26.smash or pass

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Hallie's POV

Before I knew it, I graduated. It didn't hit me until I walked across the stage grabbing myself diploma hearing the hoots and hollers from my family and friends, even after they were told to wait. It's like I was hit with whiplash, one second I'm laying on his chest in secret and the next I'm ending a chapter in my life. Then starting a new one, I wasnt going to college because I took classes my last year's while in highschool. Anna did the same, we both have bachelor degrees. I didn't want to go to college if I'm being honest, school was never my cup of tea but I finished. I finished, wow that feels good to say. I did it, I smile to myself.

I watch as my class of 300 finally was done, I was eagered to go to my family and friends. The boys came in while I was getting ready so haven't gotten to see them. Once they let us go I moved as fast as I could as my heels clicked loudly, my mom made me wear heels and sadly two days from now I'll be going home with her. I of course see Daniel first and I couldn't help myself from smiling, but when i seen who was talking to i became annoyed. I mentally slap myself as i sound ridiculous to myself, Keri squeals and walks up to me as I got closer. She wrapped her arms around "IM SO PROUD OF YOU SWEETHEART" I smile as the rest of the group joins us, my mom kept side eyeing her but I ignored it. After hugging my family I was engulfed in a huge group hug with the four boys, they all said things to me but it all sounded like mumble jumble since they tried talking over each other. After releasing myself from their tight grip Daniel watched me closely as he smirks, he hands me a dozen of sunflowers and I almost choked. How did he know they were my favorite flower, I held them for a few seconds before hugging him. I took in the strong scent of his cologne "congrats Hal" he says, "thanks" I pull away and take another look at him before walking out the door with my family, we took picture after picture until it was too dark to.

Everyone moved to my house and we all hangout in the living room talking, I haven't talked much to my mother and she made it a point to leave after being there for 20 minutes. She rented a hotel that she stayed in with her husband that never came to my graduation. Keri, Jeff & Tyler got a hotel as well and for the boys and Anna, they're staying here. Our house has two extra rooms with beds, well technically only one but there's a bed in the loft. Tomorrow afternoon we'll be throwing a graduation party for me and Dalton. The boys were getting along well with him and I was glad, my mom seemed to deceive the amount of male friends I had. I knew once we we're along she would pester me about it. I tried my best to shake her from my mind, she acts as though I was a disappointment. Sometimes I feel like I was the reason she left, it was me who made her abandon us. I shouldn't hold a grudge against my mother but I have a right to be mad, I have a right to hurt.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I meet his beautiful blue eyes, he smiles but looks at me bewildered. "You okay?" He whispers and nod sending him a smile. I wanted to rest my head on his shoulder, but by that I would attract attention everyone else. "Yeah just thinking" he smiles half heartly, Zach obnoxious laugh turned my attention towards him. Jack was pretending to choke him. Normal isn't a thing around these boys, Jonah then kicks jack in the butt causing the two of them to fall. The room erupts into laughter, jack laid besides Zach laughing and Zach wheezed which was even funnier then them falling. I found myself laughing so hard I became lightheaded, I grab my head trying my best to stop laughing.

My dad walks in with pizza for all of us, we ate together in the kitchen talking about random things and laughing here and there. I enjoyed the energy in the room, it was happiness and friendliness. I really like these boys, they have a special place in my heart. I always thought having boy friends would be weird for simple fact that they eventually become more than that and I've been scared of that, scared of liking someone or someone liking me and I not feel the same way as them.

As everyone talked I looked around the room filled with my friends and seeing their smiles and hearing their laughs. I'm one lucky gal, I kept thinking. I've never had many friends here I am happy and content with my friends, it's crazy how much I enjoy their company. My eyes of course land on Daniel, he was telling a joke to corbyn and his face was astonishingly beautiful and happy. When corbyn laughed his smile grew more, why oh why is he so perfect. Someone elbows my side and I grunt turning towards them, I find Tyler with a wide evil grin on his face. I groan and roll my eyes "you were looking at him for at least 2 minutes Hal, you can deny it all you want but I know you like him" I think for a second and say something I never thought I'd say "I'm not gonna deny it Tyler, you've caught me" his jaw drops and I take a bit of pizza walking away. On the outside I felt and looked like a bad bitch but internally I was freaking out, Tyler could tell anyone and everyone what I just said and Daniel and I wouldn't have to keep it low-key or Daniel would be afraid of everyone knowing and ignore me. I didn't know what would happen but I decided not to dwell on it, I sat down besides Daniel. He was scrolling through his Instagram and stopped to look at me "hey there" he was side eyeing me but he looked so cute and innocent "hi cutie" I whisper, didn't want everyone to know at least not that way. He turned fully towards me, his cheeks were Rosy pink "you're making me blush" I feel those damn butterflies in my stomach "good, you're cute when you blush" I begin to get pink and hot, "you're cute always" he says louder than we have been speaking, I know someone heard it but I refused to see who. I kept my eyes on him, god this kid was so cute. I can't keep myself away from him and I know what ever we have between us will be difficult to keep up. He's a famous singer who travels the world whereas I will be taking college classes at home studying plus working to make a living.

