Chapter 5

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I kept going because this is the only thing that makes me feel at home. I kept going feeling great. I then jump feeling hands on my waist I go to hit the person but my hand was stopped.

"Easy kitten."

I look up and see Jayden. I smile softly then lean into his touch.

"Not here." He whispers.

I look and see the others and nod. I move away from him a bit and then I felt him press harder where his hands were.

"Put more tension here."

I groan softly feeling sparks and all I did was nod. I just wish the others weren't here so I could kiss him. His touch is driving me wild and I just want to be alone with him.

"Jay," I say softly.


"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Let's head to my room. This matter doesn't involve the others."

I nod and he let's me go. We go and head to his room. He shuts the door then goes and sits on his bed. I go and sit next to him.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked.

"Since the other rangers have to love here for the time being, I was wondering if you wanted to come back and live with us?"

"I can come back home?"

"Of course babe. This will always be your home no matter how long your away from here or away from me."

"Thank you." I say smiling.

I then go and tackle him in a hug. Then it hit me, where am I going to sleep.

"Where will I sleep?"

"In here, with me."

"Are you sure?"

"You didn't seem to have a problem with it last night." He says.

I don't say anything, but I went and sat on his lap facing him. His hand immediately go to my waist and I smile softly.

"I never had a problem with it Jay. I just never thought that I'd be moving back home and be with you again. This is still news to me."

"I'm sorry that I sprung this on you babe. I just want you to be near me all the time. You've been gone for 10 years and I don't want you to leave me again Casey."

"Babe, I already told you that I'm not giving up on this, or on us."

"Good." He says.

I fell him put his hands up my shirt. I move myself up more on his lap. He then kisses me and I put my arms around his neck keeping myself close to him. I greedily took off his shirt and he did the same to me. My hands go and play with the ends of his hair as he kisses me. I feel his hands move down to the zipper on my pants. I stopped his hand and pulled away from him a bit.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I know that I want to do this, I mean I really want to but what about you?"

"With you I know that I can do anything. I've wanted this since I knew that you were still around."

"How did you know that I lived around here still?"

"Mentor, he knew that you were still around because I heard him talking to your guardian."

"Well now you know the real reason why I had to leave. Are you still upset about it?" I asked him softly.

"No baby. I'm glad you told me. Thank you for that."

"Your welcome. It's the least I could do."

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