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[Bear Tea 4:48 pm]

"So what's the purpose of bringing me here?"

"To tell you to stop."

"Stop what exactly?"

"Being overly-friendly with Cassie."

"What? Now, being a good person is a bad thing?"

"If you have bad intentions, yes."

Bella stared blankly at him.

"Bad intentions?"

Damian raised an eyebrow at her curiously.

"Pray tell, what might those bad intentions be?"

Bella shrugged nonchalantly.

"Getting into her pants to complete your fantasy of having collected 10 virgins and unvirginize them?"

Damian quirked a smile.


Though Bella tried to stop it, her cheeks started to flush.


"Well, it's not a fantasy and I wouldn't dare do that to Cassie of all people."

"Then why go after her?"

"Her friendship? Can't a guy and a girl be friends?"

"I call bullsh*t. You want something from her."

"Believe me or not, I don't a give a sh*t about what you think."

"I really hate you, you know that?"

"That's obvious."

"Then stop trying to get close to my best friend."

"What? You think you'll get replaced?"

Damian smirked.

"As if."


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