21. surprise

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Month later..

Hallie's pov

The last month has been crazy, between finals, Sam, getting ready for prom, & work. Sam and Carley are finally dating but he's constantly coming too me for everything, don't get me wrong it's cute but sometimes his love life is hard too handle especially when I don't have one to give him advice from. Prom is next week and I haven't even gotten my dress, Anna's coming home this weekend to help me go dress shopping I'm so excited to see her I can't wait! And no i don't have a date, Anna's actually going Dalton which is the cutest thing ever, they aren't dating yet but they will be soon. Dalton's planning on asking her the night before prom at a little party I'm having at my house. Little I mean just a few friends, I'm not gonna have 100+ people with alcohol I'm actually responsible.

I wait patiently at Anna's gate waiting to see her beautiful face, when I finally see it i see another I wasn't expecting but wasn't mad about. I get out and hug her, but whisper into her ear "why's he here" she giggled and shrugged, "hey Hallie" I smile up at his blue eyes "hi Dani" I take their bags placing them in the trunk. Anna say upfront with me as I drove them too my house. I pulled into the driveway and Anna and Daniel stare at their old house "I low-key miss it" Daniel mutters, Anna nods in agreement "yeah, I miss being here with you" she placed her hand on my shoulder I turn to her with a smile "I miss you being here too". Daniels phone dings and we jump, he answers and Anna and I get out grabbing their bags. Daniel takes his from my hands "I got it ma'am" I roll my eyes at his wide grin. Anna and Daniel follow behind me into my house. Sam and Carley were in the living room and didn't see us enter the house.

Daniel and Anna put their bags in my room and followed me back down the stairs. "Sam where's dad?" He pauses the movie and his face lights up "ANNA! DANIEL!" Carley looks at them shocked. Sam hugged the both of them with Carley right behind him "y-youre d-daniel s-seavey" I hold in my laugh, she looked like she just saw a ghost. "hi, nice too meet you" he hugged her, Sam gave Daniel the evil eye and Daniel winked. "What are you guys doing here?" Sam asks, I look at him "I literally told you last night annas coming" he nodded as in saying 'i know bitch' "why's Daniel here?" I look and Anna and Daniel "I asked the same thing" Anna and Daniel smile, I turn back and look at Carley who was still shocked. "Carley? You good?" She shook her head "nope, still shocked Daniel seavey is in front of me" Anna giggles and side hugs Carley "get used to sweetheart" Anna walks into the kitchen and hugs my dad "hi sweetheart how are ya?" Anna shrugs and Daniel stops in the door frame of the kitchen "I'm great actually! and I hope you don't mind Daniels here with me" my dad looked up at Daniel with smile "I don't mind, hi Daniel!" I could tell Daniel was tad nervous "hi Mr. Angelo".

"Okay let go shopping!" Anna squeled, my dad let's out a deep laugh at her excitement "have fun!" We walked out if the house and into my my car. "so do i have to follow you guys around today?" Daniel asked, Anna shakes her head "nope Hallie's gonna drop you off at Dalton's and you guys are going shopping okay?" Daniel nodded and I turned the car on. Anna plugged her phone into the aux and played music. I thought Dalton already had his tux, why would they go shopping again? Whatever maybe theyre going shopping for something else. I parked in front of of Dalton's house and he walks out the three of us got out of the car, Dalton hugs Anna for what felt like an hour. Daniel and I just stared at each other with akward eyes, I made an ugly face and Daniel laughs loudly. Anna and Dalton pulled away and look at the two of us as we laugh our asses off. "What's so funny?" Anna chuckles. "h-her face!" Daniel said through laughter. I laugh at his laugh and i couldn't stop. I started to get light headed and held my stomach as i try to stop laughing, Daniel does the same. We take another look at each other and almost laugh, I cover my mouth and turn around. "you guys are cute" Dalton says, when he said that my heart felt like it stopped for a few seconds, when he didn't say anything my heart was in my stomach. I groan and turn back around facing them, Daniel was smiling at me. My face redden and I smiled back "im light headed" Anna and Dalton look at each other because I avoided what Dalton said, "honestly same" Daniel places his hand on his temples.

