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It was finally spring break, I was excited to be out of school but sad that I won't see them everyday. After spring break I won't be able to see the Seaveys bright smiles, hear their laughter, be their second daughter, get picked on by Tyler, help Keri make dinner, help Jeff with fixing his car, talk to Anna til the sun comes up, go on random adventures with Anna and Tyler. I frown as I see the moving truck pull up to their house. I didn't want them to leave, they were like my second family. They are my second family.

I sigh and walk out of house, Keri smiles at me as she carries out a box. I help them pack up the van it took us most of the day, but Anna and I had to be to the airport by 9. Tyler drove us and we made small talk.

It took Anna and I an hour to get through security and all that ish, its spring break of course its busy. I had the window seat and Anna sat in the middle. A boy sat besides Anna and Anna look at me with wide eyes and mouths "he's hot" I giggle and pull out my phone. I had a message from my dad.

Have fun sweetheart

I will, love you ❤

Love you too❤

I turned my phone onto airplane mode and sat back in my seat. I was so tired, I wish we just had an early morning flight instead of a 10:30 flight.

Skip flight

I wasn't nervous until we got off the plane. I hadn't realized I'm finally going to meet why don't we. I was nervous and scared, I feel like they won't like me. But I mean how could they not I'm pretty fucking cool, wow I'm a douche :). I'm going to meet why freaking don't we! I'm a limelight lol.

Anna searches the airport for her brother, I look around and see a sign that said "Anna and that one girl" he was wearing a hat but I knew it was Daniel, he was tall and had the rings he always has on his fingers. They way he stood even gave it away it was Daniel, it was so easy to tell. I hope he wasn't trying to hide the fact it was him because he failed miserably.

I tapped Anna's shoulder and pointed, Anna chuckled and we approached him he smiled up at us. I took a picture of him holding the sign with a smile. I posted it on my story and captioned it "ouch that hurt" tagging him and Anna. He hugged Anna then me. "Leggo ladies!" We followed him out to the car and he took our suitcases putting them in the trunk, he opened the door for both of us. He refused to let us open the door, he wanted to open them. Daniel is truly a gentlemen. 

The ride to their house was longer then I expected. It was almost 2 in the morning Anna and Daniel carried on a conversation on front but I felt my eyes get heavy. I dosed off into sleep.

I felt arms wrap themselves under me, I didn't open my eyes. I felt their heart beat against the side on my ribs. "Grab her bag" Daniel said, I knew he was the one holding me. "Awe she's sleeping" I knew it was jack from his voice. "Shh" Daniel says. I feel him step over and over then I realized he was walking up the stairs. My eyes flutter open and I see an miraculous view of Daniel. His eyes were glued to in front of us as he slowly walked down the hallway. I close my eyes when he steps into a room. I didn't want him to know I was up or watching him. He laid me down gently and pulled the blanket over me. "Here's her bag" Zach whispered. He pulls off my shoes and sits them down somewhere. I hear shuffling but I didn't know what was going on. I open my eyes and see Daniel, he placed my phone on the nightstand, he plugged in my charger and plugged my phone in. I smiled, he's so sweet.

"Thanks Dani" he jumps and I giggle. "You scared me" I giggle and he puts his hand over his heart. "I'm sorry" he shakes his head "its fine, sweet dreams hal" he whispered. I frown "where's Anna?" He sighed "She's in her own room" I smile "I'm not tired anymore" he chuckled "so what am I suppose to do?" I sit up "entertain me, I'm your guest" he drops his jaw "Hallie its 3 in the morning" I shrug "and?" He tilts his head "you're something else" I wink at him "no I'm something different" he chuckles and rolls his eyes playfully "yes, yea you are" I smile like I'm proud of myself.

A light knock on the door made both of us turn. Daniel opens the door and in the darkness I see the little boy. "Hey Zach" he smiles and struts in "hi Hallie!" He hugs me and looks down at me "wow you're prettier in person" I roll my eyes and Daniel chuckles. "And you're tinier in person" I pat his head, he frowns "I'm 17! I'm older than you!" I shrug "I'm a month older tho" he rolls his eyes playfully "its okay zachie" I squeeze his cheeks. "You're still cute" i feel his cheeks heat up under my touch and I grin. He is cute, I'm not gonna deny it. All 5 of them are, like have seen them? Like actually there gods. I can't be the only one who things that, right?

"Come on Zach, let her sleep" I frown "I'm not tired" they both laugh "yea you are" Daniel whispers. I lay down "goodnight Dani and zachie" they say goodnight and I drift off into sleep. So much for not being tired.


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