"You guys want to go outside and start a fire?" Jonah says, everyone agrees and follows behind him. I break my gaze with Daniel and followed them out to my back yard. Daniel grazed my hand with his teasing me, we were the last ones out of the house so grabbed his hand quickly. We was shocked but kept ahold, i ket go once we caught up with the group leaving no signs of what we were doing. We sit around the fire as Jonah starts it, Zach played a playlist and left it on low as background noise.

"Let's play a game" jack smirks, Jonah rolls his eyes "no truth or dare, we're adults" jack pouts obnoxiously. Sometimes I forget he's an actual adult, he acts like Zach so much. "Smash or pass?" Zach asks, Jonah agrees "only on one condition, we can't use anyone here because we don't want tk offend anyone" Zach frowns but agrees. Everyone nods and begin to play. "I'll go first" corbyn says, he looks around between each of us "Daniel" Daniel smirks waiting for corbyn to continue "smash or pass, Bry?" My stomach churned, he shook his head "pass" I turned to him almost surprised, she was so beautiful. Why would he pass? "Okay Jonah" Daniel says, Jonah waits for him "smash or pass teala Dunn" Jonah scrunches his face "pass" I drop my jaw, why are they passing such beautiful girls? Jonah looks at me and smirks "Hallie, smash or pass Daniel?" I furrow my eyebrows "I thought we weren't doing people here?" Jonah shrugs "yeah well i changed my mind" I cross my arms, Daniel and everyone else was looking at me "that's not fair" I know Jonah was just picking on me but I'm not saying pass because that's a lie but I'm not saying smash because I don't want them to know. "Hey Jonah don't make her do that" Daniel broke the akward tension, Jonah sat back in his chair "okay fine, i give her a new one" he took a deep breath and mumbled something I didn't hear and Anna reached over and slapped him, she laughed and so did he but i knew she was still serious. "Hallie smash or pass Logan Paul?" Jonah says, I almost gag in my mouth "pass times 100" Jonah looks at me bewildered as though he thought I'd say smash, I would NEVER smash him. No thank you. "Zach!" I say, he jumps "smash or pass.." I think Zach leans forward waiting for me to give him a name "Loren gray" he bits his lip "smash" I laugh a little at his dazed grin. "Okay stop doing that" I say, Zach laughs and sits back in his chair continuing the game. We played the game for what felt like hours until we were tired. I showed the boys to the rooms they'll be staying in and went to mine with Anna. We lay in my bed on our phones for a bit before Anna speaks.

"Hallie" I look up closing my phone "Anna" she bits her cheek, an anxious habit she has "be honest with me" I sit up and nod letting her know to move on "what's going on with you and my brother?" All of a sudden I lost my breath, I tried to stay calm as the seconds turned into minutes. Anna stayed calm looking at me. "I don't know." I whisper so low it was barely audbiable. She tilts her head a little "what do you mean?" I sigh, I was becoming incredibly anxious and stood up pacing back and forth "I don't know, i-i like him, we kissed, a few times. I just I don't know we never really- it's just difficult-" I rambled on until Anna finally stopped me from moving and speaking "okay, Hallie take a deep breath and relax" I closed my eyes and listened to her comfort me. I can't help myself when I'm confronted, even if it's nothing bad. I just find it so difficult to explain how I feel or what I'm doing, I always freak out and end up making no sense and I look like a crazy person.

"You don't have to tell me anything, I understand what you were trying to say" she hugs me and I relax, Anna is more than just my best friend, she understands me more than anyone else & she can do easily fix my problems just by saying a few words. Ever since I met her she's been by my side, I'm so great ful for her and everything she's done.

"I love you Anna" I say after awhile, she was laying down besides me. Shs smiles widely "I love you too Hallie, now go to sleep and get some rest" I smile before closing my eyes and try to fall asleep. Anna knows what's been happening between Daniel and I and it's so relieving knowing that she knows. Plus if I need advice she's always right there. Maybe this could work out, or am I thinking too far ahead?


Sorry it's been a hot ass minute since I posted but this chapter is sort of long, love yall x

Also no hate to the people who were mentioned in this chapter, I don't hate them I might dislike some of them but that's just my opinion and I'm not here to bash anyone. You be a fan of who you like, just know I wasn't throwing shade or being rude in this chapter okay bye again :)

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