1.back from Italy

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February 20th 2018
"Anna!" I squealed jumping into her arms. She holds me and swings us around "AHH HALLIE ITS BEEN TOO LONG" I giggle and she releases me from the hug "we're overdramatic its been a month" she rolls her eyes and hugs me again "yea but its fine, we're cute" I furrow my eyebrows "what does being cute have anything to with it?" She shrugs and takes a bite from the twisler. "We get away with things" I chuckle.

We walk upstairs to her bedroom and sit on her bed. "So what happened when I was gone" I ask
"not much my brother hasn't really been home much and my mom has been wanting me to hang out with her, so I've been stuck with her."
"brutal" I say sarcastically.

"What did you do in Italy?" She asks " Well I stayed with my grandpa on his vineyard, and we visited my grandmas grave. We went in one of those boats they were like taxi cabs but boats"

"Anna!?" Her mom calls "you home!?" " yeah" she says "come here" " okay" " be right back" she says and then walks out the room. I stand up and walk around her room she has changed and rearranged it since I left. There is new photos in her frames I look at one that is a family photo, her dad looks high asf but it's okay, she looks super pretty too. I glance at her brother Daniel who grinned widely at the camera, I never met him it's like every time he was here I was gone or vise versa. My eyes wander to Tyler who tried his best to look nonchalant, I laugh at his face. Tyler's pretty cool he acts like my older brother sometimes but its cool.

Anna comes back into the room with a smile "my mom wants to see you" I smile and walk out the room. "Hallie! Awe I missed you sweetheart" she throws her hands over my shoulders squeezing my tightly "I missed you too Keri" she laughs lightly "how was Italy?" I push a strand of my hair behind my ear "it was a lot fun actually, it was nice seeing my grandpa and his vineyard was huge. They live life so differently there and it was so fun being apart of it" she giggles "I'm glad you had fun sweetie, are you staying for dinner?" I tilt my head and glance at Anna and she nods "yes, if that's okay" she hugs me once again "of course it is hal"

Anna takes me back to her room and begins rambling about her summer. "Daniel came home right after you left and he took my surfing in California, it was so much fun" I nod as I listen "Charlotte and I went shopping a lot to but then she had to leave for modeling, oh and Tyler's coming home tonight!" I throw my hands up "ty ty's coming woohoo"

"Dinners done!" Keri yells, Anna stands up and rubs her tummy "finally I'm hungry as fudge bars!" I roll my eyes "I'm hungry as a duck" she raised her eyebrow "a duck?" I nod "a duck, you know quack quack hoe" she cocks her head back laughing. I laugh along with her.

"Ah the famous Hallie Angelo is home!" Tyler says pulling me into a hug. "Ty ty! I missed you" he kissed my temple "I missed you too hal" we all sit down and begin eating. Everyone talks about their days and well I talked about my time in Italy, Tyler about his time with Daniel. Anna about her waiting on me all day and Keri tells us about her and Mr. Seavey's date they had this afternoon. After dinner I helped Keri and Anna clear the table and wash the dishes. "I should get going" I dry my hands with the dish towel. Keri side hugs me "okay see you later sweetheart" Anna frowns, "sleepover?" I raise my eyebrow "here? Or at my house?" She turns to her mom "mom can I stay at her house because if she stays here Tyler will be up out butts" she nods and kisses Anna on the cheek.

Anna runs upstairs to get a bag. Keri puts the last dish in the cabinet "Hallie?" I raise my head gesturing for her to continue "have you ever met my son Daniel ?" I shake my head "no actually I haven't" she drops her jaw a tad "I think that's crazy, you've been friends with Anna for what? 3 years now and you've never met her older brother" I nod and laugh "yea crazy" I shrug them continue "well we'll eventually meet" she nods and hugs me as Anna comes back down the stairs "goodbye you two" we wave and walk out of the house.

I live two house down from the Seavey's, so we walk of course. "Why was my mom talking to you about Daniel?" I shrug "I don't know she just asked if I ever met him and I said no" she rolls her eyes "moms playing match maker again" I chuckle "match maker?" She nods "yea, she probably thinks you two would like one another that's why she asked" I chuckle "i don't even know him" we walk up the steps to my front door "that doesn't mean anything. She'll make sure you do" she giggles. I open the door and we walk in "I love your mom" Sam runs up to us as I finish my sentence "Hallie I need help!" I raise my eyebrow "with what?" His face turns red and looks down at the ground "girl troubles" he mumbles. I look at Anna and we give one another the 'we got this' look. She loops her arm with mine and I do the same with Sam pulling him up the stairs with us.

"So what girl had your panties in a bunch?" She quints his eyes at me "I don't wear panties hal, I wear briefs." Anna and I laugh "fine what's got your briefs in a bunch?" He sighs and sits down on the edge of my bed "so there's this girl right? And her names Carley I like her, like a lot but I don't think she likes me back" I frown and put my hand on his shoulder "well take a risk Sam, tell her straight up 'I like you' if she says she doesn't like you back oh well she isn't worth your time" he nods taking it all in "okay I guess I could do that, thanks hal" I smile and hug him. He walks out of the room. "Let's take a picture, I need to post on Instagram. " I laugh and we stand in my big mirror in my bathroom. After taking a bunch of photos we picked out favorite.

Anna posted and captioned the photo she's back! I missed you love@hallieray


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