48. ✓taken

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Hallie's POV

He plays with my hair in his lap my head rested on his thigh. The cool breeze makes me shiver and I stare off into the distance, Daniel stops playing with my hair for second and then I feel his jacket fall upon my upper body, I smile "thanks" he pushes my hair out of my face "you're welcome" I flip over to face him, he grins "now I can see your pretty face" I was already blushing and I smile "stop" he winks and continues to play with my hair, I grab his other hand and hold it against my chest. He raises his eyebrow at me and I laugh, "what? you don't want to feel my heart beat?" he rolls his eyes "all I feel is your.." he looks around the whispers "boobs" I let out a loud laugh and he joins in "you're so weird!" he half smiles trying to hold in his laugh, I bite my lower lip. God he's gorgeous, I sigh and place my hand back in his but I rest it on my right cheek.

Daniel's POV

She places my hand on her cheek and stares up at me, her grey eyes danced as they wandered around my face. I continue to play with her hair, her breathing became more fast paced and I could only tell from her chest, I know I shouldn't be looking there but she had a locket resting on her chest, it was gold and glistened in the sunlight, just like her eyes. "what's the story behind the locket?" I pull her from what ever she was thinking about. she grabs it and runs her thumb and index finger over it "my dad gave it to me when I was 12, it's a picture of my dad, Sam and I. Our names are embroidered on the back, that was when he first found out about his cancer but he didn't tell us then" she frowns "before it was bad" I begin to regret asking but she can't keep in all the pain from the what ifs, she's going back home soon and i want to fix everything or at least try. ive booked a flight with her, no one knows besides my mom. i will stay a few days with her and help her with her father then leave to go on tour. I know it isn't much but I know it will mean a lot to her.

I caress her face then kiss her forehead "it's okay to cry" she smiles at me as a year runs down her face. "thank you Daniel" she sits up and cuddles into my shoulder, she stays like that for a few minutes. We sit in silence, my head rested on hers. Starring off into the distance the sun begun to set, I reach for her hand then grab the box that has been in my pocket for the whole date. "Hallie" I full, my nerves shoot through the roof. She turns to me with a smile but then realizes I was nervous, I notice her begin to worry.

I pull the box into view, she raises her eyebrow. I place it in her hands "open it" she brushes her hair off her shoulder and pulls the bow off. As she lifts the box I speak "it isn't much, but i wanted to get you something that reminded me of you and something that will hopefully help me out with the big question" she looks at me obviously catching on "Daniel..it's beautiful" I look down at my hands then back at her "so are you" she takes it out and I take it from her clipping the necklace around her neck. she turns back around looking at me "Hallie, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" she smiles widely and nods "yes!" her voice cracks, I hug her and fall into her on accident making her fall backwards. She laughs "idiot" I laugh "your idiot" I wink, she smiles. My head rested on her shoulder, I pick up the charm on the necklace "so why a sunflower?" she asks, "well I know it's your favorite flower but I chose it because you reminded me of a sunflower. Beautiful, bright and full of the sun or in other cases happiness. you make me and everyone else around you happy and when I look at a sunflower that's what I see, I see you" she had a smile spreaded beautifully across her face "you have a way with words" I sigh "I am a songwriter" she rolls her eyes playfully.

When the stars blanket the sky, she begins to point out constellations for me. "over there, you she the 3 starts in a row?" I try to find exactly where she's pointing, i find the 3 stars quickly and nod "that's the Orion's belt" she whispers, I roll my head over and smile at her "what?" I shrug, she doesn't break eye contact. I move closer and kiss her, she kisses back. The kiss was slower and cautious almost as if she was worried someone would see us. Which I knew was something she feared, she pulled away and looked around before meeting my eyes again. She looked embarrassed "sorry" her voice was small, she sits up. I sit up too and pull her into my side, "don't worry" she sighed and rested her head on my shoulder, my phone begins to ring. She reaches for it and hands it to me because it was by her. She doesn't look at the ID, she waits quietly as I answer. "hey Mom" I see her smile, "hey sweetheart, just calling to check up on you two. who's it going?" I smile "perfect to say the least" I caress her chin and her cheeks turn red "she said yes" my mother squeals, "FINALLY!" I hear Anna and my father too, I chuckle then kiss Hallie before speaking again "we'll be home soon" my mom gasps "oh no no no, you two take as much time as needed. not much privacy here" I gulp, "okay mom" Hallie smiles "I love you, tell Hallie I love her too" Hallie licks her lips and I bring the phone to her mouth "I love you too" I say it to before hanging up, I stand up and reach for her hand "may I take you to dinner, my love?" she smirks "um no, I'm good" I pretend to act hurt "ouchie" she laughs "ouch that hurt" I roll my eyes and poke her side and she yelps and scrunches her nose "oh I see how it is" she turns around and picks up the picnic basket "let's go" I raise my eyebrow and pick up the blanket she skips to the car and places the basket in the trunk, as I go to close the trunk she jumps behind me and pokes both sides of my stomach. I yelp even louder than her, but let out a laugh "I this a war?" I say turning around, she puts her finger on her chin "hmm, maybe it is" I laugh and poke her then lift her up, she squeals "stop!" she couldn't hold in her laughter. I sit her on my trunk and she quickly covers her sides with her arms, I smirk at her. She was looking at me at eye level, she was so short sitting on my trunk made her level with me. Her eyes were playful, slowly her lips turn into a smirk. I raise my eyebrow and bring myself closer, she doesn't move nor crack.

