Chapter 3

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~Jayden's POV~
I spotted Casey's backpack on the floor and I placed it on the desk in my room. One of the pockets was open and I couldn't help it so I looked inside. I found the Polar Bear Zord and a samurarizer. I took it out of the pocket and placed it on the desk next to the bag. Is this what Mentor meant by the lost power and a lost ranger, the power of ice and snow. Why would Casey have this? I'll have to ask her when she gets back from the shower. I'll have to talk to her and Mentor because I have a feeling that he knows about this as well. The door opened and in walks in my best friend well now my girlfriend.

"How was your shower babe?" I asked.

"It was amazing. Thank you for letting me use your shower."

"It's no problem. Can we talk for a minute."

She nods and then I see her eyes go the samurarizer and the zord.

"Where did you find that?"

"Your backpack. Why do you have these Casey?"

"They were my mom's. She was passed down this power from her mom and her mom's mom. Jayden it's just like your power. It's passed down from generation to generation." She says.

"Do you know how use that kind of power?"

"Yes I do. Where do you think I've been all theses years?"

"I thought you moved away when we were kids."

"Baby I was training with my family on my how to use that power. Jayden please say something."

"What is there to say Casey. How long were you going to wait before you were going to tell me?"

"I wanted to wait for a bit. I just saw you again and I wanted to tell you later on when we got to know each other even more."

"I want to see."

"See what Jay?"

"Your ranger. I want to see it." I say smiling.

She just nods and takes her samurarizer and morphed into her white suit. She looked amazing in it.

"You look amazing babe."

"Your not mad at me anymore?"

"I was never mad at you. Just wondering why you were keeping secrets from me."

"Jayden I found out about the power when in was away training. I was just as shocked as you were. We can talk to Mentor about this in the morning before the others get up and I go back to school."

"You go to school?" I say shocked.

"Yea. It gives me a sense of being normal at least until I was needed."

"I'm sure they won't miss you one bit."

"They will if your one of the most popular girls in school." She says demorphing from her suit.

"My best friend popular?" I say chuckling.

"I was popular every since middle school. People like me because I'm nice to nerds and geeks, it goes to show that I'm not following the typical popular girl stereotype. I never was normal, so this felt like something that I could control the way that high school cliques react to one another."

"That's a smart idea Cas. I'm very proud of your babe." I say hugging her.

"Thank you. So does that mean I can fight with you and the other rangers?" She asks.

~Casey's POV~
He didn't say anything for awhile, but then he smiled at me.

"Of course Cas."

I smile then kiss him. He immediately kisses back moving his hands down to my waist.

"Thank you." I say after pulling away from the kiss.

"Your welcome. Let's get to bed."

"Ok, but can you not tell the others yet?"

"Of course. We can tell them when your ready. Oh and Casey."

"Yea Jay?"

"Thank you for telling me, you know about you being the white ranger."

"It's no problem. I want to have trust in  you. Your not only my best friend, but your my boyfriend."

"I like the sound  of that."

"The sound of what love?" I asked softly.

"The fact that you called me your boyfriend."

"Yea. I guess I did." I say smirking.

"It's ok cause I consider you my girlfriend."

"Don't you think it's crazy?"

"Crazy how baby?" He asks.

"How we were just best friends a few moments ago and now we are lovers."

"Yes it is crazy, but I know now that I now have the most beautiful girl right here in my arms."

I smile softly then yawn again. Today has been a tiring day, between school fighting the nighlocks and hanging with Jayden. I just want to go to sleep. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Tired love?"

"Yea. Can we go to bed. I have to be up early for school."

"I'll ask Ji if I can use his bike to bring you to school tomorrow."

"I would love that."

He smiles softly and then heads over to the bed after he changed into something comfy. It consisted of just pajama bottoms and no shirt. I could help by look at his six pack. I then see him smirking.

"Like what you see?"

"Actually yes I do." I say going over to him.

I go and lay next to him cuddling close to his body. I put my head on his chest smiling.

"Can we keep us a secret?" Jayden asks.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing. What do you think?"

"I want to keep us a secret because I don't want them to suspect anything is going on between us."

"At least for awhile right?"


"I want to tell my friends, please Jay."

"Of course baby. Just make sure that they keep it to themselves."

"I will. Good night Jayden."

"Night baby."

I slowly drift off after he did and stayed asleep. I got up the next morning and looked over and saw how cute he looked sleeping. I tried getting up but he had his arm wrapped around me. I groan softly. I guess he's having a good dream. I just laid there hoping he gets up in time to bring me to school today.

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