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tw: bullying and abuse

Evan didn't talk to Connor for a few days other than Evan texting him in the morning to make sure he was safe and alive. They didn't breakup they were just taking a short break, that was healthy in a relationship right?

Evan had been occupying himself by helping teachers after school, it gave him time to think without being in an environment where he'd hurt himself . He was grabbing his stuff from his locker before he felt a hand shove his back and he hit him head on the coat hanger in the locker. He squeaked out in pain.

Evan tried to turned around but two hands turned him around, slammed his locker shut and shoved him into it before he could. Panic flooded him and his terrified eyes met Jared's. Evan didn't make eye contact, but he acknowledged the fact Ram was also there.

Evan couldn't even let our one cry or screaming before Jared clamped a hand over his mouth and he forcefully shoved Evan's was back, causing it to slam into the locker. It left Evan too dazed to do anything while Ram tossed him over his shoulder like a potato sack and he was carried to the back off the school.

Ran violently tossed Evan on a pile of rocks, causing Evan to shriek in pain when he felt skin break and he started bleeding. He was met with a swift kick in the gut from Ram "Shut it, fag" Evan curled up into a ball and cried quietly while Ram kicked him repeatedly and soon, Jared joined in. Ram left before Jared did.

When he left, Jared almost immediately stopped. Evan looked up and his teary eyes met Jared's angry ones "Know your fucking place!" Jared snapped before running off. Evan didn't have time to ask about the small flash of guilt and pain in Jared's eyes.


Jared arrived home and tried to sneak to the kitchen to get at least three packs of gummies as tonight rations. Instead, right as he was about to open the cupboard the gummies were in, a hand snatched the collar of Jared's shirt and yanked him back. "And just what do you think you're doing?" Jared was whipped around and he refused to let his terrified eyes meet his mother's angry ones. He could smell her breath, smell the alcohol on it. "I-I, I was just hungry, l-looking for gummies." Jared stuttered.

He was met with a harsh slap across the face and his mom dragging her sharp nail down his cheek and neck, causing new bruises and cuts Jared would have to make up some bullshit for.

"Who said you could fucking eat?!" Jared flinched at his mother's loud tone before he was roughly shoved into the wall, feeling more bruises form. "Get out of my site." Jared was frozen from fear at first. "Are you fucking deaf?! Go!" Jared scrambled out of the kitchen and to the stairs. His mother followed and shoved him hard when he was in the first step. He fell and got a bloody nose before sprinting up the stairs and locking himself in his room.

Jared never coped well with the abuse at his household. He lied to Evan and, everyone, about the cuts and bruises before he ditched Evan. He didn't want to do it, but he started posting on internet forums, looking for help and people, gave their advice, and it helped Jared, so he followed their advice a little closer.

So, I'm having some issues.. I'm living in, I guess what could be considered and abusive household and I'm scared my only friend is leaving me for some other kid and I don't know what to do.

Hi JKcronch, I went through a similar situation and I hope I can help! What's going on in your house and what's going on with your friend?

Well...ever since I was little, my mo would throw things at me and put me down a lot. As I got older she started doing more things like, tossing me into walls, cutting me up with her nails and broken bottles, all that jazz.

And my friend, he has this crush on this psycho shooter faggot. While he started talking to him more and me less and I think he's gonna leave.

Ditch him.
He's a fag.
He's hanging with a fag.
He obviously doesn't appreciate you or care about your situation.
He just cares about getting fucked up the ass like some freak.

I don't know about this...

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about

Okay, walk me through it

Don't talk to him anymore

So Jared did, he blocked Evan's phone number and blocked him on all social media.

Find a new friend, especially one he would disapprove of.

So Jared became friends with Ram.

Make sure he knows about this new friend, and that you made your choice, just like he did.

So Jared did. He walked to school with Ram and stopped Evan on the way to school, vaguely harassed him and made sure he knew Ram was his new friend.

Thank you you slushies, so much, for everything

np cronch, I promise, you're life's gonna be better without him.

Then the bullying was Ram's idea. Jared refused at first but eventually, he gave in, and oh god, being able to let that stress out and let out how much Evan's anxious habits annoyed him was amazing.

And in the end, Jared was relieving stress.

and didn't realize how much he was hurting Evan.

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