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Garret (green) Raylie (pink) Logan (blue)

So here it is guys. The Epilogue to My Alpha Mate. I hope you all enjoyed this book. Thank you all so much for reading. I love every single one of you! I will see you all hopefully in my next books, which will all be updated on June 8th. Thank you all so much for the support.
<3 Liz
Now on with the Epilogue!!

Hallie decided we should go on a little vacation before the triplets were born. I sat in the back while Hallie and Spencer were up in the front. Hallie was currently talking with her mate. She had met Ross after our gender reveal party. He was the pizza delivery man.

Spencer had the radio on and he was humming along. Garret kicked my rib and I hissed in pain. "Dammit Garret! I know you wanna play soccer but not in there." Spencer laughed at reached back awkwardly to rub my huge stomach. Everyone told me I was small for carrying triplets, but I knew they were lying.

He pulled his hand up and looked at me through the review mirror. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. I turned to look out the window when a sharp pain goes through me. I gasp and grab my stomach.

Spencer gave me a worried look through the mirror but I smiled. "They just kicked again." He shook his head smiling to himself.

"Guys. Can we stop and get something to eat?" Hallie asked pulling out her headphones. I agreed and so Spencer turned right onto the next exit. We pulled up into McDonald's drive thru and waited to order.

Hallie sat in the front seat for a good five minutes trying to decide what she wanted. Spencer ended up ordering a chicken wrap and she sat back satisfied.

The lady handed us our food and I happily took my meal and began to munch on it. Spencer had the music on really loud and I danced in the backseat as best as I could being pregnant. Poor Spencer had to drive the 8 hours, I could at least make them go by somewhat faster. The drive to Miami was long, but god was it worth it. I had seen some pictures of the beach and I was so excited to lay back and relax.

I positioned my pillows between my legs and my head to get comfortable. We still had 3 hours left, and so why not sleep.

I felt myself drifting off when I heard Spencer began to sing a song on the radio. I fell asleep to his rough singing voice that filled the car.

I awoke about an hour later to a sharp pain coming from my back. I sat up groaning and rubbing my back ever so slightly. My back obviously didn't like how I was sleeping. I laid back down on my back this time to ease some of the pain. About 15 minutes later I got the same sharp pain as before. I brushed them off as just cramps and didn't tell Spencer.

That is until they became 10 minutes apart and I felt as if my insides were being ripped apart. I groaned a little and peaked my eyes open a little bit to see Spencer's worried face in the mirror.

Thankfully I looked as if I was asleep, so he focuses his attention on the road. I kept my mouth shut and didn't make a sound until they were five minutes apart and I sat up in pure agony. Hallie jumped up in shock as did Spencer. He automatically pulled over and rushed to my side in the back.

I breathed in and out heavily to try and reduce the pain. It helped a little but by by much. Spencer whispered sweet nothing's into my ear while rubbing my back. I held my stomach breathing like a madwoman.

"Spencer." I said slowly when I felt liquid go down my legs. At first I thought I had peed myself from the pain, but then I realized it was clear. I tuned my head slowly towards him, my eyes huge and my jaw dropped. "Did your-" he stopped talking when he realized it.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now