Chapter 13

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My dad and I have been bonding. It's been about 4 hours since I was able to talk to Spencer. His voice sounded so empty. My dad is now talking which I'm happy about. He asks about mom all the time. Ty and mom are going to be so happy, when we bring him home.

Ty. I really hope he is okay. He needs to be for everyone. Even though he never talks, he's one of the people that keep this pack together.

"Daddy?" I called to my father. Who was sitting directly across from me.

"Yes baby?" He replied. Usually he answers in short sentences. But he only nodded before. I smell something other than sewage, and that's progress.

"My mate should be here anytime now." I said and he nodded. I leaned against the wall. The door opened, and Damian walked in. He smiled at me and grabbed my chains. Pulling me forcefully to get up.

He grabbed my hair and pulled me harshly out the door. I cried out at the pain. I could hear my father shouting at him. Even though it would do no good.

He dragged me down a long hallway, still not letting go of my hair. Finally he stopped at a door. When he opened the door, I realized it in an instant. I was about to relive my nightmare all over again.

Jack was standing in the middle of the room. His face held a sickening grin on it. He motions Damian over. Damian pushed me over to Jack. Jack held me as Damian ripped off my cloths. I struggled agains both of them, but it didn't work.

Once I was completely naked, Jack kept staring at me. His eyes were blank.

I thought it couldn't get worst but it did. Damian held me against him. His member poking into the small of my back. He began kissing my neck. They were wet and disgusting.

Tears were running down my face. Jack cupped my right breast in his hand. Playing roughly with my nipple. I wanted to scream, but I knew that would only make them happier.

Jack brought his mouth to my breast. Sucking on it so hard, I thought he would pull it off. His hand wonder down my body, until he found the one place, I never wanted anyone to see.

His hand forcefully made me spread my legs. I started to scream and thrash, but nothing happened. No one came to my rescue.

Damian pulled me away from Jack and forced me to the bathroom. There he had a bath, that was steaming. Pushing me into it, I screamed. The water burned my body, everywhere. My limbs were becoming numb. I kept screaming, until Damian shove his fingers in my throat, gagging me. I tried to pull away, but it only made it worst.

He pulled his hand out of my mouth and me out of the tub. He threw me into the shower, where they turned on ice cold water. I slumped to the ground. My body giving up.

Jack wasn't having that. He dragged me to the bed and tied me to it. I didn't fight, because I couldn't. I closed my eyes to afraid to look. I heard the sound of 2 belts being undone. Their laughs taunted me, if I had enough strength, I would be shaking like a leaf in the wind.

Someone was on top of me. A hard member poking against my stomach. He forced his lips on mine. They were rough and cruel. He bit my bottom lip, which made me gasp. He took this chance to shove his tongue in my mouth. It was absolutely disgusting. His hands traveled up and down my body.

I wanted a real shower. I want it to wash away these memories. The door slammed open, an I felt him being pulled off of me.

Jack. They pulled Jack off of me. There stood Marcus beating Damian to a bloody pulp. Spencer grabbed a blanket and through it over me. Shielding me from Marcus.

Jack's face was so full of fear, if I could I would've laughed. Spencer slowly walked to him. Grabbing his right arm, pinning it above his head, he twisted it in the wrong direction. He broke it.

Jack fell to the floor in pain. Marcus kicked him in the stomach and then again in the head. He became still, but neither of them were dead.

Spencer came and untied me. He picks me up in his arms. Showering my face with kisses. I burrowed my face in his neck and closed my eyes.


I woke up in Blake's room on the makeshift bed. The sun peaked in through the curtains. Spencer and Blake were asleep on the bed.

It was all a nightmare. My kidnapping. Everything.


My dad was still dead.

My heart was beating out of my chest. I was sweating bullets. Ty opened the door to check on us. Just to see him up and standing made me rush over to him. I jumped on him causing him to fall over. Me on top. I kissed his face all over. Also squeezing the absolute shit out of him.

Meg! What the hell?

I had a nightmare Ty. Just let me hold you. Please?

He wrapped his arms around me an hugged me back.

At least my life was back to normal.

Even with the nightmare.


But sometimes, things can change very quickly.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now