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The rest of the week flew by and it sadden me when I realized I'll be going back alone. It was gonna take me awhile to adjust without my best friend there by my side but it doesn't hurt to try. Everyone came to bring me to the airport.

"God this is gonna be hard" Anna whispers before wrapping her arms around me. I squeeze her tight as a few tears slip from my eyes. I didn't want to cry, I could always see her during the summer. When she finally let go I hugged each one of the boys, they all kissed the top of my head except Daniel. Daniel tilted my head planting a small sweet kiss on my cheek. I hear a gasp escape one of the boys mouths. He hugged me tighter then the other boys and held me a little longer. I pull away and step back but quickly end up in a big group hug. I'm gonna miss these boys so much I can already tell, but not as much as I'm gonna miss my best friend. She hugs me one last time before I wave goodbye to them leaving.

The flight was short but when I landed realization washed over me, i had to go back to school and finish without her. I won't have my best friend by my side when I graduate.

I hop into my Uber and go home, I didn't want to go to school but I had too. When I got home i was greeted by my dad and brother, I told them about my trip and so on. After small talk with them my brother and I headed up to bed to get ready for school to start back up again. They was good thing about going back, school is over in a month.

Next morning

I struggled to get out of bed, I was a tad jetlegged but also just tired. I didn't care for the way I looked so I threw my hair up in a messy bun, put on sweats and a hoodie. It was still a little chilly out even though it's the end of April. I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs, Sam was scarfing down a bowl cereal & my dad sat beside him reading the newspaper and drinking his coffee "I put some waffles in the toaster for u" he says almost a second later the waffles pop up. "thanks" I mumble, my voice was raspy and I already knew it was gonna be gone. I ate my waffles in without a sound, Sam finishes his cereal and puts his dish in the sink.

My dad gets up from his chair and kisses my head "have a nice day at school sweet heart, I love you" I stand up and hug him "love you too Dad" without another word he's gone. Sam comes stomping down the stairs "ready?" I nod and pick my bookbag up off the ground slinging it over my shoulder. I follow behind him to my car, we put our bags in the back seat. "So how was it in Cali?" Sam asks. I smiled "I loved it, the boys are amazing and so are their families" Sam nods "I'm glad you had fun" I pull into the schools parking lot and park in my usual spot. Sam jumps out and grabs his bag "thanks Hal, see ya later" he runs to the football field to meet up with his friends. I stay seated in my car waiting for the clock to strike 7:50, I didn't want to be social this morning so I waited until I needed to get to first hour. Once the five minute bell rung and got out of my car, grabbing my bookbag making my way into the building. I walk into first hour and sit in my assigned seats, my head suddenly began to pound and I grab my always handy bag of Advil in my book bag, I made sure no one seen me take the pill. I rested my head in my hands as everyone else poured into the classroom.

"Hallie!" My teacher yelled, I jumped and looked up at her. The class chuckled at me like, I had no clue I had fallen asleep. "do I need to send you too SAO?" I shake my head and tried to speak but nothing came out, I covered my mouth. The teacher gave me a concerned look "do you need to go to the nurse?" I nod and she let's me go, her mood changed very fast towards me and it made me feel slightly uncomfortable. I walked into the nurses office and she let me lay down for awhile. I actually fell asleep in her class, I woke up about 12 and left to lunch. I was surprised I slept that long. I sighed as I walked into the lunchroom but I was sort of thankful when i saw Dalton sitting at my table, I'm not that much of social butterfly, only when I have too. Dalton greets me with a wide grin " hey Hal, how have you been?" I smile faintly at him "hi Dalton and I've been better, how about you?" Dalton frowns "why is that?" I shrug, honestly I dont even know why I feel the way i do. "I don't know, I just don't feel like doing anything" he chuckled "so you're being lazy?" I shake my head "it's more like I'm not motivated" Dalton reached into his bag taking out a small bag, he pushed the bag towards me and winks. I open it and smile "you know me so well" I take out the small container of fruits "I thought of you this morning while making my lunch" I was touched by Dalton's sweet gestures. We eat and talk together, he tells me about his spring break and I tell him about mine.

He kept asking questions about Anna, it was so cute that he liked her. I knew it the day they met. When the bell rang a frown washed over my face, i wasn't in the mood to go to class. Some part of me was telling me to ditch but the another part screamed YOU ONLY HAVE TWO MORE CLASSES GET OVER YOURSELF.

I chose the second option. Sadly. To my surprise the next two hours went by fast and eventually I was in my car on my way home. Sam had practice after school so I didn't need to pick him up til 6. When I got home I jumped into my bed curling up in my blanket, I was about to fall asleep when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and seen it was a face time call from Anna. I answered and seen her cheery face on the screen. "HALLIE I MISS YOU" Zach yells in the background "I left yesterday" I chuckle. Daniels bright face came onto the screen, a smile spreaded from ear to ear "hey Hallie" he said sweetly. I felt myself blush "hey Dani" Anna giggled silently and mumbled something. "what?" I say. Anna smiles "I said how was school?" I roll my eyes, I'm not that dumb. "boring, I slept most of the time actually" Anna and Daniel giggle. "You like too sleep too much" I roll my eyes at Anna, "sleeping is just sooooooo amazing" I whined as I stretched. It was Anna's turn to roll her eyes "Hal is it the time of the month" I freeze and think, that explains why I'm so damn tired "well shit, guess it is" I hear Keri chuckle along with Anna, the boys keep quiet in the back. Keri squats behind Anna "hi sweetheart" she smiles. I smile "hi momma" I talk with Anna until it was time for me to pick you up Sam.

"How was practice?" I asked, he looks at me with a red face. He tosses his bag in the back seat and ignores my question. He hops into the front seat and clicks his seatbelt. "you wanna talk about it?" I mumble, he turns to me "I don't want to do soccer anymore" I furry my eyebrows "why?- you love soccer" he shook his head "no I don't" I knew he was lying, I looked up and catch a glimpse of one of the Sam's soccer friends flirting with Carley. "sam- is that why?" He looks up and looks away "no" I put my hand on his shoulder "come on Sam, don't act like this" he sighs, "just tell me" I add.

"While we were practicing today, the girls were watching us and I went up to Carley and she smiled but then Will walked up and wrapped his arms around her. He knew I liked her, she knew I liked her. Why would they do that to me?" Sam's face was even more red then before "Will also kicked the ball and hit me right in the face, they both chuckled at me. Will is one of the my best friends" I nod before opening the door to the car "what are you doing?" Sam yelled. I slammed my door and Will & Carley looked directly at me. "Willllll" I held out his name as I walked up to him. I watch him gulp "h-hey Hallie" I smile then look at Carley "h-hi h-hallie" she said nervously. "so I was wondering why you both decided to mess with my little brother?" Will swallowed hard "it wasn't on purpose-" Carley interrupts him "I asked will to flirt with me because over spring break sams ignored all my messages, I really like your brother but he always pushes me away" she says calmly. I nod "then show him it more because he likes you" with that I walked away from the kids and took my brother home, he didn't asked what I said and I never told him what happen. But I knew he knew what happened, at least we know the truth.


Wowza it's been a minute, anywho here's a new chapter!!

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