Chapter 18

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Then an idea came to mind and the only thing that I had to do was to kick him in the stomach sending him on the floor. One I did that I looked down at him smirking softly.

"What the hell Cas!" He says.

"I said stop numerous times and you didn't. I told you I didn't want this because I really care for Jayden and I've known him longer than I have known you."

"Ok then why the hell did you give yourself to him numerous times."

"Because we are together and I trust him. He was my best friend before he was my boyfriend Toni!" I say sitting up.

"He's going to end up hurting you in the end Casey. Don't come crying to me when he does. He will turn into a jerk in the end of your relationship."

"How could you say that he's your best friend."

"He's not my friend anymore." He says standing up.

"What why?" I say finally sanding up and meeting him face to face.

"Because you had to come back in his life and he had be with you. Your probably slutting around behind his back."

"I am not!" I yelled then slapped him.

He then looked at me stunned and then he grinned evilly.

"Your gonna pay for that kitten."

"Your not allowed to call me that." I growled.

He then grabbed one of my arms and tied it to the end of his bedpost. I tried to pull on it but that started to leave marks.

"We can't have you run off to Jayden without you being marked now can we." He says smirking.

"You are not leaving marks on my neck you jerk."

"Oh not on your neck my dear."

He then forces me to sit on the ground with my hand above my head. He ties my other hand with my other hand above my head. I groan softly when he puts something over my mouth causing me to pass out. I woke up groaning and I found myself tied to a wall in nothing but my bra and my panties. I also found myself in a warehouse since it was so huge. I spotted Antonio and James? What the hell is going on. James comes over to me with a smirk on his face.

"You will regret the day that you rejected me Casey."

He then kneels in front of me with a smirk. He pushes my legs apart gently. He then meets my eye and his gaze softens.

"Please don't do this James. Your so much better than this." I say softly.

"I don't want to do this, but that bastard over there is making me." He says motioning over to where Antonio was standing.

"When he leaves, can you help me out of here?"

He nods and then I see Antonio come over to me.

"You may go take a break James." He says.

James leaves and I knew that things won't be the same since it is just Antonio and I.

"Say hi to the camera doll face."

Antonio moves away and a camera came into view. Shit he was going to record everything that he and James did to me. I couldn't believe him.

"Why the camera?"

"To show Jayden how much of a whore you really are."

I see him grab a small object. He then shows me it's a tiny vibrator that can stay hidden when placed inside someone. His name was on it and he smirks softly. I gasp softly when he pulls down my panties and lets them pool at my feet.

"Please don't do this Antonio, this is not you. Your so much better than this."

"Shut up slut." He growls then hits me.

"The fuck." I whined.

"I told you to shut the fuck up and you didn't listen. So now you will get punished."

I whined softly wondering what he meant by that. He walks over to me with a smirk on his face.

What's the worse that could happen now?

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