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[Damian's study 8:39 pm]

"We've been at this for like 3 hours."

Damian yawned and stretched his arms.

"We can take a break. You want snacks?"



He got up and disappeared out the study while Bella stayed put and fished her phone from her pocket.

Cassieeee bbyyyy


U up for a sleepover?

Awh bella I'm so sorry :c i promised Vince I'd be taking him out to play at the arcades T^T


It's okay

bella bby, i still love you :c dont be mad

We can have a sleepover nxt week :)))

Yeh okay


Ilym <3

A few minutes later, Damian came in with a bunch of chips and two apple juice boxes. He placed one of the juice boxes in front of Bella and laid out the chips in between them on the table.


"No problem."

It was silent the first few minutes before Bella spoke.

"How's Vince?"

"Don't know. He's been hanging with Cassie a lot."

Bella pouted.

"It's fine though. I get it. Ever since Noah came into Cassie's life, Vince felt like Noah would replace him."

"And this would be Cassie's way of telling him he isn't replaced."


Bella smiled softly.

"You love Vince, huh?"

"Love's a strong word. But he's one of my best friends so yeah."

Bella sipped her apple juice.

"So who are the others?"


"Your other best friends."

"Cassie and—"

He looked at Bella for a while. Bella tilted her head in curiosity.

"...Yeah, just Cassie."

Bella's heart sank but she knew she couldn't become his best friend in just a month after hating him for so long.

She nodded after a while.

"So how's Cassie and Noah?"

"They're good. Perfect."


"Maybe. I mean, he's stealing her away... how can I not be?"

"I get the feeling... wanna watch something?"

"Yeah sure, what do you have?"

"Uh... chicken little, the matrix, the little mermaid—"

"Hold up. The little mermaid?"

Bella laughed.

"It's a classic Disney movie!"

Bella continued to laugh.

"Ok hear me out, Ariel is hot."

"I guess. I mean she's in a bra most of the time."


"You're such a pervert."

"Her hair looks really soft too, okay?"

"You're so weird."

Bella continued to laugh and Damian couldn't help but succumb into the laughter.

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