Chapter 30

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I then see something change in his eyes and he lets me go then lets me lay on the king sized bed. He then goes over and grabs a pair of his shirt and boxers. He then hands them to me and I smile softly.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

"What's with the change of heart all of a sudden?" I say as I put the clothes on.

"You agreed to stay here with me, that's all I really wanted. Besides we are practically the same age."

"Last time I checked you were like 30 years old."

"Actually your mom was the one that was 38, I on the other hand am only 25 years old."

"So she married someone who was like 13 years younger than her. Way to go mom." I grumble the last part.

"I may have been younger than her but I sure did love her." He says then comes and sits by me.

"But you were only like 16 when you and mom got married though right?"

"Actually I was 18 and my mom sold me to your family once your dad split."

"That was 9 years ago." I say looking down.

He then has me look up at him and he smiles softly. He rubs my cheek in a calming manner causing me to smile.

"Now do you want to tell me what happened between you and your best friend that caused you two to break up?"

"Well I love him and were going really great until this morning."

"What did he do?" Ethan says darkly.

"He cheated on me with the guy that kidnapped me."

"That's messed up."

"Yea I know. I told him that we need a break."

"Good for you Casey. Give him hell."

"It kinda hurts ya know. He's my mate and this will take awhile."

"Well for now you can stick with me for as long as you want."

"I need to head back there. To grab my friends and my stuff. I need to give him back this." I say showing him the ring that Jayden gave me.

Ethan then took my hand and then kissed it.

"Your a special snow tiger Casey and I will make sure to protect you no matter what."

"Thanks Ethan. Can we head back to the spot where you found me so I can grab my clothes?"

"Of course little one."

He smiles and then hands me the sweatshirt that I stole from Jayden. I put it on and zipped it up. I shivered because I was still cold. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me on his lap keeping me close to him.

"I'm sorry I took you. I didn't mean to."

"Why did you?"

"I was scared you wouldn't want to come with me."

"Maybe if you asked me then I might have come with you Ethan." I tell him.

He nods as saying he understands. He helps me move to where my legs were on either side of his. His hands go to my lower back and they start to run circles there in a calming motion. I smile softly and meet his eye. I love how they glisten in the dim light.

Let's hope that things get better from here.

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