Midnight Outbursts

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"I wanna show you something." Connor said excitedly while pulling his boyfriend through the pitch black town, only the occasionally street light making the boys in blue and black visible.

"Connor, we've only been dating for two days but I'm gonna tell you something, if it's a drug den, I'm not going with you now and I wouldn't go with you years into the relationship either."
"Aww, shit, there go my plans." Connor joked before laughing "I actually think you'll like it though, it might help ya out."

The two walked in silence before Connor stopped outside his house. "It's,, your house" Evan said slowly, looking for what Connor was trying to show him. "It's not the house I'm showing you silly, come on."
Connor pulled Evan inside and up to his room before opening his bedroom window. "After you love." Connor motioned for Evan to climb onto the roof. Evan hesitated before climbing out and Connor followed him.

"Why are we here?" Evan asked, looking up at the stars and moon.
"Do you know where here is?" Connor asked and Evan looked over "Your roof...?"
"No, it's the roof universe." Evan cocked his head and raised an eyebrow "How many pot brownies did you eat?"
"I'm actually, a hundred percent, not on drugs." Evan laughed and awkwardly laid down on the roof.

Connor stared forwards and took a deep breath before yelling into the night. Evan shot up and looked over at Connor, almost falling off the roof. "Holy crap, why did you do that?!"
"That's the point of the roof universe."
"Huh?" Connor chuckled quietly and gently grabbed Evan's smaller hand and laced their fingers.

"Try yelling" Connor said. "Why would I do that?"
"Just trust me love" Connor lightly squeezed Evan's hand. Evan nodded slowly and hesitated before shakily yelling in the night. "a-a-aaAHHHH!!"
"See Ev? It kinda feels like the rest of the world doesn't exist doesn't it?"
"I guess."
"So yell, yell all your problems into the night, I'll be the only one here with you. It's only us and the night." Evan nodded and stared up at the sky.

"You left me! You left me for what reason?! Because you thought I was scum?! You've told me how you felt! You told me you felt as bad about yourself as I do about myself! What was that than? Were you just trying to get close so you could manipulate and break me?! Well guess what asshole! You did just that! I hope you're happier hanging with Ram than you ever were hanging with me!"

Connor felt his stomach drop. He expected just a wordless scream to come out, that was all he ever did, screamed with no words but all emotions. Evan's yelling and screaming out a bitter taste in Connor's mouth, because he knew why he was screaming, or at least part of it, and he wasn't expecting that.

"Evan, what's going on, who are you yelling about?"
"Jared?!" Evan nodded "Jared."

There was a long silence before Connor spoke and when he did, it was just questions.
What did Jared do?
Do a I have to punt a cunt?
Do you know why he did what he did?

It took a lot of poking Evan with questions before he completely broke, telling Connor everything. To sum it up, Jared had slowly been getting more and more annoyed with Evan's anxiety until he ditched Evan and started hanging with Ram while also bullying Evan claiming that, Evan had decided who he wanted to be friends with, and so did he.

"I'm gonna fucking kill that cunt!"
"Connor n—" Evan was speaking through tears but cut off by Connor.
"No! No that fucking cunt deserves it!"
"Connor please sto—"
"I'm not gonna stop! I've been looking for a reason to punt him anyways!"
"Connor please."
"What do you even know?! You've been trying to lie to yourself and say he's not a shitty person for years! This is just your fucking proof!"
"For god's sake Evan! Can you not see I'm trying to fucking help you?!" Connor froze when Evan choked and started crying even more.

"Ev, baby I'm sorr—"
"I want to go home for the night."
"I want to go home." Connor looked down and motioned towards the window. He didn't watch, but he heard Evan scrambled through the window and run out of his room. He looked over the edge of the roof a watched Evan run out of the house before running in the direction of him house.

Connor fucked up, Connor fucked up bad.

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