She lets out a steady breath and moves closer leaving nothing but air between us. I could almost feel her lips on mine, I knew I would be the one to crack. She was too seductive and she held her ground, i couldn't help but imagine years down the line, playing this exact game in out home that we bought and our children who we just put to sleep. I never met some one who I imagined a future with until I met her. "what are you thinking about?" she whispers flirtatiously, I hesitate "you, us, our future" I confess, she gulps but her face doesn't change "already?" she jokes, I knew what she was doing and she was doing it so well. "yes" she smiles, is she gonna crack first? "usually the male specimen don't think about that, especially with someone they've only been dating for a few hours" I laugh, "you're right but I'm not like other guys" she playfully rolls her eyes "I know you're not, why do you think I chose you? You're everything I need and want" I knew she meant what she said but it was also part of the game "ditto" I say, I raise my hand to her face and caress her cheek bringing my hand to the tip of her chin "possibly the love of my life" her face turns red and she tries so hard to stay together "that's a big thing to say, so fast isn't?" I shake my head "they say you know when you know and I know" she laughs "very vague but I understand" I chuckle "very true, you make me feel stupid you know?" she smirks "but you're my stupid idiot" I drop my jaw "when did I say idiot?" she laughs "I added my own" she bites her lip, my eyes widen but I try to stay put "fair enough" I say, she smirks again "I know you want to kiss me, I seen those eyes just now" she whispers, I gulp and take deep breath "I'm trying to win" she moves in and brushes her lips on my cheek and looks me in the eyes "you're not going to win, I always win" her voice was full of list and seduction, "fuck" I mumble before crashing my lips on to hers, she grabs my face pulling me into her body.
I grab her waist closing the space that was left between us. she bites down on my lip before pulling on it, I groan and she smirks before kissing me again. Her one hand ran through my hair and she pulls on it and I groan again "I always win" she says, she moves her lips to my jaw and kisses down my neck "fuck fuck fuck" I groan, I was sexually frustrated. She drove me insane and I wanted her so badly. She licks my neck before sucking and biting, I couldn't believe the amount of groans that came out of me. She kept smiling against my neck, she finally pulls away and slides off the trunk. I know I looked ridiculous, I felt ridiculous. She reaches for my hair and begins to fix it, she looks at my neck and blushes "whoops" I smile, she takes the keys out of my pocket slowly. She knows she's driving me crazy, "I'll drive?" I shake my head "no ma'am, I will" she tilts her head to the side "are you sure? you seem a bit flustered" I roll my eyes and kiss her again. "because of you" she winks and walks to the passenger seat "I always win" she says before opening the door.

I take her to dinner at a small Italian restaurant close by my parents apartment. We spend the meal talking about random shit, she had so many interesting stories, and sometime just dumb entertaining ones " okay so when Sam was 5 I decided to give him a bath to help my dad out, and when I went to put in bubbles I dropped not only the whole bottle in the tub but also my fully clothed body" I let out a loud laugh, she giggles and continues "my dad came home and laughed at me, I'm glad he wasn't mad" I shared so of mine "Tyler once locked me in the bathroom for 3 hours when I was 7 and i decided to try and get out of the window and I sprained my wrist" she laughs and grabs her gut "I don't know why but I want to see you fall out of a window" I smirk "maybe one day my love" she playfully rolls her eyes. "I'll be the one pushing you" she pokes my nose.

The drive home was fast and it made me a bit sad that our alone time is over. I pull into the garage and she leans over to kiss my cheek "today was fun" I park and smile "it was unforgettable" she told her head "okay stop being cute, my cheeks hurt from smiling" I smile wider "so do mine but I like seeing you smile" I kiss hey lips quickly "come on" she follows me into my parents apartment building with her hand in mine. I send her wink before opening the door, my sister and Mom were sitting on the couch watching a movie in the dark. "well well well" my mom teases, Anna pauses the movie "hey lovebirds" Hallie smiles and twirls around "I am no longer single" I smile wide and bow "ditto" they smile at us "congratulations, come, sit and watch the rest of the movie with us" Hallie sits next to my mom and I sit besides her, I hold her hand and Hallie smiles down at our hands before resting her head on my shoulder.


this chapter is so long i think it counts as two and that's on periodt

love y'all:))

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