Chapter 4

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I awoke to silence at my door. Either Marcus has given up or I woke up early again. I turned over towards my alarm clock and groaned, I had got up early again.

I went back to my bathroom and made myself look decent. Finally. I looked at myself once again before heading down the stairs. Everyone was up, even Marcus was sitting at the table eating. He looked normal once again. He smiled at me before heading back to eating. I grabbed a muffin and Heather's arm. Pulling her outside.

"Spencer and I are dating. So that means I'm going to have to move in with him." She gave me a sad smile and hugged me. "I know, and I'm happy for you. Just call me every day." I nodded and hugged her back just as hard.

It started to rain. I looked up and smiled, forgetting about the muffin in my hand. I threw it into the grass. I started dancing and letting myself be free again.

Dad and I, would come outside every time it rain and dance in it. Everyone in my old pack would join in later. Just my friends would come and dance. My mom would watch and remember the old days with Penny holding her. Everyone else would either stand on the balcony or the porch. They would watch and laugh.

I ran to the porch and turned on music and walked in the door, nodding my head out doors everyone smiled, my friends shot up from their chairs and ran outside.

We danced to the music and in the rain until its started to lightning. We decided it be best if we all walked in. Turning off the radio, I felt arms wrap around my waist. From the cologne, I already knew who it was. I snuggled closer to him. Spencer kissed the top of my head. He pulled us out into the front again, letting the rain fall softly on us.

He began to dance when Time of my life came on the radio. "Did you do this?" He nodded answering my question. We slow danced to the song and in the rain. He leaned down and kissed my lips. Then my forehead, both of my cheeks and nose. He looked up at the sky and then to me, and smiled.

"I love you Megan Hunters. You changed me. I used to be a no good player. I would break their hearts and not even care about them. To see them cry made me happy. Then I met you. That side of me died, and a new side was born. I thought the world was all about me. Well its not, and when I realized that, I also realize that I was a no good jerk, and you don't deserve someone like me. You never will. You deserve better. I want to be better. I'm changing for you, and only you. No one else has made me see the light in the day. I've only seen what I want to. I always get what I want, without working for it. I don't want that anymore, I want to work for it. I don't want to be a boy anymore. I want to be a man. A man that can wake up everyday, with the love of his life next to him. I want to fall asleep every night and wake up to you everyday. You don't need make up to be beautiful. You only need to be you. Someone I've never been. I want to be me so I am." He whispered in my ear. Only I could hear him but I could feel everyone's eyes on us.

"Will you move in with me?" He asked. I nodded.

My cheeks immediately got hot and I buried my face in his chest. "Go get your things ready we leave in an hour." I ran upstairs and grabbed all my things and threw it into a suitcase. Not caring if it wasn't folded.

I ran down the stairs and hugged everyone we began walked out to the car so our new life could begin, when a rogue came up and tackled Spencer to the ground. Catching him off guard 3 others came and attacked him, to the point where he was still. I ran to him and shifted getting them off of him.

I manage to kill one but the other two went back to him. Spencer before he was attacked by the others, managed to kill the first one. I went back to get another one and killed him. Marcus and the others now came out and got the last one. My mom had a cloth and laid it over Spencer.

He shifted back and his face had gashes on it. But he was still alive. He was still here. But barely. I shifted out of my form and ran to him. Wrapping a cloth around myself.

"Don't you dare die on me. Come on I need you." Tears were running down my face. "I just found you, please." Spencer managed to move his eyes to look at me. "Never." He moved his mouth and with that his eyes closed.

Marcus carried him up to the infirmary with my mom following. Ty ran over and held me, I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. Ty helped me up and into my old room, where I had some cloths that I didn't pack on my bed. I wouldn't dress myself. I couldn't. He got me dressed and walked me to the infirmary.

He sat me down outside of the door where Spencer was. My mom came out, she had his blood all over her. She looked down to the floor before looking at me. "Mom! What?! What happened! Is he okay?"

She looked up to me with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, he'll be okay."

I finally was able to breathe.

My Alpha Mate (No longer working on it, missing chapters) Where stories live. Discover now