Chapter 21

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The sunlight broke in through the windows. Spencer was holding me close to him, our clothes no where to be seen. Last night was amazing. I was a little reluctant at first because of my scars, but Spencer brought me out of the abyss and into the magic.
I get up and put my robe on and go out on the balcony. The breeze flows softly around me. The view is absolutely gorgeous. I felt arms wrapped around me and Spencer placed his head on my shoulder. He kissed the side of my neck and we stayed there. "Did I hurt you?" He whispered. I shook my head and turned to kiss his chin before resuming looking at the view.
After about 30 minutes we decided to eat something before going out to explore. " Hey babe! Make sure you grab your swim suit." He called to me. I picked up my white bikini and walked out of the bedroom. He was waiting for me in the living room. We were about to go swim in the creek in front of our cottage.
The cottage was more like the home Bella and Edward got after they had Renesmee. It was perfect. When we finally got to the creek we both stripped and put on our bathing suits. I jumped in first and Spencer followed.
I swam over to him and wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled myself closer.
"I love you." He whispered before caressing my cheek. "I love you too." I bent forward and kissed his forehead. Then his nose, and then his lips. He gripped onto me tighter, like I was going to slip threw his arms and go down the creek and never come back.
"Let's go inside, he whispered softly after we've been swimming and kissing for a while. "Ok" I nodded following him out of the water. He reaches for my hand but I felt a force on my foot that caused me to fall back into the water. There was an old fish net that my foot got tangled in when I started to climb out of the creek and up the rocks.
I struggled to get out but it only caused my foot to become even more stuck. My lungs were burning and my vision was beginning to cloud, of course this would happen in the deepest part of the creek. Spencer was trying to get my foot untangled. He pulled me as far up as I could go, trying to get me air. I was so close to the surface. I took a breath before I realize that I was still underwater. The water went in through my mouth and suffocated me even more. I began to choke feeling as if someone was squeezing my lungs tightly. I felt my eyes closing, when all of a sudden I was pulled out and was on the shore.

I turned to my side and violently coughed my lungs out. Between my coughing I barley had enough time to even catch a breath of air. "It's okay, your okay. Calm down. Calm down and breath." Spencer said as he was rubbing my back. I slowed my coughing a little as my body began to relax. "Holy hell. I'm awake now." I said hoarsely. I rubbed my throat which was now sore from all of the coughing. Spencer laughed and helped me up, we went back up to the cabin and I sat on the couch when we got in. Spencer went into the fridge and pulled out eggs. "Scrambled or over easy?" he asked.

"Over easy. Please." I responded picking myself up from the couch and walking over to the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around his waist putting my head in between his shoulder blades. He cracked the eggs into the pan and turned around gathering me in his strong arms. "I love you wife." He pressed a kiss on my forehead and turned his attention to the eggs. I walked over to the cabinet and grab the plates and set them on the table. Spencer brought over the eggs and placed them on eat plate. I grabbed the orange jiuce and two cups. Spencer put the skillet into the sink and ran the water on it.

We ate our meal talking about the future. We laughed and cleaned up after ourselves going up to the bedroom to watch a movie. I picked out Guardians of the Galaxy and put that in while Spencer made a childish fort with the blankets and pillows. The movie began and we both laughed at the ridiculous intro of the movie. While Chris Pratt danced around we sang along to the music. My dad used to love all of these songs, I couldn't remember all of the lyrics, but I sang anyway butchering the poor song.

When the movie was over I threw a pillow at the screen. "THEY KILLED GROOT! MY POOR BABY!" I scoffed and went to the bathroom and washed my hands, they had butter from the popcorn all over them. "Megan! Come here!" I ran out with my hands still wet. "Look! They have a little baby Groot!" He pointed to the screen like Blake would. Blake, my little baby, only one more week until I see him again.

"They did didn't they." I laid on the bed and pulled the cover over me. Falling asleep, but before I did Spencer softly whispered in my ear.

"I'll be back soon my love. Go to sleep I love you."

Hey all! I am so sorry for not updating writers block is a bitch. School too, my God but now I'm on break so expect the LAST 3 chapters in this next week or so. I got a new computer, so it will also be easier to update. Yes. I did say last 3 chapters. This book only had 3 chapters left and then the Epilogue. But the epilogue probably won't be posted until at least 2 weeks after the last chapter. Sorry for the short chapter my brother was rushing me for the computer. God brothers are little shits aren't they.

Bye my babies! Until next time!

Liz <3

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now