28. intruder

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Hallies pov

I've been home for two weeks, I have done nothing but lounge around my house while my father worked during the day. I was quite bored and found myself playing my keyboard a lot. Although after awhile I became bored of it, i wanted to travel but I didn't have much money. I started babysitting for the new neighbors, they were a nice family. Their oldest son was my age but he worked all the time so I never seen him nor have I met him, they had two younger girls Anna and Remi. Anna was 10 and Remi was 6, they were sweet girls and made my job quite easy. I was paid 20$ an hour from 3pm-10pm, making 140$ a night and since it's been two weeks since this started I've made a decent amount of money. I haven't spent any and I don't plan on it anytime soon, I wanted to save up so I could travel this summer.

It was around 5pm when I made dinner for the three of us, and since they moved in to the Seaveys old place it made my job easier. Anna was sitting at the table doing her homework while Remi sat at the island while I cooked spaghetti, it was her favorite. I had her tell me the alphabet and count to 20, the girls were in summer school because their last two months of school they didn't attend due to the move from Montana to Portland. "How much longer?" Remi stops counting to say, I was about to strain the noodles "just a few more minutes okay, tell you what count to 30 and I'll be done" since she counted slowly I knew it would be enough time. She began to count as I strained, I mixed the noodles and sauce just like she likes it. "29...30!" I put my hands up in the air "Done!" She covers her mouth and laughs, I male her a plate and bring it to the table. Anna gets her own and sits next to her sister, I sit in front of them and we enjoy the meal.

After dinner they both took showers and headed to bed. It was easy to get Remi to sleep but Anna refused to sleep until she was tired. A lot of the time she would talk my ear off before falling asleep and tonight was one of those nights. She rambled on for almost an hour before falling asleep, I didn't quite mind it though. She reminded me of my little brother, I missed him a lot. I wish summer didn't work out the way it's been, nothing really went my way. It almost felt like this summer would be my worse.

I sat on the couch in the living room watching tv, nothing was really on since it was a Monday night. I grab my phone to entertain myself, it was only 8. After awhile on my phone I got text from Mrs. Miller.

Mrs. Miller

We're gonna be a bit late tonight, almost 12. Im sorry but we will pay you extra

Oh it's fine, see you then!

I was in the kitchen when I heard the front door open, I froze in my tracks. I quickly opened the drawer grabbing a knife. I didn't what to do but I ran to the door, I hide myself by the stairs with the knife behind me. It was dark but I could make out the figure, my heart raced and I tried to call down. They a had bag in their hand and I automatically assumed they were trying to rob them rather than murder but you never know. I watched them carefully before the flipped on the light, I let out a scream when we made eye contact. The guys eyes widened and he yelled, "WHO ARE YOU" I had the knife in front of me "No who are you!?" He takes a step towards me and run, I run into the kitchen and he follows behind me. "I'm gonna call the cops!" I stop and turn around, he stops a few feet away "no I'm gonna call the cops, you're intruding!" I can not believe I'm arguing with someone who could possibly kill me. "No I'm not, I live here you're intruding!" He looked confused and if I could see my face it would look the same. I was still breathing heavy but I glance at the time on the microwave, it was 11pm. I drop the knife into the sink, I couldn't not believe how dumb I am. I out my hands up and walk backwards "where are you going?" I was too ashamed I wanted to run into a hole and die, I seriously thought he was a murder. He catches up to me and grabs my arms "who are you" he thinks I'm an intruding oh my god "please let go of hallie" I turn to the stairs to see Anna, I relax a little but also regret she was awake probably from our screaming "who's hallie" I look at the ground, not only was I embarrassed but he was holding onto me and u couldn't move. "Jamie that's hallie" she pulls me away from him, "she's our babysitter" if the situation couldn't get any worse, Mr. & Mrs. Miller walk in. Mrs. Miller smiles "oh I see you have met our son, Anna why are you awake?" My face was redder than red, Anna pointed to the two of us "they were screaming anyways goodnight" she ran up the stairs and Mr. Miller crosses his hands in front if his chest. "Jamie" he tensed up besides me, I was to scared to move from my position. Mrs. Miller walked towards us "why were you screaming?" She didn't direct the question to either of us but I opened my mouth first "I thought he was a murderer" Mr. Miller chuckles behind her, she held in a laugh too "I though she was murdered to actually" Jamie confessed, now the two of them laughed. I was still too embarrassed to even laugh not move, after a few seconds of laughter. Mr. Miller left to go upstairs and Jamie went to the kitchen "I'm sorry" Mrs. Miller apologized, I shake my head "it's okay seriously" she hands me three hundred dollars and my jaw drops "what-" i try handing her back the money but she shakes her head "it's for the emotional distress with my son" she laughs, she hugs me and says goodnight before walking up stairs. I put the money in my bag, I don't like accepting large amounts of money from people but I knew no matter how much I tried to give it back to her she wouldn't let me, she's stubborn in that way.

I look around the living room trying to find my phone and then I remember it was in the kitchen. I put my bag on my shoulders and walk to the kitchen I knew he was in there so I tries to prepare myself. He looked up at me from the island, he was standing right next to my phone eating some of the spaghetti I made. He motioned for my phone "this yours?" I nod and he picks it up handing it to me, I grab not trying to come in contact with him more than I already have "sorry" he says quickly, "it's okay, and um im sorry too" he smiles a little, I didn't know if I should leave or continue talking. I took a good glance at him, he was tan with curly brown hair. He was wildly attractive and I wanted to look at him forever but remembered the situation at hand. "Anyways, see you around...jamie?" I knew his name but I didn't want to sound creepy. He smiles "see you around hallie" I turned and left the kitchen and the house as fast as possible. My nerves were working up a storm, I didn't want to remember tonight in the morning but I knew I would. I met the cute next store neighbor in the most embarrassing way possible. I literally thought he was murder, what us wrong with me??



I said I would update again this weekend but now it's Tuesday so sorry about that but I'm more constant now then I have been :)

So Jamie?? Could he be her new boo

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