Chapter 33

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~Few Days Later~
It has been a few days since I have been at Ethan's house. He says that I can leave and go on runs when I need to let Snow free. He has been the best thing that has happened since we started to hang out with one another. Things have been going great for the two of us and I can feel our bond slowly grow. Snow approves of him ever since we broke up with Jayden.

Ethan held me close smiling softly. I shivered against him and then he wrapped the sheet around my body making sure to keep me warm. I yelp softly when he picked me up and laid me down on the bed that we will be sharing. I'm just so happy with him and Snow and I disregarded the fact that he was our step-dad. I froze when I heard voices that are in the house. Ethan looks at me and nods.

"I know I hear them too. Go hide in the closet, I'm going to go see what's going on out there."

"Be careful, please."

"I will."

"Promise me that you will come back to me Ethan."

"I promise."

He then kisses me deeply pulling me onto his lap. I then feel myself be pulled off of him, I then wrapped the sheet more around me so it won't come off. I looked up seeing a red power ranger samurai. It wasn't Lauren but I wish it was. Jayden came over and towered over me.

"Get away from her!" I hear Ethan yell.

"Shut up asshole." He growls

"Jayden please let me go. I told you that we are over. You have to let me go."

"You will come back to me Casey. Even if I have to force you back."

"Please don't. I'm happy here. Please let me go. I mean mentally and physically."

"I will not let you go. Kevin, Mike take Casey back to the Shiba house."

They nodded and then apologized to me once they grabbed me by my arms. They dragged me out of the room and to a small van that they came in. They threw me in the back and I saw Lauren looking at me. I looked away scared.

"I'm not going to hurt you Casey. I understand why you broke up with him."

"You do?"

"Yea after you left I caught him kissing that dude that was down in the cells. I don't know what's going on between the two of them but I don't care. He shouldn't have done it in the first place."

"I don't want to come back to the Shiba house. I just don't want to deal with him."

"I understand. I really do, but I don't know what is going on with him but this is whole situation is making my brother crazy."

"The whole break up thing?"

"Not only that, I think that James did something to make him like this. I don't want him to hurt you Casey, he still loves you. I can see it in his eye."

"Well until he earns my trust back my love is on hold." I say softly.

"That I understand. He hurt you and you went on a walk through the woods. Are you happy with the guy who did?"

"Ethan was my step-dad, but he's not anymore. I am happy with him, he knows me Lauren and I want a life without being a ranger. A normal life where I don't have to worry about being destroyed by a greater evil. I do love being a ranger but I just want a normal life."

She nods and I see Jayden and the others come out. Jayden was holding onto Ethan's arm as he came closer to the back of the van where I was. He was then thrown in the back next to me and I sighed in relief. I went over and hugged him. He flinched after I pulled away. I examined his face and gasped softly at all the blood.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Why don't you ask him." Ethan says pointing to Jayden.


I focus my happy place and then felt warmth between my hands and then hovered it above his face. I looked back and saw that it was healed. I smiled softly glad that it worked. I then showed him his reflection in a small mirror that I had.

"How did you do that?"

"Healing powers, I thought I would try it and it worked."

He smiles at me and then pulls me on his lap. I curled into him and then I see Jayden look back at us and shake his head in disgust.

"I can't believe that you fell for this douchebag." Jayden snaps.

"He was there for me longer than you were."

He growls lowly and began driving back to the Shiba house. I just stayed close to Ethan scared of what he would do to us.

"Baby your shaking." He murmurs to me.

"I scared but mostly cold."

"Let's hope that your clothes are at his house still like you told me."

"They should be. I didn't go back when I first started living with you. I was scared to run into him and deal with him and his bullshit."

"What's your plan?"

"If I know Jayden then he will put me up in our room that we used to share and force me to talk. He will have the other rangers bring you down to the cells in their basement."

"From there what will happen?"

"After I convince Noel and Abby to come back with us. Are you sure that you have room for them?"

"Yea I have like three spare rooms. They can move in and be our roommates."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome babe."

"After I convince them, I will make sure that we get my car and get back to your house.

He smiles at me making sure to keep me close. The van finally stopped and we were pulled out of the car and led into the house. When we got there he was led downstairs while Jayden led me to our old room.

"Your clothes are were they were before you left. Get dressed then we will talk." He says then leaves.

I sigh softly and went and sat on the bed. I sat in deep thought as I wrapped the sheet around me.

I pray to god that my plan falls through with everybody.

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