18. swim

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Daniels POV

"Yea, friends" I sigh. Of course we're just friends, it's not like I hugged and held her hand and kissed her head to comfort because I like her I did it because we're FRIENDS. God damnit daniel. I knew she didn't like me, why would she. She could do better then me. God she's beautiful. Daniel stop. I took a deep breath and looked down at our hands that we're intertwined, she had small soft hands that fit mine comfortably. I liked holding her hand, but I knew the I'd had to let go soon because we were approaching the house. We walked up the path and she let go of my hand, I jumped infront of her to hold open the door for her. She smiles widely, god her smile. "you're such a gentleman" I send her a goofy grin "always was, always will be" she giggled and stepped into the cool air conditioned house. "your mother raised you right" she says. I nod with the same smile planted on my face. She walked into the living room where Anna and Jonah sat playing videogames.

Zach and corbyn were on the computer playing fortnite. Jack patiently waiting for a turn for either. Hallie walked into the kitchen and sat at the island, I joined her. She was the first one to start up conversation "so why don't you like videogames?" I chuckle at her odd question "it's not that I don't like them, it's just there's better things to do in my free time" she nods slowly and a smirk rose on her lips. "like what?" I mock her smirk, "there's music, social media, and if there's someone to hangout with" she nods and gets off the chair holding out her hand. I take it and she sticks out her other hand "phone" I pulled it out of my pocket and handed it to her, I'm usually protective with my phone but with her I trusted her. She placed both our phones on the counter and walked outside.

"how about a swim seavey?" Our hands were still intertwined. "sounds fun" I was taken aback at my own daring comment. She pulled off her shirt revealing her large chests, (she had on a bra) I took off my shirt as well and pulling off my jeans, she did the same. We both dived into the ice cold water, I came up for air as fast as possible. When I came up I searched for her. I began to panick, it was dark and I couldn't see her. "boo!" I jumped out of my skin making a loud splashing noise. She laughed at me, but I couldn't be mad, she is so cute when she laughs. "you scared me" I say through laughs. "good" she says with a smile.

We swam around the pool for a little bit until she had the idea of playing Marco Polo. I went first. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. "Marco!" I hear her soft giggle in my right ear "polo" she whispers. I turn around and swim towards her voice and laugh. I trap her in the corner and she squels. I wrap my arms around her and open my eyes "found you!" She grabs onto my arms "no fair! I was laughing" she slipped out of my grasp and smirks "my turn". She closes her eyes and counts. "Marco" she says. I was in the middle of the bottom half of the pool "polo" I see a smirk grow on her lips "Marco" she begins to inch towards me, I move to the left "polo" she catches my voice and moved towards me. I back up into the cement wall, shit. "Marco" I quickly move to the right, making a loud noise "polo" I say before diving under the water. I swim past her and lightly touch her leg. I come up for air on the opposite end of the pool. "Marco!" I smirk, she's too far from me for her too win. "polo" I say. She whips around and dives under the water, within seconds she is a foot away from me. "Marco" she says. I hold in my breath and move away from the corner "polo" I whisper. She leaps at me grabbing onto my shoulders. How did she?! Damn she's good. "I got you!" She says. Her arms were still wrapped around my shoulders and I felt her slipping, we were on the deep end so I quickly wrapped my arms around her back. She jumped at my touch at first but then melted into me. She opened her eyes and met mine. She let out a shaky breath, I swear I thought she was about to lean in.

"it's your turn" she says. no shakiness, no hesitation. I let go of her and swam to the middle of the pool, to start yet another game. This one took a little longer then the ones before, it felt like she went easy on me the first time. I finally got her, and she giggled up a storm when I did. her laugh is a heavenly sound. "you're good" I say opening my eyes, her eyes were somehow a deep blue color. "thanks" she bit her lip, I want to kiss her, she is so damn hot. "Hey you guys should come in now! It's getting cold" we both draw our attention to jack who had two towels in his hands. He sat them on the table and laughed at us "you two little love birds!". I roll my eyes, it's just a one way street "shut up jack" I climb out of the water with Hallie close behind. Jack laughed and walked back inside. We both grabbed our clothes and walked back into the cold house.

I followed behind her as she walked up the stairs. She stepped into her room disappearing. I quickly took a shower and got dressed. As soon as I opened my she did the same, she turns towards me and her long hair flew in the air. You know how in movies how they make it in slo-motion and it's all dramatic and the girl always looked dropped dead gorgeous without a single flaw. It was exactly like that, her long hair flowed perfectly, I lost my breath for a second. She smiles at me and steps out walking towards the stairs. I followed her and sat down next to her on the couch. The rest of the night flew by and about 12am Hal was asleep leaning her head on Jack's shoulder. Part of me felt jealous but there was no reason to be, yet I was. I sighed and watched as jack carried her to her bedroom.

I don't want to be friends with her, I want to be with her. She's making me feel some type of way. But I can't, I can't be with her she's my little sisters best friend. If we were to date then break up it could strain Anna and Hal's relationship. I tried to fall asleep but my mind kept racing with thought of Hallie, and "what ifs". Why is this happening? I've never felt this before?


i need to put in Hal's pov more lmao.

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