43. unfamiliar thoughts

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When the sun begins to fall, everyone separated and went home giving Daniel and I privacy. i glad we didn't need to tell them to leave, they took the hint. Daniel wad walking besides me on the edge of the beach where water met the shore, he started silent, collecting his thought. My nerves made my haves shake and my feet a bit wobbly, I knew he already caught on to my condition. I watched our feet move in sync, the sinking, damp sand fair so cool on my toes. A slight breeze blew my hair back and if toy opened up your mouth just a bit you could taste the salty sea. The sunset was painted beautiful colors that was laid perfectly of the sky. Everything seemed perfect, except the two of us, tension was rising and quietness grew unbearable. 

"sorry" I spit out, I couldn't take it anymore. "i- I wasn't flirting, I didnt even want to talk to him but I didn't want to be mean, I let him know I wasn't on the market, I didn't expect him to blurry it out but he-" Daniel presses his jabs overt my lips "it's okay Hallie, stop rambling" he moved his hand "I understand, im not mad, I just, I don't know. seeing you with some other guy made my blood boil and heart tear. I know you wouldn't hurt me but that's where my mind went, once again gent betrayed but then" he stops and looks me in the eyes "then I remembered it's you" he sighed but I let him continue without interruptions "the only thing that sucks is now everyone knows, it will be difficult to get privacy" I slip my hand in his pulling it up "they gave us privacy tonight, right? " he smiles "I guess you're right" I chuckle, and he smirks "do me a favor don't make me jealous again" I bit my lip "hmm, I don't know, you're kind of hot when you're jealous" he licked his lips "and when angry, just breathing too" he laughs at the last part.

He grabs my hand and pulls me under the dock, I follow him the sun was almost set when he pushed against one of the pedestals that held up the pier. he kissed me, it was rough, hungry and eagered but then it turned into a soft kiss. he didn't pull away and neither did i. my mind filled with thoughts and scenario. Things ive never felt or even thought about,  i felt gross but then remembered I'm human, an adult it was normal. My thoughts were clouded by Daniels movement of his lips to my neck, I bit down on my lip as he sucked, kissed and bit. my hands grabbed his head, I had no idea what to do but my body did. I groan quietly and I could feel a smile form on his lips against my skin. I hear people approaching and so did he, he pulled away from me and instantly blushed. "i didn't expect to leave a mark" I blush and bit my lip, Daniel turns to the people who are walkingtowards us. it was becoming dark and it was hard to make out their faces, he wrapped his arms around me pulling me close. His eyes never left the two people, his faces made my stomach churn. The faces were closer now, they were two men, they didn't lose Daniel gaze as they walked past. The one winks at me, and automatically Daniel picks me up walking away from them as fast as possible "Daniel what's happening?" he glances back and his expression turns soft. He moved so fast we were in the parking lot, "those guys, they were two of the guys my ex's left me for" he still has me in his arms. "i just, i got over protected with you" his frown turned into a smile when I caressed his cheek "it's okay, it was cute" I bent down kissing his lips softly then pulling away "we should head back home, it's getting late" he frowns, "a little while longer?" I smile at him "fine how about we go and get some food, I'm starving" he smiles wide, I open my back pack handing him his shirt he had me put in there earlier. He slips his hand into mine as we walk down the pier, we decided to get a burrito from a taco stand. The pier was surprisingly dead, even though it was only 9pm. We found a small area to sit while we ate.

"it's beautiful out tonight" I say looking across the ocean, the sky was dark but the city light pollution made it almost an orangey deep blue. Nothing like the sky in Portland, "it is, perfect temperature" he agrees, I meet his gaze and he smiles taking a bit of his food. We both finish our food within minutes, we haven't ate in hours. "we wasted no time" he laughs, I laugh agreeing "no we didn't" he looks around the pier then back at me "let's go for a little stroll" he stands up taking my hand in his. We walk to the edge of the pier looking across the dark ocean. He lets go of my hand and slips it around my waist pulling me closer to him, I let out a little gasp but he didn't hear it over the sounds of the ocean. The tiniest things he does make me lose my breath and it's so strange to me. A guy has never had this much power over me but him, it was so easy, my body and brain wanted him just as much.

