if I do I might die. I don't want to leave Spencer." Although when I first ran here I didn't care.

"Megan. If you die, you will have died with honor. Spencer will be okay, his second chance mate is close. If you feel as you should go, go. He is in good hands."

Spencer's second chance mate? Who?

"Megan we must not ask questions, will you fight or shall I?"

I took a deep breath and responded. "Take care of him."

I felt her nod. My body began to feel like it was being pulled into darkness. Spencer would be okay. Whoever his second chance mate is, she'll take care of him.

Spencer's P.O.V | hehe! : ) |

"Megan! " I screamed as her limp body fell to the ground from the other wolf's attack. The other wolf turned around and shifted. A man I had never seen before was in front of me. Behind him I saw Megan get up. My heart began to race as she turned around scared of what I was going to see.

She turned around I gasped. Her eyes were golden. Megan was no longer there. Her wolf had taken over. My mind began to race when I realized that Megan had possibly died. Megan's wolf attacked the man standing before me from behind before he could turn around. I slowly walked to her wolf, making sure she knew I wasn't going to hurt her.

" Hello Fredrick." She whispered through my mind. I felt my wolf purr with happiness at the sound of her voice.

"Where is Megan?" Searching through her eyes for anything.

"She has fallen asleep, the only thing keeping her alive are the little ones inside of her. With their Alpha blood and strength their giving some of it to her. I don't know how long she'll last though."

I stood shocked. She was pregnant? "Little ones? As in plural?" I asked.

" Yes plural. Triplets." She answered. Megan was going to kill me, if she survived and found out. No. Not if. When she survives.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now