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[Bear Tea 4:37 pm]

"Ok, I hate you."

"Wow ok. Came all the way here to hear those beautiful words? I see how it is."

"No. Shut up for a sec, Damian."

"Consider me shutted up."

"I don't know why you like Cassie—"

"And you never will."

"Oh my god, Damian. Please. Shut the f*ck up. I'm trying to do something here!"

"Fine whatever."

"I need you to stay away from Cassie."


"Because she doesn't like you like that."

Damian hesitates for a bit, staring at Bella. They sat across from each other, a round wooden table separating the both of them. Bella frowns, feeling strange as Damian looks at her as if he wanted to say something. She wanted to snap him out of his trance-like state by saying something but he beat her to it.

"Can I tell you something?"

"... Yes?"


"You're really ugly."

Bella glared at him, drinking some milk tea without swallowing and aimed her mouth at Damian's head before spraying his face with tea. Damian closed his eyes in annoyance and wiped some liquid off his face before glaring at her.


Bella shrugged and sipped her tea with a smirk on her face.

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