Falling For You

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The next few days between Evan and Connor were awkward to say the least. Connor made sure to actually check his phone so Evan wouldn't think he was dead and attempt again, Evan tried to have more rational and less impulsive thoughts but it wasn't really something he could control. They were just two broken teenagers trying to make this friendship work out.

After school on Friday, Evan awkwardly approached Connor and asked him to hang out after school. Connor had smiled softly and agreed.

Now Evan was sitting alone in his room, on his bed. Connor was hungry, Evan was lazy so Connor went downstairs to get them snacks while Evan was on his phone in his room. His laptop was open and he looked up when he saw Jared was skyping him. He picked up.

"Hey Jare, I can't talk for long, Connor's ov—oh my god. What happened?" Jared had a large bruise and cut on the side of his face. Those definitely weren't there during school. "Oh, these?" Jared poked the bruise and cut. "Fell off my skateboard." Evan raised an eyebrow. "What? It's true!" Jared spoke. Evan laughed "Since when do you skateboard?"
"I got a skateboard for seventeenth birthday. I never said I was good at skateboarding." Evan laughed again and rolled his eyes. "You'd be the person to manage that on a skateboard, wouldn't you?" Evan didn't realizes after he said that, Jared let out a breath he'd been holding when he said that "Ha, yeah, I guess i would manage that." Evan smiled at Jared before he heard footsteps coming up to the door. "Hey Jared, I have to go but I'll try i remember to text or call you later. Bye!"
"Bye" Evan didn't notice the unenthusiastic and scared undertone in Jared's voice before he hung up, just as Connor opened the door.

"Hey Connor!" Connor smiled at Evan and tossed a bag of chips at him, accidentally hitting him in the face. Instead of apologizing, Connor started laughing to the point he had to hold his stomach because it hurt. "Shut up!" Evan squeaked. Connor sat down next to Evan while still laughing. "Holy shit, holy shit. I'm sorry." Connor said between laughter. Eventually he calmed down and sat down next to Evan. "But seriously, I'm sorry. You okay?" Connor asked. Evan smiled and nodded.

Evan pulled his laptop closer to the two of them and open a new tab. "Okay, you have any ideas for movies?" Evan asked while he struggled to try and open the bag of chips Connor had thrown at him. "Do you trust me?" Connor asked and evan cocked his head ever so slightly. "To a certain degree, yes. Why?" Connor took the laptop and put it on his lap. He purposefully turned it so Evan couldn't see it. "What are you doing?" Evan asked a laughed slightly.

Connor still didn't respond before putting the laptop back to where they could both see it, the intro to a movie playing. "What is this?" Evan asked while watching the beginning of the movie. "Heathers." Connor said, not fully paying attention while he watched the scene before looking over at Evan "Wait, have you seriously never watched Heathers?"
"Never heard of it."
"Jesus Christ Hansen! You've committed a crime!!"
"O-oh?" Evan genuinely seemed kinda scared. "Fuck, sorry sorry. It's fine, it's just a good movie and I'm surprised you haven't watched it." Connor assured Evan and Evan nodded slowly. "So I, didn't, do anything wrong?" Evan asked quietly. "No of course not, it's okay." Evan smiled faintly and nodded.

At some point durning the movie, Evan and Connor ended up practically on top of each other. Connor had his arm around Evan's shoulder while one of Evan's legs was thrown over Connor's lap an Evan head was rested on Connor's shoulder with Connor's head on top of his. "You're warm." Evan said mindlessly. It sounded like Evan didn't mean to say it out loud so Connor didn't respond.

After a little while longer, Evan moved closer to Connor, if that was even possible and yawned softly and by the end of the movie, Evan was asleep.

Connor looked at Evan and smiled softly. He was adorable while he was sleeping. He was adorable all the time, but there was something about him sleeping. Okay, that sounded kinda creepy, but it was true. When Evan was awake there was always an undertone of anxiety, no matter how comfortable he felt. He was always playing with his shirt or picking at his nails or constantly checking his phone. He also never made eye contact, at least not for long. He just always seemed scared, scared he was speaking wrong, scared he was looking at people wrong, hell, it looked like he was scared he was breathing wrong. But when he was asleep, when he was asleep he seemed, peaceful. He wasn't tense, he wasn't constantly looking for something to distract him, he was just sleeping, snoring softly. It allowed Connor time to realize how adorable Evan really was. He was small, but not like 'you'd think Connor was hanging out with a firth grader' small, he was just small, short and skinny.

Honestly, he seemed underweight, Connor wouldn't bring it up though, he was sure we was nothing and he didn't want to stress Evan out.

Back on topic though, Evan was adorable. When the movie finished Connor didn't put on a new movie, he just held Evan close and smiled. He was adorable, it was hard for Connor to like someone and be friends with someone but once he liked them, he liked them. It was hard to be around Evan and for him to not think about how adorable he was and he was hard to be his friend and not think about him twenty four seven and—Fuck.

Connor was falling for Evan.

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