Shouldn't Care

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tw: mentions of suicide

"Have things been worked out between you and Jared? Or do I have to punt him?" Connor asked Evan. They were sitting on Connor's roof with their legs dangling over the edge. It probably wasn't the best thing to ask seeing as that 'conversation' was what caused them to take a week break from each other but there they were back, back on the roof.

"O-Oh, um" Jared had cut contact with Evan  after beating him up behind the school, he and Ram weren't bullying him anymore. Evan had seen Jared around school and grown concerned at the bruises and cuts but he couldn't do anything. Then Evan noticed Jared just stopped coming to school. The whole situation made him uneasy. "We're not talking anymore, obviously, but he's been leaving me alone at school."
"Really?" Connor sounded some what excited that things were getting better. "Y-Yeah, yeah." Connor smiled and softly grabbed Evan's hand, lacing their fingers.

Evan smiled and gently squeezed Connor's hand while kicking his legs over the edge of the roof. He rested his head on Connor's shoulder before shutting his eyes. "I'm not gonna let him hurt you again." Connor said. Evan didn't respond for a long time."

One minute.

Two minutes.

Threw minutes.

Four minutes.

Five min— "Thank you"


Jared hadn't been at school for a week. Evan shouldn't have been concerned right? Jared bullied him and made his life miserable, made him more suicidal, but Jared was still his only friend before Connor. Evan couldn't forget the good times they had before everything went bad.

Connor was at Evan house, he'd stayed over the night. Evan was currently scrolling through his phone mindlessly while Connor spooned him. He was still asleep and Evan didn't have the heart to wake him up.

Evan had been scrolling through social media before he got a call from an unknown number and he almost jump and fall out of his bed. He picked up made sure to talk loud enough that he phone would pick it up but quiet enough that Connor wouldn't wake up.

"HolyshitholyshitholyshitEvan! I-I-I it, Iwenttowakehimuphe, hospital, pills, somanypills." Evan recognized the voice. It was Jared's younger brother,
Nolan. Evan hadn't spoken to him in years.

"Nolan, Nolan slow down. What wrong?"
"It's Jared."
"Oh, well before you continue, you should probably know Jared and I aren't speaking to each other anymore."
"IknowIknowIknow, that's not the point. I—Jared, he was supposed to drive me to a friend's house and I-I—He was p-p-passed out on his bed surrounded by p-pill b-b-bottles" Evan's heart dropped. "Is he dead?" he immediately asked, becoming frantic. "I—

I don't know."

a/n: super short filler, w h o o p s, sorry. Next chapter will be longer I promise. I just wanted to get a chapter out because it's been a few days. It's like 3:00 am where i live so I'm gonna try and crash but I'll try and update the story later today.

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