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Hallie's POV.

I knew he was starring at me most of the night, was he admiring? Or judging? I didn't like it, he made me feel self conscious. When Anna, Sam and I got in the car I opened the mirror looking to see if I had anything on my face. All there was, was my deep dark bags under my eyes. "I need sleep" I mumble. "Well yea you were lucky enough to get two hours until Daniel woke you up" I close the mirror and glance back at Sam "so what movie are you seeing?" He shrugged not looking up from his phone "probably a scary movie, or a Disney movie" I chuckle and so does Anna "sammi that's opposite ends of the spectrum" he chuckles and finally looks up at me "I don't know yet, but can you play some music" Anna turns up the radio since her phone was already plugged it.

My phone vibrates in my lap again.


Hi again :)

Hi zach


Taking my brother to his first date, hby?

Playing with my little sister, and are you going with him?

No Anna and I are driving him lol that'd be weird.

Lol true, you don't like me do you?

We can be friends :)

Okay that's fine with me, may I get your number??


Please :)

Xxx-xxx-xxxx text me saying its you, bbfn


Bye bye for now

I glance up at the road, we were almost at the movie theater. My phone vibrated again.


hi its Zachary Dean Herron at your service :)

Hi Zachary Dean Herron its Hallie Ray Angelo

Unknown changed your name to Hallie🌠

Hallie🌠 changed your name to Zachie🌵

"Who are texting?" Sam says. I turn around "why does it matter too you" he smirks "ooo its a boy" Anna hits the brakes "who is it!" She pulls into the parking lot. "It's Zach geez" Anna parks "Zach? You like Zach? He's 16" Sam gasps "oh 16 wow such a big difference. That's weird Hallie" I roll my eyes at their sarcastic remarks and throw my hands up "I don't like him people chill out!"  Sam and Anna chuckle "someone's getting saltyyy" i roll my eyes and unbuckle my seat belt. "Let's go " everyone gets out, we walk into the movie theater and I see Sam wave to the small blonde girl. "Is that her?" He nods and I smile "okay" I skip over to her "Hallie no stop"  he yells. The girl smiles at me "hi I'm Hallie, my brothers Sam" she giggles "hi I'm Carley" Sam runs up, his face was red. I smile "I'll leave you two, bye now" Sam grabs my arm "what did you say?" I smile devilish and shrug "find out" he gulps and turns back to Carley. I walk back to Anna. "Now you better stop or I'll embarrass you like I did with him" she nods and giggles "you're no fun" I shrug.

Sam walked out of the movies with a red face, Carley waved and ran to her dad. I nudged him "So tomato, how'd it go " he blushed deeper "she kissed me" Anna and I chuckle "awe! Sam. had his first kiss" we cheered he covered his face "stop guys!" we giggle and link our arms with his. We skip out of the movie theater "Sam had his first kiss" we sang. He definitely hated us but we were having fun. Sam sat in the back with a red on his face. We played music but replaced the words with "Sam got his first kiss. " Anna giggled when we pulled back into the drive way Sam got out automatically. I stopped him "kiss the girl" he rolls his eyes "I hate you guys" we chuckle and he walks back to our house.

Anna pulls me into her house "you're staying tonight" Anna tells me like I didn't already know. We open the front door and we hear the laughter of the Seaveys, I can tell the difference between all of their laughter but Daniels stuck out, I never heard him laugh. He sounded so precious, woah Hallie chill. We step into the living room where everyone has gathered "Hallie's staying tonight" Keri chuckles "we know" she sits down next to her mom and I sat between her and Tyler. Tyler put his arm around the couch behind Anna and I.

The movie was almost over but I caught on quickly and so did Anna. The room was silent other then movie playing and the fits of laughter when something funny happened. Daniels sat in the chair by the TV, his blue eyes and face glowed in the TV light. I've always looked at people in the dark, rather it be the glow of a TV or phone or even the moonlight. It shows features that people don't normally catch in normal light. My eyes wandered down his sharp jawline and his slightly big nose. His bottom lip is bigger then his top. Tyler jabs me in the side. "Stop weirdo" he whispered low enough i only I heard him. "Ow" I grab my side. He taps my side gently "sorry" I try to ignore the fact that he just caught me starring at Daniel. He dropped his head down to my ear "lucky I caught you and not him" I tilt my head to the side "no because now you're gonna pick on me about it" he winked and clicked his tongue. I roll my eyes and turn back to the screen, Daniel was looking at me I see his Adams apple bounce from gulping and he turned back to the screen.

After the movie we all sat discussing how we liked the movie. The parents went to bed leaving us teens, alone. "So how did Sam's date go?" Tyler asked. Anna and I looked at each other with a smirk "Sammi had his first kiss" we say in unison. Tyler and Daniel chuckle. "Getting more action then me at 14" Anna says. I laugh "he's getting more then me period" Tyler laughs loudly and pats my shoulder "poor hal" I roll my eyes "neither are you" Daniel laughs and so does Anna. Tyler stuck out his tongue.

Daniels POV.

Her relationship with my siblings makes me want to get closer with her. Tyler sticks his tongue out at her and she flings her hair into his face. They all laugh and I find myself smiling at their goofiness. "So Daniel tell me about you" Hallie's eye meet mine. I feel my cheeks heat up but ignore it "well what do you want to know?" She shrugs "I don't know, what's something you think people should know about you" Anna and Tyler look between the two of us. "Well I'm 18 I'll be 19 soon and I like to sing and make music" she smiles and nods "I already knew that but good start" Anna jumps "oH there was this one time when we were 6 and Daniel jumped out of the tub and ran around the house butt naked." My face loses all color, Hallie giggles and her cheeks turn a shade of pink "Anna!" I say. She smirked "hey, it was funny" Tyler shook his head "so since you embarrassed Daniel its my turn to embarrass Hallie" Hallie's eyes light up and she quickly covered Tyler mouth. Even with her hand covering his mouth you can see his smile lines. She quickly pulled away "ew!" She wiped her hand on his shirt. "About a month ago Hallie was riding her skateboard and-" she covers his mouth again "don't" Anna stands up wrapping her arms around Hallie pulling her off "I wanna hear this" Hallie's face falls and she sighs. "Guys don't be mean to her" I say. She smiles at me "you know what its funny so its okay Daniel but thank you" I nod, she was still to far away for me to see her eyes. I wanted to see her eyes, I still haven't figured out what color they were. "She crashed into the tree in the front yard, and had to get stitches" Anna dropped her from her grasp "you told me you fell" she laughed "I told you because you would have laughed at me!" Anna tries to hold back her laughter "n-no" she manages to say but then bursts into fits of laughter.

Hallie rolls her eyes and plops back down on the couch "told you so"


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