35. sunset

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Hallie pov

the next day felt sort of weird, but relieving. The secret that's been weighting my down was out but sadly didn't stop the pain of losing my only parent figure. I noticed that everyone seemed to pay more attention to me, I don't know if it was for my greater good or if it was because they felt pity, and i absolutely HATE pity.

"We can go shopping and meet up with everyone after" Anna suggests, I agree "yeah sure, I don't have much money so I won't buy a lot" I half laugh, Anna nods. she's used to me having little money. We went to the mall and shopped for an hour or so, I bought a stress reliver candle and Anna bought a few shirts. We met up with Daniel and it was just the 3 of us until later in the afternoon. We decided to get lunch, I haven't really spoken to Daniel since he called us off which low-key still hurts. Anna and Daniel talk to eachother more than I spoke, I didn't know what to say or had anything to say.

I ate my lunch in silence which wasn't different for me, im usually quiet but now I have a reason to be. Anna makes a joke and Daniel let's out a laugh, I look at him. I don't know what part of me wanted to his smile but I did. He notices me and I quickly look down after a few seconds of silence Anna stands up from her chair taking our plates. "how are you?" he whispers, i meet his eyes "im okay, how are you?" I sounded so small, i wasn't myself. "don't lie to me" he rested his head on his arms, his blue eyes shine in the sunlight "i know you're not okay, I can tell" my heart fluttered but not of excitement. I forced the ball in my throat down, Anna sits back down and I look away from him. "did i interupt?" I shake my head no and Daniel agrees. Around 2 the boys and their girls met us at the beach, I introduced myself to gabbie, kay and Tate. The 3 of them were absolutely beautiful and so sweet, I found myself clicking with gabbie the most.

"you know.." I begin, gabbie looks at me "i remember Jack telling me about you" a smile grows across her face "really?" I nod, I push my hair behind my ear "i don't know if I'm being a tadle tail but he is absolutely head over heals for you" her tan face redden "i would hope so, im head over heals for him" we laugh and I turn to the ocean, the boys were goofing off with each other. I smile at them, they're adults and they act like children but for some reason it made me happy.

Gabbie and I decided to take off our sundress and tan, my skin was an olive color and was lucky enough not to get burned. I felt a bit self-conceous next to gabbie, she had a flat tummy whereas I had some chub. "wow" gabbie says, I look down at my body "you're so curvy, im jealous" I smile, "you're so thin, im jealous" I laid beside her and she giggles "thanks, but don't be self-conceous" I look at her "how could you tell?" she frowns "i saw the frown and I could sense your change in mood. you're beautiful just the way you are okay?" I raise my eyebrow jokingly "how do you know? you've only just met me" gabbie smiles "well see, im a female and I can sense those things. just like when I met you today i knew we'd be good friends" I laugh "i could say the same actually" she nodded "see, woman have that 6th sense" we laugh and lay in the sun for a few minutes before turning around. I put my sunglasses on as did gabbie, "it's beautiful today" I nod "it is, we should get in the water soon." after a few minutes gabbie sits up "can you surf?" I sit up "sadly no" she shook her head "maybe one day I can teach you" gabbie reached for her phone and opened it "let's exchange numbers yeah?" I smile handing her my phone. We put our phones back and the next thing we knew we were tackled to the ground. The cold ocean water hit us, along with wet bodies. He grabbed me and laughed aloud, I glance at gabbie who was also tackled but Jack was placing kisses all over her face. I look up at the culprit to see his ocean eyes "time to get into the water" he lift me up, and my jaw drops " o was planning on it but it doesn't matter I'm already wet!" I joke, Jack has gabbie in his arms. Gabbies face was full of love and happiness and I envied her. She seemed so happy and in love, Daniel begins to run and grab hold of his back. Our skin on skin made my cold wet skin heat up, my heart beat raced from him and the fact he was about go throw my in the ocean. he runs into the water with jack close behind, the water flings up hitting my back "oh my gosh" i squeled, Daniel laughs and I look up at him. From this angle he's beautiful, his jaw structure and ocean blue eyes will be the death of me. he stops in the water and meet my eyes, he smirks she tries to drop me in while the boys cheered. I cling onto him and he acts shocked like I wasn't going to "oh you want to play that game" I smile "i can play games too dummie" he rolls his eyes playfully and completely dunks our bodies in the water, our weight together pulled us to the sand below although it was only a few feet. I open my eyes in the salty water and meet his, seeing his ocean eyes in the ocean was probaly one of the most beautiful sights. He pulls us up but doesn't let go of me, he walks me back to the shore and sets me down at the edge of the water.

The guys joke around with me and I decided to get into the water with them. Gabbie and I sit on her surf board. The waves weren't big enough to surf so we chilled talking getting to know eachother more. It's weird that within a few hours, I got really close with gabbie. I clicked with her just like I did with Anna.

The sun began to set and I couldn't help but take out my photo, i captured photos of the sunset and my friends around me without them knowing it, I took one of Daniel and I had to take a second look at it. The colors of the sunset were painted on his face softly, his beautiful grin and pearly whites visible. it's crazy how i went from having feelings for him to getting distracted by Jamie to all the feeling getting forced out again.

I close my phone trying to forget about it, to push away all of it. Gabbie was wrapped in jacks arms watching the sunset a few feet away from me, I smile and look back at the sunset. The beach became quiet and calm, the sunset was breathtaking.

once the sun was gone we all packed up and got into cars and went home to change, we were having dinner again tonight. Daniel came home with Anna and I, I was staying in his bedroom while I was her so it felt weird. I slept with Anna last night and I planned on sleeping in it again but Keri kept insisting I stayed in his room. I walk into his room and instantly get hit with his scent, I find my bag and find clothes to change into. The door opens and my heart drops "oh I'm sorry" he closed the door quickly, I stand up and walk to the door opening it "it's fine, it's your room" He met my eyes and I realised I was only in my bathing suit. i moved so he can walk in, I go back to my bag and grab the clothes I chose. I quickly got into his shower and washed off all of the sand from my body.

I noticed how well my skin tanned today and I felt like a new person. I stared at my body in the mirror, I didn't have any sunburn surprisingly. I put on my under garments then a white flowy cropped blouse with a pair of mom jeans Anna bought me. I didn't like the look of them on the rack but when I put them on they looked so good. I look at myself in the mirror and smile, it's been difficult to love myself lately but I've been getting better at it.

i walk into the room and Daniel quickly sits up from the bed "hey"i kneel down in front of my bag "hi" I grab a plastic bag and put my bathing suit in it. Daniel moved closer to me "hal" his voice wasn't playful, it was serious. I met his eyes, he was only a few feet away from me. My nerves shoot through the roof "yeah?"



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