Chapter 35

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I saw something change in his eye. It's like realization hit. I yelped when he took out the vibrator in me. He then handed me my clothes and then I got dressed and sat on the bed. He sat near me and we sat like that in silence. I felt him take my hand.

"James is a bad influence on you Jay." I tell him.

"I get that now. After you left I went to him and that's when I felt myself change. I was so bent up on harming you because I felt like I had to. It's like something came over me. I didn't intend on cheating on you. I'm so sorry baby." He says putting his head on my shoulder.

I didn't know what to say to him. He's back to the same Jayden that I left. He was compassionate, caring and he seems really sorry for what he put me through. I can't not now, this is way to fresh in my heart.

"I'll stay with you Jayden but please let Ethan go. You have to be the one to reconnect the bond between us that you broke first." I tell him.

"I'll do anything Casey. I'm just so sorry for what happened. It was like I was blinded by what was happening."

"You have to move on from that. Things will be different, we will be will be different."

"What do you mean we will be different?"

"We're not together anymore Jayden. I don't know what we will be in the future. Here."

I took off the ring and handed it to him. He looks at it shocked.

"You May have given it to me Jayden, but it's yours and I don't want to loose it. Give it to someone who your going to be with for the rest of your life."

"I don't want to be with anyone else for the rest of my life Casey. I want to be with you."

"I can't be with you right now Jayden and you know why. You have no right to call me Casey anymore."

"Since when?"

"Since this I found out about this whole cheating incident."

"So what do you want me to call you?" He says frowning.

"By my real name. Your the only one who knows it."

"I like calling you Casey instead of Cassandra. It's so much shorter."

"That's how it going to be. I'm sorry Jayden."

He then opened my hand and gave me back the ring.

"Just keep it."


"So that way you know that I still love you and I will do anything to get you back."

I just nod putting the ring back in place. He took my hand pulling me on his lap.

"One more time for old times sake?" He asks me.

"I don't think we should Jayden. I'm going to take Ethan and leave you and the other rangers alone."

"Please princess. If this will be the last time, I just want to make it memorable." He tells me as he rubs my side.

"Jayden," I groan.

He then kisses me deeply and I couldn't stop him. My shirt came off and so did his. He was right I could feel the sparks between us. He goes back and kisses me deeply. Things really take off, but one last time.

I woke up a few moments later and saw Jayden next to me. I kiss the top of his head then got out of his hold on me. I found my clothes and got dressed. I packed my small stuff and then grabbed my bag. I headed to the door and placed my suitcase near the door. I went downstairs to the basement and freed Ethan. He hugged me smiling softly.

"So glad that your ok. Ready to go home?"

"Yea, I'm ready."

"Don't you want to say goodbye to your friends?" Ethan asks me.

"Already did." I lied. "They won't be missing me as much."

"Let's go Cassandra."

I nod and we head back upstairs. He grabbed my bag and we left the Shiba house.

"Go ahead and shift Casey. I'll be right next to you."

I nod and shift into my tiger. We headed back to his house away from all the hell that I was put through. I was done being Caught in the Storm.

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