Anna and I say bye to the boys and leave to the mall. Anna starred at me until I finally asked "what?" She chuckles and moves a little in her seat. "come on Hal! You so like him and he so likes you!" I roll my eyes "Anna you're reading too much into it, we're just friends! a guy and a girl can be friends" anna sighs "they can but not you and Daniel" I turn into the parking lot of the mall "well we are" Anna waits til i park to bring her hand towards me "I bet you and Daniel will become more then friends" I shake her hand "I bet the most we're gonna be is best friends" Anna chuckles "well we'll see who wins" I nod and open my car door, slamming it shut "now let's get dresses" she skips to my side and we walk into Windsor hip to hip. Anna's eyes automatically goes to a jazzy blue dress "that one" I follow her too it and find her size she quickly get it and goes to the dressing room. Anna steps out and I finally examine the dress. The dress was strapless and the top half was laced joining into the silk material the dress fell right below her feet long enough to wear with heels and not step on the dress. Over the bottom half of the dress was a thin laced cover that had sparkles and gems evenly distributed. Anna's California tan made the dress pop with her shinny ocean eyes. "I like it" I say, she smiles with glee "I love it!" She spins around and falls even more in love with the dress. "I'm getting this" she says right before going back into the dress room.

I wait for her too come out with the dress in her hand, scanning the room of any dress that catches my eye. She walks up behind me with a grin "let's fine yours" we search rack after rack trying to find me the perfect dress it almost seems hopeless til my eyes landed on one. I pulled it into view and both Anna and I looked at it with awe. "Hal, this would look amazing on you" I nod taking it and bringing it into the dressing room. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror, the dress was black with lacey long sleeves. the top was a dark silk material along with the rest of the dress, it was skin tight but loose enough to move around. It showed my curves very well, the dress had few sparkles but enough to make it pop with white. I stepped out if the dressing room showing Anna, she looked at me in awe "Hal, you're so gorgeous!" I smile "I think I'm gonna get it" Anna ushers over too me "less thinking more buying!" I chuckle and go back too take it off, I was surprised that the dress wasn't all that expensive but it fit my budget perfectly.

We meet up with the boys and got dinner together, we went to a small diner by the edge of the town. Anna sat besides me with Dalton infront of her and Daniel in front of me. I ordered fetticuni chicken Alfredo, Anna got a burger, Dalton got a pizza and Daniel got nachos. We sat and Dalton and Anna chatted about prom, "so are you going with anyone too prom?" Daniel asks, I shake my head "no, just me" I smile not making eye contact, Anna glances over "would you like anyone too join you?" Daniel continues. "well yeah but I don't really have anybody to go with, boys don't normally like me" Anna nudges me, and I look at Daniel in front of me "well uh- what if I uh- take you to prom?" Daniel nervously says, I felt my heart beat pick up, I kept telling my heart to chill out but it only got worse "um yeah- that would- that would nice" Dalton nudges Daniel and Daniel turn too Dalton with a smile. I take my finger and poke Anna's thigh she groans and the boys look at her "sorry something poked me" they chuckle and I poke her again, she let's out another groan "it won't stop poking me, I might have to slap them- I mean it" we all bursted into laughter and I meet eyes with Daniel and we continue to laugh. After few minutes of stares from others we finally chilled out. The waitress came with our food in her hands, placing them down in front of us.

We all get quiet as we all begin to eat, I look up at Daniel who's eyes were already on me. I smile up at him and he grins looking back at his food. I turn to Anna and take one of her fries, she watches me with shock but takes a piece of my chicken eating it. "rood" I say. "Rood?" Daniel repeats me. I nod "rood" he chuckles "you're weird" i smile and wink "thanks bb" I say. Anna and Dalton choke on their food with laughter, Daniels face reddens but he laughs along with them. I hold my mouth trying my best not too laugh. I was enjoying this day a lot. I can't wait for school too be over. I missed Anna so much, and I even missed Daniel, and I'm not gonna lie he's been making feel some type of way. I don't want Anna to be right but if he feels the same way I've been beginning to feel she's gonna win the bet.


Sorry it's been so long.. im so bad at writing along everything else. But this chapter is longer than I usually do so you're welcome. Also this book is over 1k reads!!🤧🤧 I love y'all sm!♥️

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