Chapter 23

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~Jayden's POV~
I was still awake during the night and looked down and saw my angel sleeping peacefully. I smile softly then kiss the top of her head. I just feel bad for what those assholes put her through. I yawn and then slowly fall asleep next to her. I woke up the next morning and saw her still sleeping. I got up and get dressed. I left her a note saying where I would be. I then went down to the cells in the Shiba house. I didn't know we had these until recently and that's cool. I spotted Antonio and James in their own cell and I smirked.

"Having fun?" I ask them smirking still.

"You asshole. Let me out!" Antonio yells.

"You don't hurt the person I love and get away with it Antonio."

"She's a pretty little thing isn't she." He says with a devilish smirk.

"Give me your samuraizer and your zords. You will no longer be the gold ranger anymore."

"You have no right to do that!"

"I can and I will. This is my team Antonio. You are so lucky that that the other rangers don't know what you've done. Maybe I should tell them what happened so that way they can see how much of a monster you really are."

"Jayden, they will hate me. You can't do this to me."

"I won't say anything if you hand over the OctoZord and the ClawZord and your samuraizer." I say to him.

"Who will be the new gold ranger?" He asks.

"My sister will be the new gold ranger. I have this covered."

"She doesn't have the training for being the gold ranger."

"She has more training than you at this point, and I'm glad that she will be taking over for you."

"I thought we were friends Jayden? Why do you put her first?" He says sounding upset.

"She's my girlfriend now and I have to put us first. Why did you take her Antonio?"

I go and sit in front of his cell and he then came and sat in front of me. He just looked sad and upset.

"I wanted her the way you had her. To love and care for her. I see now that she loves you more. I guess I was jealous of you guys."

"There's nothing wrong with liking her just don't push it to far like you did. She hates you right now because of the shit you put her through."

"Damn that's the last thing I want. I'm staying down here for awhile. I don't think that she wants to see my face at the moment." He tells me.

"Your right on that one. She doesn't want to see you. Just give her time and we can be back to being a trio again."

"I would like that very much. Thank you." Antonio tells me.

I smile and nod. Then I look over at James and went over to his cell.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" I snap at him.

"In all reality I think she's cute but I really don't like her. She's not even my type or the gender that I prefer."

"So your saying you like other males?"

"Pretty much."

"Then why did you go along with it?"

"Because this bozo right here told me that if I don't join him then he will tell my parents and the whole school that I'm gay." James says pointing to Antonio.

"Why should it matter if he told them or not?"

"Because I'm not ready to come out yet and he would've just ruined everything. Besides I think that your pretty cute." He says with a smile smile.

I just rolled my eyes and didn't say anything.

"Sorry I'm taken. Wish things were different." I say joking.

"I wish you were right. I should've grabbed you when Casey didn't have you." He says to me.

I just shake my head laughing.

"I wouldn't know what being with a guy would be like." I say being honest.

"I mean you could always try it out with me." He says smirking.

"No thanks."

"Come on it would be great. Plus it would get me off your back. Just one kiss please." He begs.

My mind was racing and I didn't know what to do. I still don't get why he had a crush on me. I'm not lovable well in Casey's eyes I am so why should it matter anyways. I'm just worried that Casey will hate me. I look back at him.

"I'll kiss you but only one condition."

"And that is?"

"You don't tell Casey about this ever."

"Trust my dear I won't. Besides I could be your little secret." He says smirking softly.

"I'm leaving you down here I hope you know that." I tell James.

"I know. Do what you have to Jayden."

I turn and look at Antonio. Who was looking at me with a shocked expression.

"You will be under probation in your room. I will make sure that you stay in the Shiba house until you feel you deserve to be let out."

"Of course Jayden. Whatever you need me to do." Antonio says.

I go and let him out but I make sure that he stays near me. 

"Hurry back Jayden, I'll miss you." James says  smirking. 

I glared at him then brought Antonio upstairs to his room. Before I closed the door he stopped me.

"I don't know what you agreed to but be careful, he's an evil bastard. I also hope that Casey doesn't know what your doing."

"I'll be careful Antonio. If you see her please don't do or say anything about this."

"I won't Jayden."

I smile softly and close his door. I then head back downstairs and shut the door behind me. I sigh softly thinking about what I'm about to do.

I hope that Casey will forgive me when she finds out what I've done.

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