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"Did you know--"

"I love you"

"Wait what?"

"Now that I have your attention, please feel free to tell me who changed my contacts."

"Ok first off, I do not love you. Second... ahem hell naw to the naw naw naw~"


"I know."

"You almost sounded good."

"I... Hey."

"Hello and welcome back to I-don't-give-a-f*ck daily. I'm here with Miss Fake Gisele also known as Siri twin, and she's going to tell us how slow women are. Now tell me Miss, if someone was about to high five you to the face, what would you do?"


"Whoops. Too slow! Maybe next time."

"I feel like you would actually do that with a high five and purposely miss."

"I would."

"You are a jerk."

"Nice guys finish last."

"D*cks never finish."

"So who's first?"

"The normal people. The half nice half d*ck one's."

"Honestly, what kind of logic do you have?"

"Honestly, would you even want to know?"

"No not really."

"By the way, did you know that duct tape has been used to remove a wart?"

"That is disgusting."

"You are disgusting."

"I bet you search all kinds of weird sh*t for fun."

"No they are just for you."

"I feel so special."

"You shou--"




What do you think of Damian so far?

To me he seems kinda stupid. I mean he's calling the same number over and over again just to ask who screwed with his phone but the opposite end never says anything that might be a hint 😂 it's better to just move on and ask for everyone's number again- but nope. Damian stubborn as hell. And I luv him xD CUZ - I MEAN - HE'S MY CHARACTER- I LOVE ALL MY CHARACTERS 

(Also this chapter was so cringy after rereading it- I mean- half d*ck half nice ones like wtf did I write??🤦‍♀️)

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