31 1 1

"Hey b*tch."

"Did you know—"

"Cut the cr*p. Tell me who changed the numbers."

"Be patient, little one."

"Let me tell you the fact of today."

"... fine."

"Did you know piranhas bark?"

"... wow. Much interest. So fascinated."

"Wow. Much sarcasm. So d*ck."

"...Pffft. 'So d*ck'?"

"Cause that is what you are. A d*ck."

"You are what you eat, babe."

"I do not--"



"Do you hear that?"

"... Hear... what?"

"The utter bullsh*t coming from your mouth."

"I see the way you look at Paul."


"Someone you are totally in love with."

"I don't do love."

"Yes I know... you do Paul."

"What the f*ck- I don't even know who this Paul is!"

"He is your Paul."

"You're insane."

"And you are Pauling in love Ha ha"

"Oh god..."

"ha ha ha ha ha"

"You done?"


"The question is; how far have you Paulen? Ha ha--"




Ohmagerd i just realised I haven't updated in so long huhu 😭 so much has been happening I'm sorry fam

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