51. aunt margie

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Daniel tags alone while I take my brother to practice, we decided to stay and watch. We sat on the lawn chairs we brought with and placed them infront of my car. My brother runs into the field and into a game, Daniel slips his hand in mine. I couldn't help but blush, he leans back on the hood of the car and brings my hand to his lips. "why do you always do that?" he meets my eyes "to show you respect, that's what men do to princesses right? you're my princess" he bows, and giggle as my heart explodes in my chest "then you're my knight in shining armor" he smiles wide, and I curtsy.

"Hallie?" I jump at the unfamiliar voice turning towards the direction of the voice. I see my aunt I haven't seen in years, "Margie?" Daniel let's go of my hand, and I step closer to her "oh sweetheart, it's been so long, you've grown so much!" I hug her and smile "it has been a long time" she nods looking into the field "is that Sam?" she points and I nod "yeah" she covers her mouth "oh my, the last time I saw him he was a toddler!" I frown a little, my Aunt Margie was one of my favorite people in my mother's side, she was the only one who showed any love towards us, my dad and her were childhood best friends and that was how he fell in love with my mother. But after the divorce my mom forbidden any one to visit us, i don't know why anyone obliged but they did. "My daughter, Haley, she's joined the team last week. I guess neither of them knew one another, still so young" I nod and find the girl on the field that had her hair up in a high ponytail, she looked a lot like her mom. Tan skin, dark brown hair, and curvy figure. "why don't you come over, after practice, you and my dad can catch up!" she smiled "I would love too!" I turn to Daniel and gesture for him to come over, "um, Margie, this is my boyfriend" it felt weird to say that "Daniel" he smiles and shakes her hand "it's lovely to meet you ma'am" she smiles "a gentleman, nice to meet you too" Daniel shakes his arm around my waist and I leaned into him, "how's everything been?" I ask, she looks into the field "it's been good, a few rough patches but that's life, how have you been?" I nod agreeing "pretty much the same" she nods, she crosses her arms over her chest, I remember her doing this when I was younger, sure did it when she didn't know what else to say.

The three of us still together in silence watching their practice, it wasn't long before it was over. Haley and Sam helped the coach clean up, neither of them aware of whom the other was. Margie, began to walk to her car "I'll meet you at your house!" she announces, I smile and wave. she gets into her car and Haley and Sam walk towards us since Margie was only two cars down. Sam runs to us and Haley walks slowly examining Sam and us, she seemed confused but didn't say anything. Sam got into the car and so did Daniel and I, "that was slightly awkward" he jokes, I smile "it was huh?" Sam wasn't paying any attention to us, he had his music playing in his ears.

I noticed Margie following behind me, maybe she didn't remember where the house was. I felt as though I should text my dad but I was driving so I didn't even bother. but when we arrived, Sam was confused as to why there was a van behind the car. He hopped out and grab his soccer bag out of the trunk, Haley got out at the same time and they both stared at one another. I could feel the awkward tension, my dad walks out with his hands on his hips "well I'll be, if it isn't my childhood best friend!" Margie smiles wide, "oh posh! when were you going to tell me you got so old!" my dad scrunches his nose and walks towards her "don't forget we're the same age!" they both laugh and hug each other, Daniel steps out the car and I stand next to him. Margie and my dad begin to small talk before realizing we were all out with them "oh! of course, Haley this is your zio!" my dad smiles to Haley "oh this is Sam, you two are cousins" Sams eyes widened " she's my cousin, why didn't I know that?" Margie sighed "long story". I walked over to Haley who was awkwardly starring at the ground, "hi Haley, I'm Hallie" she looks up at me and glances at Daniel then back at me "nice to meet you" my dad swung his arm around Daniel's neck pulling him in for a noogie "this boy right her, is amazing!" he cheers, I smile wide as Daniel chuckles. "thanks sir" he lets him go and Daniel blushes as he rests his head on my shoulder "he came all the way out her just to be there for my daughter before he leaves on tour" Margie tilts her head "tour?" my face gets red and I noticed Daniels did too. he shoved his whole face into my neck hiding it, I ran my fingers through his hair "he sings" Sam says, my dad nods as if he was a proud Father.

"oh that's lovely!" my dad invites everyone in and we all sit and talk in the living room for a short while, my dad and Margie catch up, Sam invites us all to play GTA on the tv. we sit around on the floor as her plays, Daniel curls into me like a child and I just hold him. he was literally being so cute. Haley barely spoke since she's been here, I don't know if it was normal for her or not.

After awhile my dad ordered pizza, Haley still hadn't said much but I didn't think anything of it. for a few moments I thought maybe she was so quiet because she knew who Daniel was but I'd assume she'd say something.

Daniel came out of the kitchen with 2 water bottles in his hands, he sat down next to me as I played. Sam was watching the game intently as if I was in a tournament, Daniel placed the water bottle between my crossed legs and rested his head on my shoulder. I wanted to continue playing but I really wanted to cuddle into him, I die on purpose passing the controller to Haley. she glares for a few seconds at Daniel and I before closing her phone. Daniel sits up bringing my mouth to my ear "you know your beautiful right?" I blush, "only because you tell me every chance you get" I whisper, he snuggles into and I jokingly roll my eyes but wrap my arms around him.

My aunt margie walks towards us with a smile "you two are the cutest, how long have you guys been together?" I blush, Daniel speaks "oh, a week actually but we've had a thing for almost a whole year" she nods, smiling. I move my eyes to Haley as she typed viscously on her phone, I raise my eyebrow but ignore it.


sorry sorry sorry

I've been writing more with my Jonah book more than this one and I apologise but yeah here ya go!

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