Chapter 10

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I'm strapping Blake into his car seat. Spencer had put in his car, it was quite hilarious. Asking a 18 year old to put in a car seat. If I wasn't holding Blake, I would have totally filmed it.

I had yelled at him for swearing, Blake found it funny, so his favorite word now is shit. Thanks Spencer. I got in the car and realized I had forgot my purse.

"Shit mommy! Shit!" Blake was yelling, while bouncing in his car seat. I glared at Spencer. "See what you did." He gave me a small smile. I got out of the car and back into the house to get my purse. Hallie walked into the kitchen. "So you look pissed." I smiled and started to bang my head on the door. "Spencer taught Blake the word shit." She looked at me like she was holding in a laugh. I grabbed my purse. "Have fun Megan! Make sure he gets what he deserves!" I laughed as I walked back to the car.

'SHIT!" Blake screamed when I opened the door. Spencer was banging his head on the steering wheel. "SHIT!" He screamed again. Laughing till his little face was red. "Buddy, please stop saying that word, it's not a nice word. Daddy doesn't like it. Please buddy." Spencer said looking back at him. Blake looked at him, after he stopped laughing.

"I'm sowwy daddy." His little hes hung low, he started playing with his hands, and looking at them. Spencer reached his arm back and pulled his chin up, little tears were rolling down his face.

Spencer got out of the car and went to the back seat. "Daddy's sorry bud, but you can't say that word yet. Okay?"

He wiped Blake's tears away an smiled at him. Blake nodded. Spencer kissed his forehead and came back up front.

He grabbed my hand and looked into the mirror. "You ready to go to the park?"

Blake began to bounce up and down in his seat, nodding his head excitedly at his father.

Spencer started the car and we drove to the park. Halfway there, Bastillie's song Pompeii came on the radio.

I sang along, Blake joined in, but he was saying random things since he doesn't know the lyrics. Spencer smiled and danced as much as he could to the song.

The park was practically empty when we arrived, thankfully.

I let Blake out of his car seat and he ran over to the swing set. I went and sat on the bench, so I could watch him.

All three of the mother's that were there, looked at me then to Blake. The oldest looking one out of them all, scowled at me when Blake called me mommy.

Blake had found a white rock in the grass. It looked like someone had a bracelet and had this as a charm.

When he handed it to me, I went and put it, on the table, hidden from anyone who wasnt looking for it.

Spencer had come back from the car, and was seated on the bench. I started to walk over, when someone grabbed me.

"Teenager these days! Getting themselves pregnant, because they can't keep their legs shut or keep it in their pants." The one mother practically yelled in my face.

Oh. Hell. No.

"You listen here bitch. Don't open your mouth unless you know what's going on. You don't know who I am, or how my son came into this world. I don't see a wedding ring on your finger! And what, how many kids do you have?! 5 kids and your judging me. I may be 18, but I am not a whore. Judging by how all the kids look like you, but have different masculine sides to them, I'd say they all have different fathers! My son may not be my biological son, but I love him more than you could ever think. You only love to judge people by what they look like. Well guess what bitch, wake up call for you. Don't judge a book by its cover."

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now