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Hallie pov

After lunch the boys, Anna and I wonder around the Grove going shopping. I wasn't in the mood to shop but Anna and the boys were. Anna wondered into top shop (idk the stores at the Grove) with Jonah and corbyn following behind her. I followed Daniel, jack and Zach into a store. I didn't really see what it was. I don't like shopping that much. When I was younger it was a struggle to find clothes that fit me. I was a chubby girl and nothing was in my size. Now that I'm older it's harder to find things in my size because I'm short but I have a lot of butt. And I have a lot of boob so it's practically still a struggle to find clothes that fit. "Hallie you gonna buy anything?" Jack pulls me out of my thoughts. I quickly shake my head "n-no I'm not big on shopping" he nods and walks over to the counter. I follow behind him because it looked like Daniel was done too. Zach was looking through a rack in the back of the store. They both paid then Zach walked up with empty arms. "didn't find anything?" Daniel asks. Zach shakes his "no nothing really stood out" we nod and walk out of the store and we're immediately stopped by fans. I smile at them and give them space with the boys I didn't want them to feel like I was intruding. After a few minutes of the boys talking to them and talking pictures. Daniel excuses himself and walks over to me. "hey why are you over here?" He asked sweetly. "oh I didn't want to intrude" he says his head with a goofy grin on his face "nonsense, you're amazing" I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. "awe stop you're making me blush" I flirt, he chuckles and poke my nose "you're a goof ball" I roll my eyes and walk over to the group of three girls and jachary. "oh girls this is Hallie!" Jack introduces sweetly, the girls wave. "hi there" I say. Daniel comes up besides me and rests his arm on my shoulder.

I glance behind the taller brunnette girl catching a glance of Anna and Jonah. Bean was no where in sight. I caught the eyes of the tall blonde girl. She was starring at me mad cold. I didn't know but then remembered Daniels arm was resting on my shoulder. I smile sweetly but instead of my apologetic she rolls her eyes. I was taken aback but shook it off, she was jealous of me and she was being rude but I believe two wrongs don't make a right and karma's a bitch. I stand quietly as the 6 of them speak to one another. I didn't want to intrude or make the girl hate me more then she already does. Anna skips over and pulls me into her arms out of Daniels grasp. Jonah chuckles as he approached from behind. "you guys are so wierd, you saw eachother 30 minutes ago. " I roll my eyes "where's bean?" Jonah opened his mouth to say something but stopped "right here?!" I jump forward into Jonah. "holy crap corbyn!" Everyone giggles. Corbyn has a goofy grin on his face and Jonah had his hands placed on both of my elbows. "you scared me dude" corbyn smirks "that was the point" I roll my eyes and Jonah chuckles again. "you almost jumped into my arms" I turn around taking a step back from Jonah "almost doesn't count only in horseshoes and hand grenades" Anna giggles now "you always say that" I shrug. I only say because all my life that all my dad would tell me. Any time I'd say 'almost'. He responded with that line. "we should get going" Daniel says to the three girls. We all said our goodbyes and left to go back to the boys house.

The ride home was quiet except when corbyn asked us what we wanted for dinner. He ordered 5 pizzas and two salads. One for Anna and one for me but just because I'm eating a salad doesn't mean I'm not having pizza. I like to eat healthy but pizza is pizza. The food arrived shortly after we got there.

I took one of the pizzas in Daniels box and his jaw dropped "hey that's mine!" I shrug and took a bite. Anna chuckled and grabs one from Jonah's. See anna and I we're on the same wavelength. We high five one another and eat or slices of pizza. The boys finished quietly and left the kitchen to play video games. Which isn't surprising. "Hey you wanna go for a walk or something?" Daniel asks the two of us. I nod "yea I'm down seems like fun" Anna smirked and jumped out of her seat "I'm good you two can go" I look at Daniel as his eyes widen. "wai-" she pays his shoulder "have fun" and then she's gone. We turn to one another, Daniel opens his mouth first "you don't have too if you don't want to" I smile, he's so sweet "no, no I wanna go. besides i already said i would, it would be rude to change my mind." He smiled widy at me. I got of my seat and threw away mine salad bowl and Daniel threw away his pizza box.

We walked out of the house side by side. "so how do you like California?" I glance at him flashing a smile "it's beautiful here, it's always warm and sunny. Although I love rain, I also love the sun" I look back up at him. He blushes and looks out in front of us. "are you gonna miss them?" I was confused as to what he was asking but I didn't want to sound like an idoit so I asked. "miss who?" He clears his throat "Anna, my mom and dad" I nod, that's what he's talking about. I felt myself get a little sad. "yea, yea I'm gonna miss them. They mean a lot to me and it's going to suck with them living in another state. they won't be right next door anymore. They're like my second family" I bit the inside of lip as he let out a breath of air "you know Hallie summers coming up, you can always come visit" I nod "yea I guess so, it's just I'm gonna be lonely without them there" he slung his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer. We stop in our tracks, he looks me dead in the eyes and take a deep breath before talking "Hal my family and I like you a lot. We'll miss you, the boys will too. But we will see you soon. It won't be forever" he right. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same resting his head on top of mine.

He kissed the top of my head before both of us pulling away. "we should head back, is getting late". He nods and takes my hand into his. Butterflies bounced back and forth in my stomach, it was like a wild for spreading and it was hard to stop. I can't be getting feelings for my best friends brother. That can not happen what so ever. I can't risk my friendship with the boys or my love for the seaveys just because I have these stupid feelings. "Daniel.." it felt weird to say his full name out loud. "mhmm" he says without opening his mouth. "why are we holding hands?" He looks down at our hands and his face flushes from all colors. "i-im so sorry" he quickly let go. I frowned I didn't want him to act in that way, it's like he was embarrassed. "are you embarrassed to hold my hand?" He shakes his "no-no I'm embarrassed because I took your hand without asking and I shouldn't have I'm sorry" I giggle and relaxed a little, I kind of missed his hand in mine so I took his in mine "its fine Daniel, friends can hold hands" he gulped and nodded "yea, friends"


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