Connor Is Typing

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Tw: Mentions if sexual thoughts. No sexual actions.

"So basically you're saying you fucked Connor Murphy?"
"Wha—No! Jared! I did not say I fucked Connor Murphy!" Evan shrieked, glad his mom wasn't home to hear him screaming at Jared over Skype.

"I mean you two basically did anal." Jared spoke while trying to get the plastic off from around a bath bomb. "Jared, he took me to get ice cream then brought me to an old apple orchard, that has nothing to do with sex"
"Whatever you say Hansen, What. Ever. You. Say."

Evan groaned slightly and leaned back against his headboard. "I'm just trying to help you read his signs Evan"
"Saying he was trying to have sex with me when he obviously wasn't isn't helping me, at all"
"Oh come on acorn, you wish that's what happened. You've obviously thought about having sex with him before" Jared joked and snorted slightly but stopped when Evan's face went red, he looked down and played with the hem of his shirt. Jared's eyes widened "Holy! Fuck! Can you hear that noise? It's the sound of how much holy I am fucking! You've actually thought about that stuff? About Connor Murphy?!"

Neither of the two spoke for a while before Jared pushed his glasses up and tapped on his computer slightly. "You know I don't hate you, yeah?" Evan was confused "Yeaaah?"
"Okay. That's what i thought. Just checking"
"You're weird, you know that right?" Evan asked while giggling quietly. "If you're talking the whole 'I was dared to eat a bath bomb and I actually ate it' thing, shut up" Evan laughed again "That's not why it's weird, it's weird because you liked it and then when I asked if you wanted any snacks for a movie night you told me to go to lush and pick you up a few bath bombs!"
"Fuck you Hansen, you don't get to judge my life choices."
"Well fuck you."

Jared gasped loudly "Did you just swear?!" Evan groaned slightly "I'm not five Jared, I'm seventeen, stop acting like I can't do things most teenagers do."
"You know it's out of looove." Evan chuckled and rolled his eyes. Jared visibly jumped on camera and there was a dull thud. "You okay Jare?"
"Yeah, my parents are just home, they closed the front door hard. It was loud. I'll see you tomorrow acorn. Bye"
"B—" Jared had already hung up.

Evan snapped his laptop shut and flopped on his back. Jared left just like that, didn't let Evan say goodbye, Evan didn't know why that hurt him, but it did.

Evan pulled out his phone and looked through it mindlessly before opening his contacts. He hit the contact he'd just added today 'Connor the stooooooner', Connor put it in his phone. Besides the point. Evan opened a text message a typed.

'Dear Connor Murphy, my only friend besides you doesn't seem to actually care for me and it's kinda tearing me apart but it's okay'

Too depressing. Delete.

'Dear Connor Murphy, I didn't say it when we hung out today, but you're really attractive and i'd like to date you'

Too straight forwards. Delete.

'Dear Connor Murphy, you're definitely the coolest stoner I've met'

What are you?! Some fuck boy from an early two thousands movie? Delete, delete, DELETE!!!

'Dear Connor Murphy, it's Evan, Evan Hansen. I figured since I have you're number but you don't have mine I should probably text you first. I had a lot of fun today, I hope we can hang out again soon.
Sincerely, Me'


Connor the stooooooner is typing ...

A/n: h i, quick author's note,
you can skip it, I'm just sorry it took me so long to update this, I had a writer's block but I'll try my best to update it more. That's all, baiiii

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