21 1 2

-2 weeks later-

[School cafeteria 1:07 pm]



"UHH Eggplant."

"Eggplant isn't a fruit, dumbass."

"B*tch, you try thinking of a fruit starting with E!"




"Are you seriously searching?"

"Yes— oh my god."


"There's a fruit called Eggfruit."

"What the f*ck?"

Damian laughed.

"Is that real?"

"It's apparently called a Canistel."

"What world are we living in?"

"A weird one."


Bella noticed how quiet the table was and looked up to see that Cassie and Vince haven't touched their food.

"Why are you guys so quiet?"

Cassie and Vince jumped at the suddenly question and looked at each other with a guilty expression. Cassie more-so than Vince. They still couldn't get over the fact that they actually got away with pranking both Damian and Bella and managed to develop their friendship. Still, they had no right to tamper with Damian's phone. Damian's still mad about it but not as mad as before, still, they didn't want to take their chances.


"Oh my god."

Bella stares at Cassie and then at Vince.

"You two hooked up didn't you?"

"First of all— 'ew', second, no."

"Then what's with your faces?"


Bella squinted at them for a second before shrugged it off and continue playing the alphabet game with Damian. You choose a random category— for example, 'animals' and then you say an animal that starts with the same letter as the last letter of the previously said animal. Like PandaAligatorRabbitToadDogGiraffe and so on. It was fun for a while until they were dragged back to their classrooms.

Little did Damian know that before class started, Bella had put a note in his desk, to which he looked at in confusion. He turned to Bella with a curious look but she was busy entertaining Cassie with details of their math quiz. He turned back to the note and opened it.

'I know who did it.'

He turned his head to look at Bella. This time, she was looking at him with a smirk.

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