Chapter 8

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~Casey's POV~
I've been tied to this damn tree all night. I've gotten bruises from being dragged here. Fiera has been keeping a close eye on me all night and its really annoying. I also saw Master Xandred a few times too. I saw Master Xandred come over to me.

"Looks like the others won't come for you White Ranger."

"They will come for me Xandred, they just have to find me first."

He just growls lowly and goes back with his nighlok army. I look over and see another ranger, but it wasn't Jayden so it has to be Lauren. She came over and untied me, then demorphed smiling.

"Hey Casey." She says.

"Lauren it's so good to see you."

I hug her real quick and then I see her eyes go to Jayden's ring. She grabbed the hand that it was on and just smiled wider.

"He gave you dad's ring."

"Yea. Lauren, Jayden and I are together."

"Your dating?"

"Yea." I say smiling.

"I'm so happy for you two."

I felt so weak and fell against Lauren and I was so glad that she was there to catch me.

"Come on lets get you back, Jayden must be worried sick about you."

I nod and we headed to leave, but Fiera blocked our way.

"You two ladies aren't going anywhere." She screeches.

I looked over at Lauren and she morphed into the red ranger suit. I smiled then followed morphing into my white ranger suit. I looked at Lauren and nodded. We began fighting the nighlok, after awhile we won. We both demorphed and she helped me back to the Shiba House. When we got there I saw Jayden. He looked at me and gave me a smile. He came over and picked me up.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"I am now, thanks to Lauren."

He looks at his sister and smiles.

"Thank you for saving her Laur, and it's so good to see you. Come on in."

She nods and follows us inside. I lay my head against Jayden's shoulder, tired and weak. Lauren shuts the door behind her to give us some privacy. He then places me on the bed and sits next to me taking my hand.

"It's ok baby. Everything will be ok." He says rubbing my hand soothingly.

"I know I just feel so weak."

"Rest baby. I'll be here when you get up."

I nod and slowly drift off into sleep with him holding onto my hand. I then feel him kiss the top of my head. I dream of going back to my life. Going back to school and continue being popular with my friends. I needed to get back to high school and forget about this ranger stuff. This is all just a fantasy and I can't stay in this forever it is just not possible. I can't say goodbye to any of them so I'm just going to have to leave. I sigh and lay there hoping everything goes ok.

What could possibly happen now?

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