Daniel's POV

I wrap my arm around her waist and I hear a small gasp leave her mouth, I pretend like I didn't hear it. I watch her as she stared out at the water, her face scrunches and I can tell she was thinking about something, she looked so precious but confused "what are you thinking about?" I whisper, she quickly look up at me, she hesitates "you" she bites her lip, I blush "what about me" I look into her grey eyes, "i don't want to scare you away" she mumbles, I see fear flash in her eyes. I comfort her "you don't have to talk" she relaxes in my embrace.

My mind is thinking a million times a minute, I wanted to know what she was thinking but I don't want to push her to do something she doesn't want to do. I slide my arms from around her and grab her hands "come on, let's head home" she nods, I walk forward but she stays put "what?" she hoped down from the step and reaches up to land a kiss on my lips, it lasted shorter than I would have liked "now we can go" she grins, I shake my head with a grin. We make it to the parking lot and I showed her to the car opening the door for her, I have a flashback to the first night we met. I took her to taco Bell where she then joked that she was going to murder me. I chuckle to myself, it's odd how far we've come, that night I knew I liked her but I only just met her, I felt insane to have feelings so quickly.

when I got in she was singing a song, a song I haven't heard in years "the day I, first met you, you told me you never fell in love" I raise my eyebrow "where did that come from?" she laughs "I don't know" I smile at her, maybe we were oddly thinking the same thing "don't want to break your heart, I know you're scared it's wrong, Like you might make a mistake" her voice caught me off guard, "There's just one life to live, And there's no time to wait, to wait" I join her "So let me give your heart a break, your heart a break, Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break, There's just so much you can take, Give your heart a break, Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break
Oh yeah, yeah" I stop singing to let her continue, she reaches over squeezing my cheeks with two fingers "When your lips are on my lips, and our hearts beat as one
But you slip out of my fingertips, Every time you run, whoa-oh-whoa-oh-oh" i knew at this moment she was singing about me to be, I close the space between us and kiss her. I know the message from the song was partially from pain, pain I cause her but in the end here we are right? that's how it's supposed to be? I hate that I caused her pain but, there's a reason she's still here.

On our way home she called her father, she laughed and carried on a conversation glancing at me here and there. she takes the phone from her ear and puts it on speaker "my dad said hi" she beams, I smile "hi Mr.Angelo!" her dad laughs and she smiles wide. "you two have a nice evening, take care, I love you sweetheart" her smile was still on her face "I love you too Dad" he hangs up and she closes her phone placing it in her lap, "he likes you, you know" I smile pulling into the garage of my parents apartment complex "I would hope so, my parents love you, it would be quite weird if he didn't" she laughs, "he doesn't like most guys that cross my path" I turn to her and caress her chin "because you're his little girl" she frowns a little "yeah I am" I grab her hand and squeeze her hand "sorry, I didn't mean to-"  she shakes her head "no, no, it's just me being emotional" she laughs, I sigh. she grabs her bag from off the floor "come on" I get out and meet her in the back of the car. I slide my hand into hers and a small blush covers her cheeks, we walk out onto the street looking both way then walking across. We walk into the lobby and the woman at the desk grins at me and then to her "have a good evening!" I nod and Hallie speaks "thank you, you too!" a wide grin on her lips, we take the elevator to my parents apartment but she stops a few feet away from the door "wait" I turn to her and she misses me again, she pulls away with a blush "sorry I wanted to do that before we went back" I smile, and kiss her again. I wink and take her back to the apartment, we walk in and everyone was sitting in the living room watching TV. her hand slips out of mine and I almost frown but I understand that she doesn't want them to be in the middle of what ever happens between us. We join them on the couch and sit quietly watching the TV until everyone goes off to bed.


this chapter is longer than usual so you're welcome ig.

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