38. secrets out

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daniels pov

the next day Hallie avoided me as much as possible but I deserved it, I keep confusing her and myself. I don't want her to get caught up in my mess of a mind. She stuck by Anna's side most of the day.

"mom we're gonna go get brunch" Anna says grabbing our moms keys from the counter, my mom kisses both Anna and Hallie on the cheek "have fun you two and drive safe." Anna walks to the door, "we will" Hallie say before following behind Anna. the door closes and I sit down at the couch, my mom sits down next to me. "I thought you and Hallie were sleeping in your room together last night?" I quickly came up with an excuse "we were but I decided last minute I wanted to give her some space, we haven't known each other long enough to be comfortable sleeping in the same bed" my mom nods, raising an eyebrow "that's not really the reason" I mentally slap myself, I suck at lying. "no" I sigh, she turns herself towards me "what's the real reason" I begin to chew on my bottom lip, I don't know what to say let alone even say it. "i- we- dang it" I stutter, she stays calm waiting for me "I'm giving her mixed signals, that's all" my mom stays quiet "I like her, she likes me" my mom nods as if she already knew "but?" she reads us both so easily "but I don't want to pull her under" my mother frowns "so you're worried you'll hurt her?" I gulp looking down at my hands, I wasn't expecting to tell my mom about us. "yeah, I'll always be gone, I can't have her worrying about me when she not in a good place. she's losing her father and I'm going on tour soon, she should be there for him not me" my mom takes my hand and holds it in hers "Daniel" I meet her eyes "I understand why you feel the way that you do but no matter what, dating or not, you'll be on her mind. Hallie's the type of person that worries about everyone, she thinks of herself last. She must really care for you daniel, and from what you're telling me, it seems like you want to keep your distance from her but that won't work" I bit my lip again "I can tell that she is, I just don't think I'm in the right mind set to date anyone, especially Hallie, she means so much to all of us I don't want to ruin it" she shakes her head "sweetie you won't ruin it, we will still love her and she'll still be family to us" I nod and she continues, "but no one said you had to date her Daniel, just stop pushing her away" I close my eyes for a few seconds trying to think, think of what I should do differently, because in the end I'm still hurting her.

Hallie's pov

Anna and I get into the car, I haven't really talked much this morning and I now she's noticed. I want to speak to her, I want to tell her everything just so she can tell me what to do but I'm scared, I hid this from her, he hid it from her. I don't know what her reaction will be. "Hal" my heart drops, "yeah?" my voice cracks, "I know" I choke on air and almost felt like I was about to pass out "know what?" she turns to me, I can only imagine how pale I looked "I uh, I went to the bathroom last night and I heard you and Daniel" I tried to swallow the ball in my throat but my muscle were too tensed "wha-" I cough "what did you hear?" she moves in her seat and turns herself to me, "well I heard him call you stunning and I listened until I heard you two kiss and when you said 'i thought you wanted to stay friends' and that was when I went to my bedroom. I felt bad for listening" I look down into my hands "I'm sorry"

"for what?" her voice was quiet, "for keeping this from you" she rubbed my shoulder "don't be sorry, I understand why you kept it from me" I meet her eyes "it doesn't matter anyways" she raised her eyebrow "he doesn't want there to be anything between us, it's driving me insane. one minute he wants me and the next he's pushing away" she frowns, "he's always been like that, he's never been lucky when it came to relationships" I raise my eyebrow "why is that?" she sighs "he's was cheated on a few years ago, and ever since then he has detached him from girls. One girl comes around and he messes around with them but doesn't make it official and they're gone within a few months sometimes weeks. He's too afraid to date anyone, atleast from what I can see. He doesn't believe he'll ever be enough" my heart felt as though it was getting teared open. "that poor boy" my voice was merely a whisper, Anna nods "he puts on hell of a show for girls, which I'm glad I haven't seen him do to you. he's been the most raw with you then I've ever seen" i smile slightly "I know I can't change him, but I can always try. I'm willing to, I tried to distract myself from him but I failed badly." I take a second "I'm sorry, this is probably weird for us to talk about" she shakes her head "no no it's not, I wouldn't want anyone else to be talking to me about my brother. for some reason I always thought there would be something between the two of you. When Daniel wasn't around you took his place, you and him have so much in common and you both are so close to me. My mom's even seen it, maybe you're just what Daniel needs to come back to the surface" I tried to stop the tears from falling but once I seen Anna's I couldnt, I leaned over the center console and we hugged each other. we stayed like that for a few minutes before we regained ourselves and left for brunch.


I'm so sorry, I'm bad author okay

I'll try to update as much as possible but it's becoming more difficult with constant writer's block.

ily guys

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